KPC stability ball questions...


For the abdominal work at the end of KPC, how long did it take you to get the hang of staying on the ball?

I tried the ab work at the end of KPC for the first time today and I felt like a little kid! I kept rolling off the ball and trying to get back on. Finally, I had to sit and laugh while Cathe and the crew worked out. I stopped the video and finally managed to get my legs and feet up on the ball and even got the legs to go in and out after a while. I did attempt to do a pike but fell off the ball again. :7

I know that as I get used to the maneuver and gain strength that I'll eventually be able to hop on the ball and go. And I'll even be able to do a pike in the future. I'm just looking for encouragement and maybe a few tips. Thanks!!
Pikes are HARD. Keep practicing the non-pike move until you get the feel of the rolling. I can't do all of the pikes Cathe does--I hope to achieve her level of "insanity" one day...
To get the feel of the round, unstable environment, just try some exercises on your own. Do the moves Cathe does, but without the "pressure" of keeping up with her on the tape/DVD. You'll get it. Sometimes I fall off mine when I try to get out of one of the exercise positions (like planks). Good thing we workout out in the privacy of our own homes!
;) Lisa
Okay, when I first tried these I was exactly like you....laughing at myself. Anyway, I had remembered a post about this before and the advise that was given was to think about pulling your butt up in the air rather than trying to roll your legs up the ball. Does this make any sense to you? Try to concentrate on lifting your butt up and that did help me get the hang of it. I can now do a few before I fall and start laughing at myself;)

Keep working at it and you will get it!

Thanks Jess!! I'll try that.

My lower back had that workout ache in it the next day, too. And my abs were screaming!! So even though I rolled around and off and about, I got a mean workout.

Thanks for the tips!!
Ever been a gymnast? :) Its like you are pressing up into a handstand and shifting much of your weight into your handstand and then shifting it back to your hips to roll out. Funny gymnastics trick that might help is to imagine that you can control your balance with your forefingers and thumbs. Turn your hands slightly in so that your forefingers and thumbs form a diamond shape. Center your balance on both hands and really focus in on those 4 digits. Then imagine that the rest of your body is just a lever going in and out like a machine. It might help a lot! Give it a try! I was a gymnastics coach for a long time and many a gymnast could stabilize a handstand by centering focus on the fingers. I hope it makes sense.
Thanks Amy! I've never in my life been able to do a headstand or a handstand. I always feel so wobbly. Well, I suppose that's what this exercise is designed for, right? End the wobbles by building strength. I love your tip for focusing. I think I'll need to use it during the inverted shoulder press in Push/Pull, too. I'm still doing shoulder press with dumbbells because I'm not all that confident being upside-down.

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