Knee cracking???


Recently, I have noticed that during certain exercises (and walking up the stairs) my left knee is making this cracking/crunching sound. Almost like the bones are rubbing together. It does not hurt, and it is not swollen. I can't imagine this being a normal or good thing. I am worried that my knee is being worn down. Has anyone else had this happen? And what type of doctor should I go to. Thanks. Alicia.
Hi Alicia

My knees also crack without the pain or swells (Thank goodness), espcially after sitting on the floor for a long time.

I read in the Fitness magazine once, where they said there is not much to be concerned about if the cracks are not accompanied by pain. Since mine aren't, I haven't really worry over it.

If you are really worried and want to have it checked out by the professionals, I think a reputable chiropractor would be a good choice. If you don't trust chiropractors, orthopaedics would be your other choice.

Hope this helps.

I went through a phase where I had cracky knees. It was shortly after I discovered step aerobics and in my case I was just overdoing it. I was doing step pretty much every day and on an 8" step. I stepped it down a bit (no pun intended), made sure to intersperse the step with other things and also lowered my step. I do very little on an 8" step, but that's just what personally worked for me. I know longer have that issue of knee cracking (though I have plenty of other issues).

I don't know your situation, but if it concerns you then get to at least your own regular doctor if not a specialist and ask them. Can't hurt to get it checked out.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
My knees and ankles have cracked most of my life! Sometimes my right knee cracks when I do squats but these areas have never hurt. I even explained this to my Chiropractor, he said basically if there was no pain, it was nothing to worry about. My sister has the same thing so maybe it can be genetic...
I have the crackling knee syndrome too. Sometimes popping as well. No pain, doesn't bother me at all, have had it all my life.
I also have this cracking/popping sound in my left knee when going up stairs. It's never been painful, and my doctor told me not to worry if there is no pain.
Alicia, I have the exact same thing. Left knee sounds like rice crispies. I'm actually going to my MD on Friday just to have a conversation about it.

I feel pretty confident that he'll tell me what others here have said - no pain / no problem.

I will ask him about glucosamine supplements though - just to get his opinion.

I'll let you know what he says!
Well, by now you've picked up that this is not an uncommon problem.

I think heredity has something to do with it, too. My knees always cracked, but without pain. I did start getting some slight discomfort the older I got and the more I increased my running and other high-intensity exercise. I've found glucosamine/chrondroitin (sp?) supplements to be very helpful for me. I can tell a big difference when I don't use them for a week or two.

I asked an orthopedic about the knee cracking and he basically said that if it didn't hurt it was okay. He recommended the glucosamine if it seemed to help--he said many of his patients swear by it. I also asked him if there was any exercise I shouldn't be doing; and he said that the more I exercised and used my knees, the better.

Carol F
Carol, when you use the glucosamine what exactly does it do for you? Are your knees quieter? Do you have less crunching?

I don't hear or feel anything when I use the glucosamine. Without it, I have cracking and I sometimes get a "rice krispie" feeling in my knees + irritation or tenderness with high-impact exercise.

With the glucosamine, I don't have issues at all--which is why I forget about my knees = forget to stock up on glucosamine = running out = going without for a few days = cracking knees and discomfort = figuring out it really does help = buying more = feeling better.:)

I just buy a big bottle at Sam's Club or Costco, but you'd probably want to try a smaller bottle if you're interested--just to make sure it works for you.

Hope this helps,

Carol F
I had cracking in my right knee several years ago but it was accompanied by pain, and the doc said it was chondromalacia (sp?)...I used the glucosamine and chonroiton (I don't know if any of these are spelled right...sorry guys!) supplements, and they helped some, but working on increasing the strength of my quad ultimately is what made it some crunching and hurting.
Thanks Carol for that info. I'm still haven't decided about the glucosamine.

Saw my doc today and he wiggled my kneecap around and told me that the one that makes the noise and feels "off track" sometimes is looser than the other.

So, I begin my first ever foray into the world of Physical Therapy.

He told me that about half of his patients who try the glucosamine have a relief of pain but where I am not having pain, and the stuff is expensive, he thinks it probably wouldn't help me.

That's my story!
>Thanks Carol for that info. I'm still haven't decided about
>the glucosamine.
>Saw my doc today and he wiggled my kneecap around and told me
>that the one that makes the noise and feels "off track"
>sometimes is looser than the other.
>So, I begin my first ever foray into the world of Physical
>He told me that about half of his patients who try the
>glucosamine have a relief of pain but where I am not having
>pain, and the stuff is expensive, he thinks it probably
>wouldn't help me.
>That's my story!

Suzanne, I had from the same thing that you do. At least I think, I had patellar maltracking. Though mine was really bad and I tried to do PT to pull it into the correct position but had to have surgery in March to correct it. I hope your PT works.

I just wanted to say that generally cracking in your knee is probably no big deal, but it can be something kind of serious. So, just be vigilant and if it starts hurting go to a doc. I don't want anyone to have to have that lateral release surgery that I had. It was a horrible recovery.
Oooh, Karin, I'm cringing for you. Thanks for that heads up. My BF had a ACL reconstruction a few years ago and that was not a picnic by any means.

I'm going to do some looking into that patellar maltracking. When the BF was getting ready for his surgery I found some pretty good ortho websites that really described the various injuries and surgeries.

I'll certainly do everything I can to avoid surgery. I just can't afford the down-time. When I ruptured my appendix in '04 that was enough of a drag to last me a good long time.

How are you doing now? How long did you do PT before you made the surgery decision? (If you don't mind me asking)
I love the "rice krispies" description, because that is exactly how it sounds! Well, I feel a little better knowing that this is not an uncommon problem. Thanks for the responses. When I go for my wellness visit is a few months I will talk to my Doc about it. I was worried that my knee was wearing down and I wouldn't be ready for Cathe's new series (Ha Ha). Thanks everybody. Alicia
>Oooh, Karin, I'm cringing for you. Thanks for that heads up.
> My BF had a ACL reconstruction a few years ago and that was
>not a picnic by any means.
>I'm going to do some looking into that patellar maltracking.
>When the BF was getting ready for his surgery I found some
>pretty good ortho websites that really described the various
>injuries and surgeries.
>I'll certainly do everything I can to avoid surgery. I just
>can't afford the down-time. When I ruptured my appendix in
>'04 that was enough of a drag to last me a good long time.
>How are you doing now? How long did you do PT before you made
>the surgery decision? (If you don't mind me asking)

Suzanne, thanks for the sympathy :). I am sure that you will be fine with the PT. Most people can fix this issue with PT. Good luck.
I'm back from my PT eval and she tells me that I have a tight ITB and that the quad on that side isn't as strong as the quad on the right so that the tight band and the weaker quad work together to pull my kneecap over to the left. Hence the off-track feeling. About the crunching... well.. it is what it is pretty much. She says that during therapy they can apply gentle pressure to the knee and that may help smooth out the granular feeling stuff. No gurantees on that.

So. I guess I'd tell anyone with crunchy knees that are accompanied by any off-track feeling to go ahead and get it checked out.

She did give me compliments on the strength of my hams and glutes so I was kinda proud of that! :)
RE: Knee cracking/chondromalacia???

Hi All, just wanted to say that I also have Chondromalacia (and the "crunchy" or rice krispie sound, aka: crepitus) in one knee - and want to preface this by saying that all I've done in this post is to condense a lot of my own online research for you...I'm not a doctor, and I hope that someone may share what they have found about this problem, and that this might be a helpful start to your own research.

I would be VERY interested to hear what kind of braces/knee wraps or stabilizers you have actually tried to improve patellar tracking and found most helpful, as I feel completely overwhelmed when I go to the store and see the amazing number of options that are available.

1) The CAUSE: poor patellar tracking (some debate over whether this is really caused by or can be fixed by correcting a muscular imbalance - more on that below) due to overuse, injury, etc...resulting in degeneration of cartilage behind the knee cap - causing the grinding noise (crepitus) as it slides over the end of the thighbone.

Here's one of the better comprehensive articles that I found on the subject, complete with symptoms, management, what tests will show, etc - the only thing it doesn't have is a diagram:

2) The general consensus seems to be that its not a major concern until there's pain and/or swelling...

3) The Big Fix: while you can have surgery to essentially shave the burrs/uneven spots & resurface the back of the patella, resulting in smoother, hopefully pain-free & soundless tracking...this is a "last resort" and some patients seem to report they have as much or more pain after surgery - so, the non-surgical advice I found, summed up:

4) Non-Surgical Help:

Rest and stopping the activity/overuse (not practical for me, as even after a month off, it still does it), I go nuts if I don't exercise for too long.

Supplements for joint health, usually Glucosamine and Chondroitin, as mentioned's a helpful article with some additional suggestions about those and other supplements that may help, along with dosage guidlines:

Physical Therapy - common thinking is that one cause of the mis-tracking is a muscular imbalance in the thigh - the stronger side pulling the kneecap out of alignment. So, working to isolate & strengthen the weak side should pull the patella back on track, by strengthening the VMO (vastus medialis oblique - the muscle closer to the inside, not the outside, of the thigh). Here's a wikipedia article with highlighted diagram so you know which muscle we're talking about:

I have no idea if this is true or not, but here is an article I found very interesting that called this idea of muscular imbalance being corrected by isolating the VMO "The Number One Myth of Knee Rehab":

Finally, again, if anyone has found a great brace for improving patella tracking and has really found that it reduced the noise/discomfort...I have trouble deciding what's hype and what works as most sites have so many types its ridiculous...

Here's just one site I found that actually showed braces categorized by condition just so you can get an idea of what's out there (tracking, chondromalacia, ACL/PCL):

Hope this helps others and that someone can recommend a good brace to try....luck to all!

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