LauraMax, Where Are You? Miss Your Posts. Thanks.

Can we NOT turn this into a Laura-bashing thread? She's not even on the forum anymore to defend herself. The OP asked where she was, the question was answered, now let's move on. I am not going to voice my opinion on who was right and who was wrong in the original, heated thread. It's done. It's over. Like I said--let's move on. Knowing Laura, she probably has too.

>Well, the "last straw" thread was not started by Laura, but
>one she responded to...and she gave as bad as she got in that
>Frankly, if I had said what she said to one of the forum
>members in her last post, I'd be ashamed to come here for a
>while, too.:(
unfortuantely, i have to agree. it got nasty on both sides. very nasty.
>Hey, if you want to be honest, then be prepared to hear
>differences of opinion. While I like this forum, the
>sensitivity radar can be way off the charts. Someone is
>always being offended. I think more people need to lighten up
>around here!
>Just my honest opinion! Take it or leave it!:)

Well, there's *honest* and then there is *rude.* There is such a thing as tact and some people don't seem to know how to use it.

If someone asks for an opinion I have no problem with anyone tactfully giving their advice whatever it may be, but when people start passing unsolicited judgements on the choices someone else makes or telling people they should worry about something else than whatever they are posting about, well, that's just rude.

Thank you for pointing her in this direction on Tuesday. I love reading her posts and have noticed she's not amongst us.
Please send her our best wishes.

Okay, I vowed not to say anything about this and I have bit my tongue. I certainly don't want this to be a Laura-bashing thread, I always liked Laura and I am sad that she chose to leave the forum.

What really gets me though is, that everyone is begging Laura to come back (don't get me wrong, I wish she'd come back, all of this would be water under the bridge and we all just move on), but what about the people that Laura personally attacked in that thread like Beavs and Kathryn (very uncalled for in my personal opinion)? I think it is a slap in their face! Just because those two are not making a big deal of it, stomp their foot, pout and proclaim that they will leave the forum doesn't mean that they were any less attacked or that they are any less valuable.

I probably will regret tomorrow that I even said something but this has been really bugging me.
no, carola, i think you make a good point and i REALLY hope no one bashes you for your opinion. there have been others that have left, it just happens on these forums. if laura was unhappy about her decision to leave, i would think she would come back. don't get me wrong, i like laura and her posts. i was surprised that one got so nasty. but i do have to say, when she personally attacked one of my sistahs and friends (beavs), i went into protection/defensive mode. wrong or right, you just want to protect your friends.

there have been other threads that have gotten very heated and i only remember one person leaving and that was because she personally attacked cathe AND her crew as well as her workouts andmade personal attacks on this forum and attacked people's personal beliefs (and NOT in a nice way). this person also started some other threads that were very inflammatory and mean.

maybe this thread hit laura at the wrong time and she lashed out. like i said, if sh wanted it to be water under the bridge, i am sure she would come back.

now, i must restate, i LIKE laura and enjoyed reading her posts. i, too, wish she would come back but it was her choice to leave and we all need to respect that.

look, we try to keep things light, but sometimes, people's passion gets in the way. what we need is a little bit of a thicker skin and to NOT take things so personally. i haven't seen many people say things out of pure meanness, i have seen people get very passionate about their beliefs. we are all entiteld to what we believe in.

plase don't flame me. i'm just trying to look at both sides.
Each one of us is of equal value. We all have a right to express our opinions. Some express them passionately , others hurtfully, and still others are cruel about expressing themselves. We have a right to express our feelings.

Of course there are rules to abide by on forums. The point is we can choose to let those things bother us or choose not to participate in them, or choose to agree or disagree. And that is OK.

What I don't like and rubs me against the grain, is trying to force someone out of posting on these forums, either by shamming them or bullying them. . .. It is not up to us to do that. That's what the moderators are here for.

Each one of us makes a difference to others on these forums. We laugh, cry, give out hugs and suggestions, but best of all we give challenges to people that grow/learn from them. Whether we like it or not.

We all have one important thing in common. That is Cathe. This is her place here, and we should respect that. Guests in my opinion should behave like guests and have manners.

OK, now you can "bash me".


The idea is to die young as late as possible
janie...always so full of wisdom!

janie, you are so right. especially about everything being a choice. i will say, the one person that left that i was talking about was so mean. you can't imagine. and the fact that she was nasty to cathe and her crew was just.not.nice.!

you are 100% correct that we do have a right to express our opinions, i just don't think anyone needs to be cruel. when i first got on the boards (maybe one of my very first posts ever) i got into a VERY heated discussion (possibly nasty flame war) with someone (i was anewbie but it was uncalled for on both our parts and we realized that). fortunately, we cleared it up and now she is a good friend that i speak to on the phone and can't wait to meet in person. i actually could not imagine her not being a friend.

***message to that person (you know who you are)-i KNOW i have to be better about the phone but you KNOW i love you!!! ;-)
>Well, the "last straw" thread was not started by Laura, but
>one she responded to...and she gave as bad as she got in that
>Frankly, if I had said what she said to one of the forum
>members in her last post, I'd be ashamed to come here for a
>while, too.:(
This coming from a woman who compared me to Michael Vick. Oh brother. THIS is why I won't return. It has nothing to do with shame & I stand by everything I said.

Those who live in glass houses & all that.
>This coming from a woman who compared me to Michael Vick. Oh
>brother. THIS is why I won't return. It has nothing to do
>with shame & I stand by everything I said.
>Those who live in glass houses & all that.

She didn't compare you to Michael Vick, for crying out loud!!!!

RE: janie...always so full of wisdom!

I don't think it's getting ugly. It just reminds me so much of high school!
RE: janie...always so full of wisdom!

I like apples.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.

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