Last Workout Of The Year

My DD is home for college break. Her and I went for a 5 mile walk. It was so pretty out because it snowed last night and it was sticking to all the trees. It was great to walk and talk. We finished it off with Boot Camp abs.

I was supposed to do Legs and Glutes today, but I couldn't resist trying out my new KM dvd, so I did the Cardio/Leg Sculpt premix. Woowee, those blasts are tough!

I'm starting off 2006 using my brand new Gym Styles in the Hardcore Celebration Rotation: Muscle Strength.
I ended the year with NOTHING! I was off this week and wore myself out with overdoing it trying to make up for 2 pig-out days with lots of stepping and walking.

Tomorrow I may walk and may step, haven't decided yet, and plan to do lots of pushups, chinups, dips and walking lunges. I'll probably throw in a Core Max segment, too.
Just Do It! :)
Oh...I just went and got the mail...Now I have to revamp tomorrow's workout...Got RS/IMAX and MIC delivered...HMMMM... Which to try first??? DH is in the shop, DD is at her dad's for the holiday...Looks like it's me, the cat and a blankie to watch this one!! Isn't it terrible how we can watch vids like a TV show???

Off to enjoy almost 3 hours of Cathe FUN!!!
I just finsihed the KPC and did the NIKE workout with the eyetoy. It was great.

....ok, confession time. This week (I had off from work) I just restarted my workouts after a 2-month layoff. I ended 2005 w/ MM. Tomorrow will be cardio: LoMax or intervals on the treadmill and core. I'm soooo happy to be back (killer DOMS and all).


~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...embrace it...don't fear it." - Cathe Friedrich
>...Got RS/IMAX and MIC delivered...HMMMM...
>...Looks like it's me, the cat and a blankie to
>watch this one!! Isn't it terrible how we can watch vids like
>a TV show???
>Off to enjoy almost 3 hours of Cathe FUN!!!

MJ ~

I think it's very cool that we can watch fitness vids like a movie...makes everyone who doesn't wonder "WUWT".


~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...embrace it...don't fear it." - Cathe Friedrich
This a.m. I taught a 75-minute aqua class, then put in about another 90 minutes of aqua jogging with upper body drills, flutter kick drills, more ab work and upper body work with hand buoys.

Tomorrow: my I-Max Enhanced mish-mosh, about 10 minutes of barbell squats and lunges and 20 minutes of ankle-weight work, planks and Leaner Legs abs, and some upper body lifting (this is my traditional Sunday set).

Happy New Year!


Hippo Gnu Deer!

Great idea Lorrayne. I am about to go workout in 30 minutes. I think I will do S&H biceps then KPC followed by KM bootcamp challenge. Yeah!

I ran 8 miles this morning (first time ever running that far), and I did core and a whole bunch of back work. I'm nicely fried now:)
To end 2005, I did a Firm BSS3 cardio workout, followed by a Firm BSS4 upper body workout.

Tomorrow, I am thinking about doing Cardio Coach on the rebounder, but I'll see what happens, it may end up being a stretch day.
Only because I was at a hotel this morning (and overnight last night), I did an interval workout on the treadmill this morning consisting of running and walking at the highest incline and then I climbed the stairs up all 9 floors (twice) at the hotel.

Tomorrow I will probably go for a run of at least 6 miles and up to 8 if I feel like can make it that far. Hopefully, I can get in a upper or total body workout also but I haven't decided which one.
Ended the year pitifully. I'm 39 weeks pregnant. I did Body Fusion on a 4 inch step with leg exercises instead of the weight stuff Cathe does. ( I did squats, plie squats, dead lift with very little range of motion and lunges using a 30 lb barbell--only held 2 5 lb weights for the lunges though.)

I love working out, but today I could not wait to be done, sooooo....

I'm all done having fun with exercise until I am post partum, so no workout is planned for tomorrow.

1 week, 4 hours to go--can you tell I'm desperate here?
Today I finished the October Rotation for upper arms so it was SH Shoulders and a segment of Coremax. Tomorrow is supposed to be an off/stretch day but I think I'll do Cardio Kicks or maybe a Terminator workout.
Maggie-39 weeks and you're getting off the couch? That far along and working out AT ALL??? Moving at all at 39 weeks is a HUGE accomplishment! We want baby pics in a couple of weeks!!!
Happy New Year!

Ended 2005 with Super Sets (2 sets Total Body 95 mins.)

Have to teach Step class tommorow,
looking forward to some new faces,
January seems to bring them out }(

Not sure what to do today,

Any sugestions? Kick Max ,
a fav. Step w/o or 3/4 of Body Max

Bri :)
Happy New Year everyone!!

Robyn, like you I ended with GS legs (very sore today) and will start a P90X rotation today. I was injured most of last year and I have finally worked back up to where I can hang out with Tony again (of course Cathe will come hang out with us a few days a week;-) ).

Here's to a happy, healthy new year!


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