KK's May 2010 Thread

Did TBS with Joey and on my own will do a cardio and yoga after.

KK, From what I understand, Rolly was at a dog pound in CA. They had literally 65 dogs that were to be put down the next day. One of them was Rolly. Thank goodness people care enough form other states to save these beautiful dogs, who are healthy and deserving of homes. From what I gather the economy in CA (as of other states) are pretty bad and a lot of people can't take care of their animals anymore. That is so sad and not enough of an excuse in my opinion.:(:mad::(.

Rolly was one of the lucky doggies who were saved the night before the euthanization occurred, and this person saved those 65 animals that day. I don't know for sure but I understand there are a lot that are not saved on a daily basis. It's so very sad.:( The saver, Brought them up to WA and spread them around the various dog facilities that don't believe in killing animals. If they are not adoptable, they will stay there for the remaining of their lives. That is so cool. Rolly was a very lucky doggie that day.

Great job on Hit 40/20, tough workout, very proud of ya.

Good Evening!

Finally finished the tour on Friday. Hopefully that will free me up a little. Although so many other things have been put off in my life while on tour... Eventually, I hope to have all the backlogs done and just get on with whatever...

I haven't exercised in the last 3 days because I came down with a stomach something and just haven't been able to exercise. This is day 5 of it now. It's a lot better now and so I'm hoping to swing back into exercise tomorrow.

Also being off tour means I get to write again. Yea! I'm also doing two other jobs right now, so life continues to be busy as ever.

Janie, thanks so much for telling me about the pound. Yes, California has some problems -- like you, I don't think the economy is an excuse to send one's pet to a pound -- especially one that puts them down. Pets are family. They're simply family.

So I don't know what I plan for this week, but let me figure something out. It helps when I lay out the week.

Mon: Hiit 30/30
Tues: Push/Pull
Wed: Cardio Core
Thurs: Firm #4 -- it's the total body workout and only 42 minutes
Fri: 4DS Bootcamp -- cardio only
Sat: Off -- booksigning this day
Sun: Hiit Pyramids

I'm off to Florida on Sun for a few weeks and then home again. Luckily my booksignings are winding down to weekends only, which is good.

Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette!

Have a super day tomorrow.:D
Did MMA: Fusion today. I love it!

KK, I can't even imagine having a life that is so busy anymore. I do what and when I want. Retirement is grand. Hope you are enjoying your journey and it does seem you are accomplishing a lot.

Don't worry about exersise, it's there when you need it, always.

You have three jobs, what are they beside being a wonderful author? Why do you need so many jobs, economy?

Your exercise routine looks great. Good going.

When you are in Florida, will you be on the forum at all, to say hi?

Hang in there, and have a great day.

Hi all!

Haven't been able to post for a while, too darn busy at work and then at home not enough time to sit at the 'puter except to get my BFFM logging done.

Started STS again last week as my weight workouts. Did Disc #5 bright and early this morning. I'm going to do some sort of cardio this afternoon when I get home. Just not sure what yet.

KK - sure hope you have fun in Fla.

HI Janie ! I can't wait to retire.
Good Evening!

Hi Janie!

My jobs -- really they're four jobs -- one is writing of course -- that's where I make most of my income. Then I do the administration for my husband's business -- I'm backlogged in that right now. Then I do some work for my church -- I'm behind in that right now too. And then my fourth job and probably the one that takes up most of my time outside of writing is food processor and meal planner and fixer. Because we eat as we do, I process all my own food -- make my own mustard, ketsup, bread, pickles -- you name it, I have to do it -- my husband helps (thank goodness), but it's mostly up to me.

So I do keep busy and it's why my workouts are so short nowadays -- I haven't figured out how to get it all done and still have time to workout, etc. Sigh...

Today was another shocker of a day and so I didn't get a workout in -- hopefully tomorrow -- gosh, I have another spider bite, too. One thing after another.

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will be Push/Pull or Total Body Sculpting -- a cardio in the evening and then the rest of the workout.

Oh, Rhea, now I remember what I wanted to tell you. I have to have cardio to keep my weight in check -- yes, also the weight workouts and such, but cardio -- or even more importantly anaerobics -- to keep that weight in check.


Have a super day everyone!:D
Did TBS with Joey. I'm adding PLB to that.

Rhea, I know how hard it is when you are super busy. When we get back from our July shenanigans, I think I just might do STS again. Thanks for the inspiration.

KK, Can I ask why you are making all your food? Seems to me, you are spreading yourself way to thin. Behind on everything and trying to catch up would make me insane. How do you do it? I feel for you, really.:( You poor thing. I hope your health stays in tack. My Lambs! Wishing you all the calmness vibes out there for you. Sincerely.

Good Evening!

Oh, Janie, you made me laugh out loud when you said you were sending calmness vibes. :) I can use them.

I make my own food because of all the additives they put in food nowadays. I no longer trust the food industry. This from the book by...forget his name -- Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About -- that's the name of the book -- Kevin something or other... He hobbed nobbed with the "rich and famous" and is basically a whistle blower on the food industry -- anyway, they can put over 500,000 different chemicals in your food (processed food) and not have to tell you about it -- in organics, they are allowed to add up to 5,000 chemicals without ever telling you. They say they don't have to because the ingredients are so tiny -- but you know some chemicals -- some poisons are still poisons no matter how small the amount is. They even put chemicals in the food to make you hungry.

And then there's GMO's. Unlabelled and yet what testing has been done on them -- and it's mostly tested in other countries -- isn't good. Sheep in India died, cows in England died, etc. It's enough that I don't want anyone in my family to eat the stuff. And if you eat anything with soy or corn in it (and they're in almost all processed food), you're eating GMO's. They recently are genetically modifiying beet sugar -- so it's in most of your snacks and such. I've watched the movies, read the books, etc., and it's just something I don't want to be a part of -- so I make my own food -- almost everything. I do have it down to a schedule, and my husband and I both have kitchen duty, but it's still something that takes some time. When my brother-in-law was alive, we all shared in the kitchen duty and he took on so much of the load, that it wasn't so terribly much for me. But with him now gone...

Did you know that every cell of these GMO food carries whatever it is that they are inserting into the plant? And many times that is a pesticide -- so every cell of that plant then carries that pesticide. It's a whole new thing with new possibilities, but some new problems -- many of them toxic -- at least to sheep, mice and cows. I'll just give you a link if you want to do some research on your own: http://www.blinkx.com/watch-video/g...isms-wake-up-america-3/iSzP4zE8ITlwzQFIOwFHew -- this is pretty short and will give you a little bit of info about it.

There's a movie (but it's a real movie -- like about an hour or so -- called "The Future of Food," that goes into this in detail.

Did I tell you that there's some evidence (tests on mice) that these foods might make one sterile.

I could go on and on as I research this stuff -- but I'll quit now. Sigh...

Anyway, today I did Total Body Sculpting going heavy. Good time for this kind of video. : )

Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette!

Have a super day tomorrow!:D
Good Evening!

Haven't worked out yet today, but hopefully before i go to bed. Am planning some kind of cardio. : ):D
Oh, Janie, you made me laugh out loud when you said you were sending calmness vibes. :) I can use them.

KK, I cook a lot like you do, not as extensively as you, but I do make a lot of my own stuff. Bread, sauces, sour grout... I should do more, because I do believe we are getting poisoned from our food source that we buy at the stores. Even organic. The only way you can be sure what you are getting is to do it yourself. I believe we need to be more responsible with our own health. Too bad it's because of the almighty dollar.:(

High Fructose Corn syrup makes you hungry. The more you eat it the more you are hungry. It has been proven to do much harm to the human body.

I try very very hard to eat as natural as I can. I wash the food I get from the store, in hopes the residue from the chemicals they use won't hurt us. It's all so sad and disturbing.

Great job on TBS. Joey and I use that one a lot lately.


Haven't been able to post much. The BFFM posting takes a lot of my time and is required for the contest. But doing well. Still doing STS and then cardio between the weights. I think I"m going to start training with some friends to do a 10k in October. So a lot of jog/walking for me. Something with a goal.

Well, I'm going to be gone tomorrow with DH to the lovely hot Sacramento area. So I won't be around. Maybe when my IPAD gets here I can get on the forums from afar too. I don't know if it has that capability, I'll have to see.
Good Evening!

Hi Janie & Rhea & Jeanette!

Janie, I so agree with you. What with GMO's and pesticides, etc -- and especially if they are bombarding those genes with pesticides in each cell of the plant... Goodness! Like you, I wash everything -- eat only organic and are trying to grow much of our produce ourselves. It's quite a job, too. Yes, and it's all for the bottom line profit -- something wrong with a system that puts profit before people (the corporations all do this -- the CEO's etc., owe their responsibility fidicially not to the people, but to the profit of the corporation -- and for those with few morals, that means almost anything goes).

Yesterday was 4DS cardio only from Boot Camp and today was going heavy with Total Body Sculpting. Wish I had other full body workouts that were this same length.

Hi Rhea -- know you dont have much time -- have fun this week and weekend.

Hi Jeanette! Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is okay.

Have a super day, everyone!:D
I bet Jeanette is off golfing somewhere!

Okay, I finished week#3 of STS. My strength during an endurance has sure gone up. My 65% weight is at least a lb or so above what it was before.

I started the 10k training yesterday. I also did the #9 leg disc...ouch; so I did not get a whole lot of running in, my legs wouldn't take it! I'm a little sore today. But yesterday was a good start. Body is not used to do a run in the evening, so the breathing and the HR was higher than normal. Got to get that under control. I think I was holding my breath again or something like that.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Did some heavy duty gardening for almost 3 hours today. Whew!

KK, Great job on the cardio and weight workout. I need to do more of that. I need some motivation, I'm slipping a little.

Rhea, Congratulations and a great job finishing WK 3 of STS and gaining strength the way you did. Not easy, I'm very proud of you.

You go girl, with all that energy and training for a 10K. Wow. I'm rooting for ya.

Jeanette, How ya doing?

Good Evening!

Busy busy weekend. Michael Badnarik -- a Constitution scholar -- came into town to do his famous Constitution class -- My husband and I were sponsoring him and so from Thurs - Sun we were very, very busy.

It was a great class and on Thursday and Saturday, I didn't have a chance to workout. But yesterday, Sunday, I was able to get out and run outside (anaerobics -- sprinting) and today was a Hiit day -- with the pyramid workout.

Let me just plan out the rest of the week:

Tues: Push/Pull
Wed: Some cardio -- most likely Cardio Core
Thurs: Firm#4 -- on Thursday I plan to make that trip to Florida that was put off when my MIL became so ill
Fri: Sprint outside
Sat: MMA Boxing -- 30 minutes of it
Sun: Some anaerobic workout -- probably one of the Hiits

Thanks so much for all your encouragement, Janie. Am really struggling with my weight -- goes up and down -- mostly up. Sigh...

But I'll keep working at it.

Hi Rhea & Jeanette!:D
Today is our 19th Anniversary. Yea! We are celebrating with with a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Busy in the kitchen, but I love cooking anyways. Will also have a berry cobbler made of strawberries and raspberries from our garden last year. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

I did Step Moves today. Also, planning on some yoga, for my way of stretching.

KK, Your workouts are great especially when you were so busy.

The rotation plan for this week looks fantastic. You go girl!;)

My weight goes up and down too. Do you think that is a normal thing?

Hi Rhea and Jeanette.:D

Good Evening!

Hi Janie!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. Yum -- turkey dinner and cobbler -- you did say cobbler, didn't you? One of my favorites. And from your own garden no less. Hope you have a wonderful super evening.

I, too, love to cook and so it really isn't too much like work when I'm in the kitchen, thank goodness, cause I certainly do spend quite a bit of time there.

Step Moves is a great workout. Well done.

I don't know about the weight thing. I have to follow it daily or it gets out of hand. When I was younger it went up and down, but not too much. What I notice as I get older is that when it goes on, it doesn't easily come off -- and that's not fun -- in other words it doesn't go down on its own -- I have to really work at it. Sigh...

We haven't heard from Jeanette in a while -- I sent her a private email. Rhea if you're out there -- I know you too live in the same town. Do you know, is she just a little busy? I know you are.

Anyway, have a super day! And again, CONGRATULATIONS Janie and Happy Anniversary.:D
Hope you had a great anniversary Janie!

KK - I bet Jeanette is busy doing all that outdoors stuff, golfing, biking, camping. I remember that she took off time from the computer about this time last year too.

I've been absent a bit from the computer too, except at work. Just don't have the time at home. So many things on the to do list.

Well, I had better get back to work. I'll talk to you later.

Janie - Step Moves is one of my favorites, I alway reach for it. I've actually got to do Athletic Step so I can remember what it was, I remember liking it though...
Good Evening!

Today was an all cardio day for me -- did about 40 minutes of BM2 -- it's a good workout. Tomorrow I plan on some circuit sort of workout, but I'm not sure what one right now. My FIRM #4 isn't playing very well and I like that one cause it's so compact -- only 42 minutes and yet it gets the job done.

Thanks Rhea for letting me know about Jeanette -- I'm sure you're right. Hope work goes well.

Hi Janie! Yeah, I'll be able to log on and off while I'm in Florida.

Have a super evening!:D
Put two gardens to bed since we won't be here to take care of it. Took about 2 hrs to put black sheeting on top of them. Rolly helped of course. Then weeded the asparagus patch and walked Rolly. Got a lot accomplished.

Rhea, I know how it can be when it's so busy. Hang in there. Yes, and thanks for letting us know about Jeanette.

KK, Good job on the all cardio workout. Keep up the good work.

Good Evening!

Today was the FIRM #4 workout -- that's a good one -- only 42 min., yet is a solid full body/cardio workout. I forget my schedule for what I'm supposed to do for tomorrow.

Hi Rhea & Jeanette!

Hi Janie! Are you going somewhere so that you had to put your garden to bed? I must admit that our garden is really doing well this year -- but a couple of friends of ours are doing it -- putting it together. So that helps.

Have a super evening!:D

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