KPC great


I just did the first half of KPC and loved it!!!!!!! definitly a masterpiece Cathe!! and I feel great, even for not workingout for nearly a month or more. Looking forward to being able to do all of KPC, loved the abs with the stability ball!! my abs burned after that.
Isn't KPC fun! I never did kickbox til Cathe. And KPC is a killer. I agree with you and love the abs with the stability ball too...:) Carole
Isn't it awesome?

I've done lots of kickboxing workouts before, and KPC is the most fun ever!! I LOVE it!!!
I love KPC for the following reasons:
1. Cathe is the instructor (seriously, that is a reason to love it!)
2. It doesn't take up much space
3. You can add jump kicks here and there and make it a very intense workout, or you can do a modified version for a less intense workout
4. The kick/punch combos are challenging enough to keep me focused and motivated each time I do the workout, but they aren't so tough that I stand there going 'huh'?
5. The 'jurassic abs' (as A-Jock calls them) are great!
6. Cathe's energy, enthusiasm, and intensity in this workout are contagious
7. Even though it is a cardio workout, my lats, abs, legs, and arms all feel it the next day
8. I feel empowered when I'm done

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