Knee fat


Years ago, a female bodybuilder said in a publication I read that all the weight training and cardio in the world won't get rid of all the little fat pockets around the knees in some women and that, for them, liposuctioning the knees is the only real solution. She assumed she was speaking to women who were already supremely fit but having trouble with this one area. I wonder about this every time I look down at my scary dimpled knees. Any thoughts on this from those of you who know?
Hi Sirensongwoman! There is no magical solution for knee fat. Like all other area's of the body, fat in this area needs to be burned off the same way. Hard work, a balance of cardio, weight training, and clean diet.

Age, gender, and genetics determine where and how much stored body fat lies in certain areas of the body. Genetics will determine how much you can burn off and what amount (if any) will remain despite your truest realistic efforts.

There are specific areas that the body tends to store fat in men and women. Women generally carry body fat around the buttocks and thighs. Men generally carry body fat around the abdomen. As we age these areas are more reluctant to want to shed body fat.

Here are other common fat storage areas in men and woman.

Knee Fat often builds up on the inside region of the knees in women.

The upper arm also commonly carries more fat in women.

Abdomen fat around the navel area is common in both men and women.

Inner thigh fat is common in women but also can occur with men.

Outer thigh fat is a very common area for cellulite to appear in women. This fat also combines with fat on the inner thigh and the buttocks.

Lower back fat concentration, often known as the muffin top, accumulates in men and women.

Chest (breast area) is surrounded by fat in both men and women.

Remember that you can't spot reduce. Exercise should always be a part of any fat loss program. Vigorously exercising a specific body part will not have any influence on local fat in that area.

It can be very frustrating but everybody is different. Stay committed to your training and diet. You must focus and work hard. Understand how your body works and set achievable goals accordingly.

Good Luck!
>Wow! :-( It looks like there are few places where fat
>*doesn't* accumulate in women. :eek:

Thanks Cathe. Lipo it is ;) !

A long time ago I was in some kind of class and the guy leading it said "If you could ask God or the powers that be any one question what would it be?" He went around the room and everyone had all these profound questions. When he got to me I said "Cellulite. Why?" I mean, for what possible reason does this stuff exist and why just stick it to women?! Years before that I worked in an office with nothing but women and one big dumb ouf named Jeff. One day he said he had only one requirement of a woman: that she have no cellulite. We all stared at him for a moment then looked around at each other and exploded in laughter. The clown may have got his wish but, as I'm sure he pays his wife's cosmetic surgeon's bills, I wonder if he's had enough time to rethink his position on women and cellulite...

Really though, I doubt my knees will ever be attractive - no matter how fit I get. And nobody in my family is fat!

You are hysterical!! I love your question to God re: cellulite and the former co-worker story!! I bet that guy is remembering the adage, "Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it."

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
>Really though, I doubt my knees will ever be attractive - no
>matter how fit I get.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or some such thing. Anyway, when I recently lost weight (not much, just 15 pounds, but also dropped 2 pants sizes), my knees lost all their fat. So now I have these knobby knees perched between massive, muscular calves and thick, fatty thighs. Sigh. Sometimes I just look at my knees and laugh. They look so out of place. Another example of be careful what you wish for, I guess! ;)


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