Laptops at the gym


With my commute, I can't do Cathe at home in the mornings anymore. It's been almost four years, and I'm over doing subpar workouts at the gym. I want my Cathe's back!

I want to just order OnDemand on my laptop and take it to the gym. Does anyone else do this? The staff said it's no problem for me to do my workouts in a cardio room with my laptop. Their wifi is almost always working.

I've never done it with a laptop, but I have done it at hotel gyms with an ipad (wifi only) and with my phone. It worked fine. I think as long as you can find a good place to put your laptop and you can see/hear it okay (and their wifi works), you should be fine.

(And if it doesn't work you can always cancel after the first month. In fact, I think you get a few days' free trial before they charge your credit card, so you should be able to try it out.) Good luck!
I've never done it with a laptop, but I have done it at hotel gyms with an ipad (wifi only) and with my phone. It worked fine. I think as long as you can find a good place to put your laptop and you can see/hear it okay (and their wifi works), you should be fine.

(And if it doesn't work you can always cancel after the first month. In fact, I think you get a few days' free trial before they charge your credit card, so you should be able to try it out.) Good luck!
So, you have OnDemand on your ipad? I was told it won't download to ipad. Thx
Before my schedule changed I worked out mid-afternoons in a cardio room at the gym using their wifi and Cathe Live on my iphone. The gym had all the equipment and space I needed and I loved having a floor that was designed for high impact vs. the creaky wood floor in my small office at home. I'd usually preview the workouts though since my screen was so small.
I have done Cathe Ondemand and Cathe Live on my iphone at a Gym in their fitness group room when nobody was there. I put it on a chair with a dumbbell to prop it up. Also, if you have rebrok step riser use that too. You know rebok has their own step risers. I put my iPhone on it on a chair and do it that way.

Also, I know it sounds nutty, but when the weather gets warmer, I bought a phone stand that moves my iPhone up to 6 feet or more and adjust it and I do Step in my backyard. I bought this Step from Southern Girl and I can't use it in my house, so I take it outside and practice Cathe step on it with no riser on it. But, I have to be careful because there are holes on the ground.

I do it in the backyard because I have a small house and my family like to watch tv then watch me step.

Also, I use to use a laptop when doing Cathe a long time ago.

Jen Den
Another person here who's done this, both in small hotel workout rooms and big lavish ones while traveling. The only issue has been not wanting to bother other people with the audio. Whenever I didn't have the room to myself, I just stuck to workouts that I knew well enough to do without the cues. I remember doing Cardio Core Circuit a lot.
I don't go to a gym because of this COVID, but if you want to do this at your gym ask before you do this. I wrote this before COVID.

If you are uncomfortable with using a laptop in a gym, I suggest you don't workout in a gym with it. Workout at home with the laptop. As dumbbells, you may want to invest in them, if you feel uncomfortable in a gym setting. I don't know what your home is like, but if you have room doing home workouts in my opinion are better then going to a gym. And if you can't afford dumbbells make your own. Water bottles, cans, kitty litter bags, sack of potatoes or flour, you could use young children to lift. You can lift heavy books. The sky is the limit.

I hope that has helped!

Jennifer Denny

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