Leaner Legs On Cathe TV --7-20-00

SNM Videos

We strongly suggest that you download the newest version of Media Player (7.0) . Media Player 7.0 has more options that you can change to optimize for your connection speed and computer system. DSL users will get great sound and a really good continuous picture
. A person with a 28.8k modem will not have much luck
If you have problems let us know what version of IE or Netscape you are using and what version of Media Player you are using. Also, we need to know your connection speed/type and if you have a firewall.
Once we start using our new server to broadcast, traffic will no longer be a problem.
just to make sure???

I was going to say "one last question"...but I can't promise that!

OK Chris, I have the new version of media player and when I clicked on it this am..of course with no file in it...I do get the screen with a bright blue image...with no warnings like last time.

So, if I can atleast get the blue screen to load and play, I have a 56 modem...I should be good to go, right? I think you had mentioned optimizing media player just incase??? I will double check that other thread, but does it look like I might be ready? I will be tearing into the house at 9 tonight..so no time to mess with it..darn it!

Have a great day!
Good Sign

In 7.0 you optimize your Data stream for a 56k modem. Make sure to try this and see what happens. Let me know. Im curious how a 56k modem will do.
Not a good sign:O(

heading past nine and all I have is a grey box with some funny little bubble stuff...don't ask! But it isn't Cathe.

I did go in and set the modem to the right speed, any other ideas:O(...really bummed. I also copy and pasted the url too...just in case.

I have the grey box, too

I'm going through a network and a T-1 line, and all I see is a grey box. No sound, either. I was able to see some of Circuit Max the other day, though. Does this have anything to do with the fog rolling in here in San Francisco?
no fog here...

unless it's mental fog! Hi Kimberly...at least I know I am in good company
...here we sit...wishing Cathe would just jump out of that little grey box!!!

GOT IT!!!!

Looks great from a 56! Smooth with a little jerky-ness...better than cam was...gotta go...cathe said lets get started

correction on speed

Wow...that video was great!!! My butt hurts just watching all those moves

As far as my speed goes...the connection on the media player read 37K for almost all of the viewing. It buffered once during abs and down shifted to 22K and then went back up to 37. The picture was fine considering my computer and modem. It was much better than the cathe cam viewings. I definately had more fluid motion.

The set looks great...you guys did an awesome job with this set of videos!

Good glad it worked

Once we start broadcasting from our new server, it will stop alot of the problems due to server traffic.

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