Leaner Legs is "Meaner Legs"


I have had the CTX DVD's since they came out and I NEVER did Leaner Legs out of fear! I remember previewing it when I first got it, thinking Cathe is crazy. Cathe had suggested it for my rotation and I am happy to say that I finally did it on Saturday. I have never cursed at Cathe during a video before. I was cursing enough that my fiancé kept asking from the other room if I was OK!

Well, aside from all the pain, I love this video. I am still having a good amount of soreness today-a little better than yesterday, but I can't wait to do it again! I feel like a sick individual saying that when I am this sore, but as Cathe would say "it will do good things for you".

Anyway, just had to share because I was so glad that I just went for it.
Sarah, I have a love affair going with this workout.....it is fab, isn't it ? AND so worth the sore legs :7

Anna :)
I can completely relate. On Saturday my hubby came with me to do it. Now he usually does a lot of upper body work, but doesn't really do much lower body work. We got about half way through and I accidentally hit the chapter skip button, so had to rewind through the DVD. Once he saw all the work that still lay ahead, he said he'd had enough, that I was crazy and left! hehe

That workout kills me, but man, if you can get through that, you can get through almost anything for legs. It has to be her toughest lower body workout.

Congrats on making it through. That took me quite some time to build up to!
Punky-thank you for the congrats but, I certainly did not "make it all the way through". I couldn't do the second set of plie squats since I have been do ME in my rotation lately-and there are no plie squats in that one. I also had to stop in the middle during the static lunges to take a break and then I started back in. I did the rest of it without modifying but I certainly used VERY light weights. I still can't believe how sore I am considering the weights I used!! Oh well, I plan to do this at least once per week, so one day I will make it through in it's entirety with less embarrassing weights! HEE HEE.:+
I know exactly what you mean - but that's not much modifications. And you should feel totally proud, even if you used 5 lbs. Most people in this world couldn't even finish this tape - they die after about 5 minutes so STAND TALL and pat yourself on the back. Extra weight comes quickly because this builds up lots of strength.

Hang in there!
I just have to jump in here to say that I, too, am totally and hopelessly in love with this workout. The first time I did it, I was smiling the whole time (yes, I am crazy) and shaking and sweating my &#@ off. I was so impressed with it! I was sore for days, and I was actually in decent shape at that point (I could run 7 seven miles easily at that point). So, be very very very proud that you did it :) If you're not in love with it yet, I'm pretty sure you will be. And yes, it definitely gets easier quite fast.

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