Late night workouts - myth or fact?


I read in various places that exercising too close to bedtime would cause disruptions in sleep or even hinder sleep.

I've been exercising about 2 hours prior to bedtime for the past 3 nights and I've slept very soundly.

Anyone know what the deal is?
Hi .. i am no expert.. but i have worked out late a few times and found when i went to bed after a shower or long bath.. i could easily drift in to sleep.. but yes i did sleep deep .. and i felt great when i woke up the next morning because i had done something for myself the night before.. anyway.. if it doesn't bother u now.. keep on .. see what happens.. hope this helps

p.s. i can get to sleep deep and fast if its been a weight workout that i did.. i am always ready to fall into bed after one of those at night
I think the deal is you've bumped up against another gross exaggeration and generalization.

I find that if I have a good tub-thumping evening workout it may take me a little longer to get to sleep, but then I sleep good, deep and clean. Others have different experiences, and vive la difference!

We all have to take popular dicta about fitness do's and don'ts with a grain of salt (or salt-substitute)!

I always work out late. I start between 6:30 and 8 pm, and am often done after 9 pm. I take a shower, read for awhile, and go to sleep no problem. I guess it just depends on the person. There is no way in hell I will ever work out before noon! I just can't do it.
mogambo, i am with you. i once made a new years resolution towork out in the morning so i could make sure to get it in and all it did was make me want to puke!! my hat's off when i hear people say they do power hour at 4:45AM?!?!?
Maybe because it's because I'm so used to working out in the mornings...I'm not sure...but when I work out in the evenings I not only have problems getting to sleep, but it's a very restless sleep.

I think it takes some people longer for the adreneline to slow down after a workout, which would probably keep you awake. I always work out at night, sometimes finishing up after 10:00, and most of the time I go to bed feeling ready for sleep, but mostly feeling very content. That's the BEST feeling and you only get it from a good workout, have you noticed that? Everybody's body is different and you need to do your workout at the time of day that works best for you. Personally, I think I do best when I do my exercise at the same time everyday. Not some days in the a.m. and somedays in the p.m. I think maybe your body gets used to the routine. Mine is used to doing it at night!!!!
I exercise at night too - starting around 10 pm! I usually take a little short nap prior... to get re-juvenated. I don't think it interrupted my sleep at all.

People used to tell me not to exercise at night... for various reasons. My answer to that is -- whatever works for you. It's better to exercise at night (if it's the only choice) than not at all!

I think it depends on the person. I'm a night person and I generally start my workouts at 5:00-6:30 PM. I usually stay up anywhere from 30-90 minutes later than if I took a rest day.

And when I do Cathe's tapes I'm so tired that I sleep like a baby!
Individual thing

I've read both opinions. For me, it's no big deal- unless I do it at 11pm! However, I did start to notice that when I take a very intense 7:30-8:30 spin class, I have trouble falling asleep.

I've also read that taking a hot bath before bed can hinder the falling asleep process since the hot temp wakes up your body (or something). Since most of us find a bath relaxing, I think it's an individual thing.
I exercise at night and sleep like a baby also. It must depend on the individual.

One reason I like p.m. exercise is that it keeps me out of the kitchen and then kills my appetite for late-night noshing. A very Good Thing indeed..... :-cool
I am a morning exerciser. I get up 4:30 a.m. The other day I missed the morning so I did it after work. Oh, boy. I had so much energy I couldn't sleep at all, may be just several hours.
I will never do that again.
I usually do morning workouts, sometimes adding yoga type workout in the afternoon. Yesterday I did a regular am workout consisting of weights/cardio for 1 hour. Then at 8pm I did 30 min step Intervals (CTX) and extra stretching from various tapes. I felt so good and I have to say it was the best sleep I've had in months. I went to bed at 12 midnight so there was enough time for me to recover without going right to bed.

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