Lance - super silly!

That receding hair thing is so funny and really works on my husband's ego! I am sure that if given enough $, Doug would jump at a chance to get some follicular transplants too! }(
It's funny how sensitive men can be about losing their hair (though I would certainly be sensitive if I lost mine...). My hubby is balding and he sort of gave up long ago and started clipping his super-short and now he just shaves it. So you would think he wouldn't be sensitive about it, but he's still rather tender about anyone using the term "balding" about him...even though he's chosen to be all bald already. Weird.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
You are silly, Janie! I actually was feeling a bit inadequate when I did this because Lance was posed with Sheryl Crowe and Doug with you can imagine the thoughts that were rolling through my brain. :p
xoxo, Denise :)
My DH has very nice big pointy canines...I remember when I was in dental school learning that canines were "meat-rippers". Doug has yet to live that terminology down!
Lainie : I know what you mean. My DH is a very very secure man, very confident, etc. He doesn't think twice when I ask him to hold my purse, etc. He certainly does not even try to put on heirs with appearances, he is very much a Carhartt Man (construction apparel at its finest). And he is even not phased by things I have done to my DS that are painting his fingernails (he demanded it), putting a pink shirt on him, and I even recall Doug putting a pair of Cecily's old pink sandals on him for a period of time. But, you better bet that if I mention anything about that receding hairline, his feelings are injured. It just seems so backwards to me that it worries him.

xoxo, Denise:)
Denise, my DH is generally a suit and tie guy during the work week (he's an accountant) but on the weekends, he looks great in his Carhartt jacket. :) I think men can look great with receding hairlines if they don't do things like combovers. ;)

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
I love a man who can transition and NOT look like a moron doing it, ie Donald Trump in his "tennis whites" is a look he shouldn't attempt. I am not necessarily turned on my men in uniforms, but there is just something about a man who knows their way around tools such as mechanic's wreck, jack hammer, tool belt, etc and those that don't mind to get their fingernails dirty!

And the combover is just sooooo not hip...what are these people thinkin'? I recall a bus driver from school whose hair was a running joke because when the wind blew in the window, half of his hair would leave his bald head and fly away! }( }(

The art of the combover...

The Don...

Just for fun...

xoxo, Denise }( }(
You know that people have actually believed that he was Lance?? Sometimes I truly wonder if those people need to get their eyeglass prescriptions (perhaps oral scrips too) checked.

We actually had one guy get right up in his face and stare at him!

xoxo, Denise

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