KPC question.

Hi,For those of you that have done KPC, I was wondering if you could give me some info. on this workout. FIrst, would you consider it a good lower body toning workout?? Also how is the intensity level? My dh wants some gifts ideas and I was going to ask for this.:)
Hi Suzanne, I haven't done this yet but preview the whole thing. I would say the intensity is pretty high in some parts but you can always modify. I think this would be great for toning the lower body because of the kicking and all the other legwork that she does like getting into a squat kick. I don't think you can go wrong with getting this video. The music is just great. I actually did a live Cathe class this pass Monday doing this and it was really fun.
Hi Barbara, Thanks so much for your reply. I think I am going to get KPC it sounds like a fun workout!! How wonderful for you to have actually had the experience to take a live Cathe class!!! I would love to but live in Maine.... a bit of a drive, LOL. Going to shovel while dh plows the driveway, it's getting to be quite the winter wonderland out there!!!:D
Thanks again,
I did the cardio challenge premix that clocked in at 38 min. the other day and my booty is sore today! I just loved this workout. If I did the whole thing I wouldn't have been able to get out of bed this morning! It really worked my lower body, more so than Cardio Kicks, which I did last week. I also threw in the core work on the ball and my abs are sore as well. You won't be disappointed!
Suzanne, I've done this workout about 4 times. The intensity is VERY high, and yes I think a very good lower body toning tape. I never did kicboxing til Cathe and she makes the workouts so fun!!..Carole
Hi - I would agree with everyone. The intensity is high in some places and it's a good lower body toning tape because of all the kicking. The main thing I have to say about this workout, though, is that it is super fun. I almost missed my train to work because I was having a good time and didn't want to stop! This workout really is a must have. I think it's the most fun workout in the Body Blast set. I did Tae Bo for several years before discovering Cathe, so the moves were pretty familiar to me. She gives you instructions at the beginning, though, showing you how to do the moves. Have fun!


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