Leaner Legs vs. LG, GSL & PLB

I have LG, GSL and PLB. I am considering purchasing Leaner Legs, but I am wondering why this workout is ranked the hardest of them all in the "Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts." What makes it so hard, effective and/or different from LG, GSL and PLB? This may have been discussed before, but I am new here. Thanks!

I think the difficulty of this workout is that there are not many breaks between exercises. You work opposing sides (muscles) throughout. For ex/ start with squats, then move to deadlifts, then the calf raises, step ups....and go and go and go!

ps I like your username.
Susan C.M.
I like your user name too, Amanda!

I was always afraid to try LL because of all of the intimidating posts, but I was surprised to find that GSL is harder for me, probably because the low ends are slower and longer. LL has no floor work, either, which is a killer in GSL! It's definitely a tough workout, but not as tough as I expected.
I did Legs & Glutes all last month for my leg workouts, and this month's rotation called for Leaner Legs this week. I thought Legs & Glutes was tough.......I think this is tougher. I have not been this sore from any of Cathe's workouts. I think the weight used and amount of reps and the fact that there's no lying floor work make it tough. My legs were fatigued from Tuesday's Leaner Legs and I had a hard time getting thru it this morning. I'm hoping to see good results from this one!!
I just did LL this morning after using L&G for the last 3 weeks. Every time I go back to LL, I have to lower my weights and work back up. Every time. It's all those high reps, rhythm/count changes (from singles to 2-2's to 3-1's) and low ends, and the lack of rest periods. There are rest periods, but they're too short. By the time I get to those plie squats, I have to put the weights away and just do them without weights. My legs still shake like crazy.}( I'll be sore tomorrow. Hello, Advil.

With LL, Cathe moves you along at a smart clip so all you need is a 35 pound barbell!!!

It's true, by the time you get to Plie squats, you have to employ psychological techniques to motivate yourself through them! They are, blissfully, the last exercise and so Cathe goes out with a bang!

I love LL, always have. It's for those days when you want to get in, get the job done, get out and go get a life. Quick and dirty.

No floor work with this one but then, believe me, you really wouldn't want to do it!

>It's all those high reps,
>rhythm/count changes (from singles to 2-2's to 3-1's) and low
>ends, and the lack of rest periods.

That says it all right there.
I know I have been debating on getting the CTX DVD, but everytime I do L&G or GSL, I think what the heck to I need another hard work out. My legs shake on all my lb work outs. I still want it though.

So, what does your username mean? I've been looking at it, but can't figure it out.


I hate to say...just kidding! High Maintenance. Most people might think it is a bad thing to be high maintenance, but my friends still love me! I am just high maintenance with hair, nails, clothes okay everything. Listen to me trying to make it sound okay!
I didn't even really look at your name much til someone said they liked it, and then I kept reading it over and over, duh! I did get it though. Good one.

LL is definitely tougher for me. In a good way, but I haven't picked it up in awhile. I've been grabbing L&G, I'm pooped after the warm-up in LL!!!!! }( x(

Well I'll be the voice of disagreement. I don't like LL - I find it boring. My leg workouts consist of L&G, PLB and GS Legs. I have LL but gave it to a friend to borrow and she thought the same thing. MAybe when I get it back and try it agian I'll be reinvigorated by it, but I certainly don't think it's the hardest of Cathe's lower body workouts.
>I hate to say...just kidding! High Maintenance. Most people
>might think it is a bad thing to be high maintenance, but my
>friends still love me! I am just high maintenance with hair,
>nails, clothes okay everything. Listen to me trying to make
>it sound okay!

Oh my when I tried to figure it out I thought it read:
Hi m(e) ate 10 ants......boy was I way off!!!!!!

>Oh my when I tried to figure it out I thought it read:
>Hi m(e) ate 10 ants......boy was I way off!!!!!!
Oh, I was close I kept reading Hi mate 10 ants. I was like, OK, different strokes for different folks! HA! :7 Good one!

I couldn't figure out the user name either.I love to try to figure license plates .
I did LL this a.m after doing L&g for about a month I love LL and L&G they are my 2 fav.then would be plb and gsl last.But they are all worth having.
LOL I got the "maintenance" part but I thought it was maintaining weight loss... but couldn't figure out where "hi" came in...

My vote is for LL too!

However, I don't think anybody has mentioned Pure Strength Legs..I think that is a pretty tough one too, esp. done w/ really heavy weights and in its entirety. It has standing and floor work so I think its more thorough than LL.

You do get longer rests between sets with PS Legs. However if you are using the really heavy weights you definitely need those precious seconds!!

Take care, Lynn M.

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