LauraMax, Where Are You? Miss Your Posts. Thanks.


Hello LauraMax.
It's been awhile since I've seen one of your postings.
Hope life is treating you well.
She had a few negative responses to several of her threads and chose to leave the forum for a while. Hopefully, she will check in again soon.
>she was upset about some responses and disabled her profile.
>i doubt she's coming back.

That stinks. I hope she knows how much we will miss her.
SHelley - why doesn't she just come back on? It seemed as though she always loved this forum. SHe was always on, posting not only helpful advice but funny items as well. Please remind her that not everyone is judgmental and that it is okay to come back now, if she is feeling up to it! We do miss her posts..Thanks!

>She had a few negative responses to several of her threads
>and chose to leave the forum for a while. Hopefully, she will
>check in again soon.

i guess a few members forgot or never saw shelley's post awhile back about a pact that if you didn't like a thread or a post simply ignore it!!!!!!seems every time laura posted somebody responded maybe in a not so nice way(some would angry or negative,defensive)but if i didn't agree i would either say so civilly or just not at all. she has a blunt point of view and some might not like that but even if you don't agree you have to admire it!!!


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Well, the "last straw" thread was not started by Laura, but one she responded to...and she gave as bad as she got in that one.

Frankly, if I had said what she said to one of the forum members in her last post, I'd be ashamed to come here for a while, too.:(
I think that is a fantastic idea about ignoring threads you disagree with. Why would I waist my time posting on stuff I don't agree with? I'll follow the pact, especially since I post so often (anyone reading this right now is thinking--who the heck is she)

Lauramax, you crack me up girlfriend. Take all the time that you need away, but come back soon:) I miss your posts cuz no matter what the topic you always throw in a funny why didn't I think of that comment.
>she has a blunt point of view and some might not
>like that but even if you don't agree you have to admire it!!!

I do admire it. She puts things out there that many often think but don't say. I for one totally agreed with her last straw post, but I know many did not or perhaps would have chosen to say nothing. But in a forum this large we are not always all going to be on the same page. I've often said that what drives me most nuts about that is when hypocrisy comes into play. We don't always have to agree, but when folks post or say one thing on another fitness forum and then come here and feign another perspective, it gets old. Kind of like crying wolf. LauraMax cuts to the chase. I know she's in the political arena and I think that if more politicians were willing to say what they really think instead of playing the PC approach all the time, we'd be stronger for it. But that's just my $.02 - hoping I don't get flamed for it.


I cannot agree with someone being rude and disrespectful. There's blunt and then there's rude. I'm sorry for those who cannot tell the difference.
>I cannot agree with someone being rude and disrespectful.
>There's blunt and then there's rude. I'm sorry for those who
>cannot tell the difference.

I agree! But I also think there is a lot of "as long as I'm telling the truth I can be as rude as I want" attitudes out there. There is a civil way to disagree or give one's opinion and then there is a no holds barred, rude way of doing it.

I stopped posting for a while because the one time I felt the need to vent about something I got some responses suggsting that maybe I should have *more important* things to worry about. While I certainly do have more important things to worry about, that is just rude.

If you aren't interested in a topic, just don't post anything. *You* shouldn't feel the need to tell others what they should or shouldn't care about. It's a little judgmental when someone does that.
>Well, the "last straw" thread was not started by Laura, but
>one she responded to...and she gave as bad as she got in that
>Frankly, if I had said what she said to one of the forum
>members in her last post, I'd be ashamed to come here for a
>while, too.:(

And yet, other posters who are continually rude and judgemental never feel the need to stop being so *honest.*

Hey, if you want to be honest, then be prepared to hear differences of opinion. While I like this forum, the sensitivity radar can be way off the charts. Someone is always being offended. I think more people need to lighten up around here!

Just my honest opinion! Take it or leave it!:)
>Well, the "last straw" thread was not started by Laura, but
>one she responded to...and she gave as bad as she got in that
>Frankly, if I had said what she said to one of the forum
>members in her last post, I'd be ashamed to come here for a
>while, too.:(

Well said.
>>Well, the "last straw" thread was not started by Laura, but
>>one she responded to...and she gave as bad as she got in
>>Frankly, if I had said what she said to one of the forum
>>members in her last post, I'd be ashamed to come here for a
>>while, too.:(
>Well said.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
>I cannot agree with someone being rude and disrespectful.
>There's blunt and then there's rude.

i can agree to disagree on this. there were times her comments went a little pass the point. i never read "the last straw" deal, if i did it was so unimportant that i forgot it already, but she never held back on how she felt when she started a thread which led me to say if you don't like that don't contribute to her threads.

I'm sorry for those who
>cannot tell the difference.

i hope you did not mean this in a sarcastic way?!? its hard to tell each other our feelings through a computer screen but a sense a disturbance in the force in reference to my statement about her being blunt. i say potato and you say potato! i say its blunt you see it as rude, just a different of opinion.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I'm missing you too.

It is just not the same here without you.

You know what people, it doesn't hurt to be more kind. And if you chose to be offended then just move on and forgive. Jeesch! It's that simple.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

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