Leg Circuit Mish-Moshes...


I know in the past, Aquajock has posted some mish-moshes with the leg circuit work. I am not a fan of circuit work, but lately I have really enjoyed leg circuit workout -- CTX Power Circuit and Body Max Power Circuit.

If I remember correctly, Aquajock has modified Circuit Max to be a Leg Circuit workout... so are some of the I-Maxes. Does anybody have a leg circuit workout I can copy/do?

Hm. Not sure if this is going to help you or not, but it's a leg circuit that I love:

Cardio Kicks warm up;
Leaner Legs squats to the second set of calf raises;
Cardio Kicks intermediate intensity (shuffles to jogging on the spot);
Leaner Legs second set of squats to the end of the leg work;
Cardio Kicks jogging on the spot, to the end of the workout (drills included).

It's an 85 minute workout. Unfortunately, you need either a multi-disk player for this, or my own set up: a dvd player and a vhs player both hooked up to the tv, with CK on tape and LL on dvd.

Alternatively, Cathe has some terrific leg circuit premix workouts on the LG/KPC dvd that circuit segments of LG with KPC cardio. There's an 82min one that is particularly ouchifying.

How about:
Bootcamp cardio and lower body premix
HST cardio and lower body premix

I wish HSCircuit and HSChallenge also have cardio and lower body premixes. They don't. I guess you can use the mix and match feature and click, one by one, on each cardio segment and leg workout.

I've put together CTX-PC and Body Max step segment before. It's a tough workout.

Ah, to sleep, perchance to leg-circuit mish-mosh:

The Oh-My Mish-Mosh:
I-max 1 or Rhythmic Step warm-up;
CTX Power Circuit Circuit Segment
Boot Camp cardio+lower body premix (omit warm-up)

The No-Name Mish-Mosh:
Same warm-up as above
Body Max power circuit segment
CTX Power Circuit Segment

The And-Of-Course Mish-Mosh:
Same warm-uup as above
Body max power circuit segment
Boot Camp cardio+lower body premix (omit warm-up)

A Lighter Shade of Mish-Mosh:
Same warm-up as above
HSTA cardio+lower body premix
CTX Power Circuit segment

The Nosebleed Mish-Mosh:
Same warm-up as above;
Body Max power circuit segment
I-Max 2 blast only premix, pausing after every other blast and banging out 32 squats, plie squats or lunges

The Hi/Lo Circuit Mish-Mosh:
Circuit Max warm-up and hi/lo segments, performing barbell squats ONLY during the first resistance cycle and an equal number of barbell lunges ONLY the second resistance cycle;
Step Jump Pump hi/lo add-on, pausing the player after each cardio segment and banging out barbell squats, plie squats or lunges

Do a search for subject title "Gauntlet Re-Imagined" for the ultimate souped-up leg circuit workout!

That oughtta keep ya busy!


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