Leaner Legs leg presses


Hi, Any reason the leg presses in LL are done with the back leg straighter than is usual for a leg press. I usually do them with a deep bend in my back leg. Does this position work the muscles a little bit differently?
This is a good question. I think this is also the only workout where she does the leg presses without tapping her foot one top of the step for balance.

This was her first weight workout that incorporated leg presses, so maybe after she made LL she just found she preferred the other technique of deeper knee bends and toe tapping? I think she's also mentioned in one of her videos that the deeper you bend your knee, the more you work the glute.

I think Sandra's right. I also recall her stating something in HSTA about if you have no knee issues, then go deeper on the knee bends to get more out of the exercise.

Aren't the leg presses in Pure Strength also done with a straighter back leg? I remember paying close attention to whether or not I was tapping my toe on the step and seem to recall that maybe Cathe wasn't?! It's been too long.....I need to get back to some of those older workouts!


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