knee surgery, limited exercise options


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I just had orthoscopic surgery to remove 2 large pieces of bone from my knee. My surgeon stated that my lower body exercises would be limited effective immediately because essentially the bone in the knee is breaking down (xrays show cracks in all bones and cartilege). Aside from the upper body workout videos that you have, are there ways I can modify your lower body videos to avoid lunges and squats yet still get a workout on my quads and hamstrings? Or am I just stuck with an exercise bike and an eliptical? Thank you very much.:(
Hi Mary! Please ask your surgeon to recommend the suitable exercises for your weight bearing activities. Additionally you can do leg exercises such as supine and prone leg lifts and pizza presses on a mat, lateral leg raises and hamstring roll ins (on ball) and barre work.

Good Luck!

Hi Cathe,
I just had orthoscopic surgery to remove 2 large pieces of bone from my knee. My surgeon stated that my lower body exercises would be limited effective immediately because essentially the bone in the knee is breaking down (xrays show cracks in all bones and cartilege). Aside from the upper body workout videos that you have, are there ways I can modify your lower body videos to avoid lunges and squats yet still get a workout on my quads and hamstrings? Or am I just stuck with an exercise bike and an eliptical? Thank you very much.:(
not Cathe

I had some premature bone loss in my twenties and I learned that sodas and drinks with caffeine can really make the problem worse. The phosphuric acid in most sodas breaks down bone as does caffeine. I hope they mentioned that to you. My dentist noticed my bone loss first in my jaw.

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Hugs.
As long as it's ok with your ortho, you can also do bridges with the firewalker band around your thighs. Keeping your upper thighs in slight external rotation helps work the glutes. Side-lying clam shells are always a good option too, especially early on in the recovery process. Oh, and seated knee extensions! Again, if it's ok with your ortho, you can add ankle weights to make them harder, and slowly lower your leg when coming back to start to really work on eccentric control ;)

Good luck!!
What about Cathe's indoor cycling workouts? You mentioned the exercise bike, don't know if its a spin bike, but those workouts burn lots calories without impact.

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