Wish my knee surgery results were as good as the others. It is better than before surgery, but every step I take I know it's not the same as before I suffered a torn meniscus of the left knee the day before 9/11. Doctor wouldn't do surgery (arthroscopy to repair the tear and smooth the knee cap out--I also have osteoarthritis but didn't know it before the injury) until the first week in January. I was on crutches and/or hopping around on one leg until I couldn't stand it any longer. I wasn't supposed to do any strenuous legwork for a month after, and it was a lot longer than a couple of days that I was out of commission. Did physical therapy after the month was over, but my knee didn't come close to feeling normal until I had a series of three Synvisc shots in June. Had another series of Synvisc shots starting in November, and I still take 2 naprosyn a day and ice down my knee after strenuous activity.
Tried to do the recommended biking (boring), and I don't like to swim--swimming and biking are what they usually tell you to do. I prefer moving to music and hate like the dickens that I can no longer do the high intensity aerobics I've always loved. But, I do my best to work around my knee.
Good luck to you! Hopefully, you'll be one of the majority. My results weren't as good as theirs, but I'm not sorry I had the surgery. I'm only sorry I had the injury in the first place.