Knee surgery


I started exercising about amonth ago, and in the first day,using the "fanny lifter", but just 6 inches or so...I got a meniscus tear. It really does not hurt so much anymore, but yesterday my doctor said he needs to do an arthroscopy and repair it. He said it will heal fast, and I will need just a couple of days of rest.

Please..if any of you ladies have had this done, and if after it you were ok with your fitness programs, let me know... Any suggestions?
new mom..exercise maniac wannabee
My husband has had torn meniscus arthroscopic surgery on both knees. He was up and about in a couple weeks time, and since he is a soccer referee, he was running in about a month. It's one of the easier knee surgeries, and it really works. Before surgery, his knees would lock painfully.

Good luck!
I had arthroscopic surgery on both knees - for scope/scrape and lateral releases, one month apart. I recovered pretty quickly - was working out within days. I went real easy at first but my doc said I couldn't do any damage to them following the surgery - meaning, I could work out however I wanted to, it wasn't going to affect what the surgery did. Does that make sense?
best wishes!
Those are wonderful news. Thank you all for your best wishes, you are too kind. I guess I am really nervous about it, and also frustrated that I hurt myself trying to get back in shape. I was using a tape, not Cathe's though....

Thanks again for the advice.

new mom..exercise maniac wannabee:7
Hi, Wannabee,
I'm a physical therapist and exercise physiologist. If you like, e-mail me and I'll tell you what my patients typically experience after arthroscopic meniscal repair or partial meniscectomy.

I also had an arthroscopy on both knees last year. No worries!
Wish my knee surgery results were as good as the others. It is better than before surgery, but every step I take I know it's not the same as before I suffered a torn meniscus of the left knee the day before 9/11. Doctor wouldn't do surgery (arthroscopy to repair the tear and smooth the knee cap out--I also have osteoarthritis but didn't know it before the injury) until the first week in January. I was on crutches and/or hopping around on one leg until I couldn't stand it any longer. I wasn't supposed to do any strenuous legwork for a month after, and it was a lot longer than a couple of days that I was out of commission. Did physical therapy after the month was over, but my knee didn't come close to feeling normal until I had a series of three Synvisc shots in June. Had another series of Synvisc shots starting in November, and I still take 2 naprosyn a day and ice down my knee after strenuous activity.

Tried to do the recommended biking (boring), and I don't like to swim--swimming and biking are what they usually tell you to do. I prefer moving to music and hate like the dickens that I can no longer do the high intensity aerobics I've always loved. But, I do my best to work around my knee.

Good luck to you! Hopefully, you'll be one of the majority. My results weren't as good as theirs, but I'm not sorry I had the surgery. I'm only sorry I had the injury in the first place.
Dear dsmiller:

I am so sorry to hear about your knee!! I can certainly relate because many years ago (right after College) I had a terribe car accident and ended up in Hospital with many injuries. I lost my left kneecap, and my right knee always was giving me pain. I never could exercise much after that, and even though if I keep at it, I have been in shape sometimes after that. I have 30 pounds to lose after my pregnancy in 2000, and after talking much about it, started exercising at home last month...and tore a meniscus. My surgery is this Friday (?) and I am anxious, because even though the doctors downplay it, I know I will be out of comission for some time.

I thank you for your advice, and I am again sorry for the troubles you have.
I had a meniscus tear so I had arthroscoopic meniscal repair done about 2 1/2 years ago. I'm so glad I got it done because my knee feels great. I had a wonderful surgen. After surgery, I started to step almost right away on my lowest step. I also started to ride my bike a couple of weeks after-biking is great for the knees.

That is great...I guess my Doctor is right, I should do it now and get it over with while it is still a very simple thing. Thanks! I really got my spirits up...stepping so soon!!! I really admire you!

new mom..exercise maniac wannabee::

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