KK's March rotation

Hi Karen,

I just realized that I was yaking away at you on the post over at my workout instead of here! I'm obviously not paying much attention today. :eek:

I'll have to revisit the older Cathe's soon. However, I'm not tired of the HC's yet and actually I haven't done any of the gym style ones yet. (then again, I have CTX and Cardio Kicks coming on Thursday....I'm so bad..)

Talk at you later!:7
Hi Rhea,

I'm exercising much later today. Got up and started work without exercising and so have it yet to do.

Getting caught up a little slowly, but it's coming along. At least my email is caught up. Now for snail mail...

And then of course deadline...

So today is ME -- and I'm looking forward to it -- did something to my foot and have it wrapped -- did it while cleaning the house, of all things. Anyway, have a great one.

Yeah, I'm going to be ordering some more Cathe soon. Just ordered the band so that I can do the new Muscle Max.

Talk to you later.:7
Hi Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie!

Rhea, there's an earlier post to you, but I wanted to just log in my workout data today.

Today I did the first 24 minutes of Body Max -- love that workout -- sometimes I'll do the whole workout -- for now, I've been doing the first segment of it -- the whole thing is a bit long for me. Then I did the stretch using the band -- only I used a rope cause I don't have a band.

Went well and am looking to do Muscle Max tomorrow, I think -- again I'll try to use the rope -- have the band on order.

Have a good one!:)
Hi Rhea, Hi Natalie, Hi Jeanie -- if you do come and have a peek here today.

Just did IMAX3 all the way through for the second time -- that is one tough workout and though I pace myself through it -- whew! When I was so very, very busy, I was only doing the premixes of the 1-5 intervals or 6-10 intervals -- and even that was challenging.

Felt like I accomplished something just getting through it. Well, it's another busy day for me. But it's busy writing wise.

Have a good one.:7
Hi Karen Kay, Jeanie, and Rhea,

Karen Kay - I agree with you on IMAX3. I really have to talk myself into it sometimes.

Did Kick Max today - that blast section is really a killer. I took last night off so will not get in 6 workouts this week but I have been feeling a little low energy this week.

I've done all the Hardcore Extreme workouts once. I like the first one best but they are all good. I was a little concerned about #3 when I saw that there was Kick Max blast x 2 but it turned out that Cathe had split it up so you have 5 intervals, then yout do some IMAX 3 before going back to do the last 5 intervals.

I am planning on doing a quick workout tomorrow morning early and we are all going the DC for a short vacation so next week is going to be a recover week with walking in DC and when I get back some walk/runs in my neighborhood with maybe some of Core Max and Stretch Max.

I plan on starting the muscle building rotation next.

Have a great Easter weekend!

Hi Natalie! And Hi Jeanie and Rhea, if you happen to stop by...

Natalie -- you've made me interested in Hardcore Extreme -- I don't have any of those particular CD's -- not in the Intensity series or Hardcore series -- of course I don't have all of the Hardcore either. Kickboxing tends to make one of my hip joints go out and so I only do kickboxing occasionally, but there is no one -- absolutely no one in my opinion who does kickboxing like Cathe -- she really ups the intensity.

I, too, took yesterday off, though I did stretch -- but even in stretching, I'm leaning toward Cathe's Stretch Max CD instead of the other stretch tapes that I have.:eek: Once I did Cathe and realized that I could really push myself and feel good about it, it's hard to go back to lower intensity -- except on days when you feel you need a lower intensity workout.:+

Anyway, today I did IMAX2 and thought it would be easy seeing as how I got through IMAX 3 on Friday and Circuit Max on Saturday -- boy, was I wrong.:+ I was really sweating it out after my day off yesterday.

Anyhoo...a vacation in DC, huh? I used to live in DC in the late 70's. Had both of my kids in the DC area. Beautiful, beautiful place.:) But me, who suffers with allergies, found I suffered both in spring and autumn there -- whereas I find here in CA, that I only suffer in the spring -- knock on wood.

Okay, so workout wise, here's my week's plan:

Mon: IMAX 2 -- done was very good -- sweating it out.

Tues: My favorite -- Muscle Endurance

Wednesday: A cardio and stretch

Thursday: Muscle Max -- the TimeSaver version -- hopefully I'll have my band by then

Friday: IMAX the original or IMAX3 -- whichever one I'm feeling up to

Saturday: High Step Training Advanced -- or maybe Bootcamp --again which ever one I feel is best

Sunday: Off -- stretch

Have a great day! Have a terrific vacaion, Natalie and I'll see you when you get back.:7
Okay -- diary time --

Did Muscle Endurance today -- really had to push myself through the workout -- did it late in the day, which is unusual for me, as I usually work out first thing in the morning, but wanted to get to work early today.

And I did get to work early -- got the revisions done and sent -- and so am ready to start the new project.

Also surfed the net on nutrition and looked up the new GMO foods that are coming out. Good grief, can't believe some of these foods are being put on the market with so little testing.x( Not sure I want to be a guinea pig. Have been gravitating toward Organic Foods, but may make the switch to Organic only -- just to be on the safe side.:*

Anyway, tomorrow I plan on a good cardio and stretch.
Coming to the end of the month now.

Okay, so today was cardio and stretch -- did Cathe's Body Max -- first 24 minutes -- and then Cathe's 1st stretch from Stretch Max -- love that music. Am having to talk myself into these workouts...but at least I'm still hanging in there. Put on 2 lbs over Easter...x(


Anyway, tomorrow is Muscle Max -- and I have my band -- yea! Can't wait to do it.
You will love Muscle Max, the band on the triceps is killer. Love the feeling on the leg presses. The time passes quickly on MM for me. Love the variety. Love the way my shoulders feel after this one.

Hi Karen!

Just a quick hello, then it's off to pack and then a quick workout before I hit the road to Vegas!

Have a great rest of the week, don't work too hard!:7
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea!

Wow, Rhea, Vegas! Have a great time. I'll be working, that's for sure. As a matter of fact, after my post here, I'll be getting right to it.

Hi Jeanette -- so nice to meet you. Yes, I did Muscle Max today -- actually I did the TimeSaver version of it, as I'm sort needing to get to work -- and it was great. That band really does make you work for it, doesn't it. The triceps were burning. But you're right, you really feel good afterwards.

Boy, those abs were really something -- even harded that Muscle Endurance -- the abs section on that one I thought was a killer, but the abs on Muscle Max are even harder for me for some reason. But I'm actually seeing definition in my abs now-a-days.

Tomorrow is IMAX3 or LowMax or simply the first IMAX, not sure which one.

Have a really good day.:7
Hi Karen Kay, glad you liked the band and Muscle Max. I do Muscle Endurance tomorrow and looking forward to that or will substitute it with the dreaded (in my mind) Bootcamp. I've heard such good reviews on it that it sure has my interest perked.

The abs are good in Muscle Max, but to tell the truth, up until January I had been using Tamilee Webb's "I Want That Body" and her abs section is really good too, so I was kind of used to the "Jane Fonda" and "Jackknife" movements in MM. Glad you are seeing definition.

I cycled with a girlfriend today, 30 miles with about 2000' of climbing so I didn't do any workout at all this morning as I wanted fresh legs. Still feel really good and strong so after a woodworking project of staining cabinets, I may take out Bootcamp (or ride my horse). Decisions, decisions.

Rhea, I think we live in the same town. What a coincidence!

Have a great day.

Hi everyone,

I'm back from DC and back to work today. Taking the week off as planned so just walked around the city and the Smithsonian and yesterday went to an amusement park. So alot of walking but that's all. Am planning on one of the core segments and then a stretch segment tonight. Think I will start back on Sunday with the Strength workout.

Glad everyone likes the MM - I think it's a great workout and Jeanette, I agree with you on the Bootcamp - I own it and have used it rarely as it's just kills me and I cannot talk myself into it unless I deliberately pick a Cathe rotation that uses it.

Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie!

Welcome back Natalie. Hearing your stories about DC reminds me of when I used to live there. I loved the museums and used to take my kids to one or the other of those museums every weekend. I think my favorite was the Jefferson Memorial and the Air and Space Museum. I love that mall area -- just has a good feel to it.

Yes, MM to my mind kicks butt. My favorite is still, however, Muscle Endurance -- not sure exactly why. Every time I pick it to do, I feel good about it.

Jeanette, you have horses! This is so cool. A very good friend of mine, another writer, also has horses and is quite a rider. Do you do any competitions? I know her children are in competitions.

Cycling really sounds like fun. I haven't done it for a while, but my DH and I used to ride every Sunday morning. Actually, I really loved that time we spent with each other doing that. Maybe we should start doing that again.:p

And you were staining cabinets. Sounds like you have many talents.

Okay, about Bootcamp. The first time I did it, I wasn't sure I liked it -- I had done High Step Advanced and really liked it and I thought High Step was a better workout. However, after a couple of months, I pulled Bootcamp out again and found it wasn't quite so bad -- and now I find myself reaching for it more and more often.

The only thing I pace myself on is the terminators. The first time I did the workout I tried to keep up, and couldn't -- but then the next few times, I didn't try to keep up, but just did them at my own pace and found that when I did that, I liked the workout a lot better.

Anyway, have a great evening.:7

Oh, on Saturday, I'll be starting a different thread with April rotations. Just thought I'd let you know.
Hello Karen and Natalie:

Had a great day today AND did Bootcamp! It wasn't so bad, actually made it through all of it, but the tricep dips I had to rest a bit on. The rest of it was pretty doable, though the squat thrust thingies and terminators are tough, tough. I don't do those air jacks very well either. I did have a lot of fun and found myself yahooing it up. My dogs kept looking worried when I did that.

I've had horses for about 22 years now. Started with western for a few years, switched to hunter/jumpers and low level eventing for about 13 years, back to working cows, team penning, reining and for the last 5 years or so have been doing dressage, which I really like. Dressage is like what the White Lipizzan stallions do, only my level is so low I'm just barely on the charts. Actually, the basics are just so difficult and really hard when you are trying to learn it on a horse that doesn't even know the movements. Oh well, I do what I can and love the feeling of harmony with my horse. I used to jerk and spur with the best of them, but finally have learned to listen and appreciate my horse. I find the softer I ride, the better he goes. These Cathe ab and core workouts are helping me SOOOO much in my riding, it's unbelievable. I feel so strong on top of him, or should I say steady as my core strength has grown. I haven't competed for a few years, love taking lessons and riding by myself.

Bike riding, yes, I have that passion too. It's great exercise and easy on the body. Cycling can be pretty time consuming to stay in shape for the metrics and centuries. Last year and this year I've been able to keep my riding down to twice a week and still stay in fair cycling condition. Working out with Cathe is definitely helping in that area. The interval workouts are paying off big time. Today I rode up a pretty steep hill that a couple of years ago had me gasping near the top. Today it was nothing. I'll be focusing more on leg strength and have the Gym Style Leg workout coming on Monday and will incorporate this into a rotation. I'm really seeing how working out the entire body helps on the bike by enabling you to transfer the power from your legs right to the pedals through a strong core and back. Maybe you and your husband, Karen, can get some cycling in. My husband and I sometimes take the mtn. bikes out. I let him pick the pace and try not to nag him about staying in one gear all the time. I also try to let him lead the way most of the time. I also have to have an ice chest with cold beer in it at the end. The things we do for companionship! I do enjoy when he comes with me.

I completed staining the bathroom cabinet and will be varnishing tomorrow. Not really talented at all, it just needed to be done as they were so worn and yucky looking.

Have a good evening and I will be looking for the April thread. Sorry this is so long winded. Probably more than you wanted to know.

Take care. Not sure what I'll do workout wise tomorrow. I was going to see how I felt in the morning.

Hi Jeanette!

Dressage -- that's the word I was looking for. A good friend of mine here locally has a daughter that competes in that. As far as Lois goes -- my author friend -- I'm not sure what kind of competition her daughter does -- they're up in the North mid-west, so am not sure if they do western style or not. But I know there is a heavy competition in July that her daughter is in.

Also, come to think of it, I have another friend in Vermont who competes in dressage -- she's very serious about her competition, however. I must admit that I haven't been on horses very much -- when I was in high school, a friend of mine and I used to ride her horses down into a corn field. The horse I was riding didn't like to be ridden and kept trying to get me off her back, however. Once going so far as to roll over -- with me still on her. My friend -- Becky -- could hardly talk for laughing so hard.:+

You know, I haven't really been on a bike going up hills since I started the anaerobic intervals with Cathe. It will be interesting to see how I do on those hills -- my husband usually beats my butt in this sort of thing. But I'm now in much better shape -- again thanks to Cathe. Had to laugh at your description of bike rides with the hubby -- bringing beer, etc.

I think these workouts are a bit like having a home trainer -- I know I see so much improvement in my appearance -- even though I haven't lost weight, my pants went down a size.

Anyway, I'm so glad that you liked Bootcamp -- it's a really good workout. Reminds me a bit of High Step Advanced, which I also really love -- but Bootcamp has more abs.

Anyway, did IMAX -- the original today -- sweating it out. Was thankful for those cool downs inbetween -- the ones we don't get so much of in IMAX3 -- makes you appreciate them in IMAX.:+

Reminds me that I should really stain my cabinets, as well. Maybe after deadline. Okay, so I must concentrate and get down to work. Have a fabulous day.:7 :p
Hi Karen,
Worked on my cabinets today, 2 coats of varnish, probably will do 2 more coats tomorrow (light sanding inbetween coats) and will call that good. They are bathroom cabinets (large vanity) and were done in the 70's so are that dreary dark brown. I sanded all the stain and varnish (what was left of it) off and stained them a maple color. Next step will be to get a nice countertop with sink built in, new faucet, new light bar and medicine cabinet. Will call that good until we tackle the old shower. These domestic moods don't hit to often with me so I'm running with it. I'm on vacation this week and this was the project I had planned to do.

Horses, everyone seems to have a story of a horse that misbehaved. Fortunately, I've had really nice horses. My current horse is a 9 year old Quarter Horse. I rode him this afternoon and he went pretty well, a bit quick but finally settled and went to work. I haven't competed for some time. Know my dressage instructor probably wishes I'd give up the bike riding and concentrate on my horse riding, but I love that too. Not enough time to be good at either one, but that's okay, keeps the pressure off of me as I used to be pretty driven in the horse thing. Don't want to go back to that mindset again.

It will be interesting to see how you do riding a bike again, in regard to hills. The trick someone told me once was to watch your breathing, if it gets too ragged or labored, you need to gear down lower and spin. On really steep hills I keep this advice in mind, otherwise I won't be able to sustain and will go anaerobic (which you don't want to be while climbing). I find since doing more interval work, I can go faster up the hills, but it's never easy. I'll bet you anything you will see a big difference and your hubby will notice too, even if he doesn't say so.

I did Muscle Endurance Express Premix this morning. Not sure how it's different from the full length. I did Bootcamp yesterday so was going to take it a little easier today. I looked at Lunacat's Compendium (such a useful document) and see that the difference in time is not that different from the full length. I do like ME. Tomorrow I think will be Low Max. This workout usually kicks my butt pretty good and works my legs. Hubby is noticing more firmness in my legs, so that's encouraging. Not sure what my rotation will be next week. I may still do 3 or 4 days cardio and 2 full body workouts like the last 2 weeks. I've felt really good with these and to tell you the truth, I don't have to lug the weight equipment out every day.

I hear Imax is tough so good for you for doing it.

Take care,

Jeanette :D
Hi Jeanette,

Your home projects are encouraging me. As soon as I'm off deadline, I'm going to have to look around and see what I can get done around here, too. Thing is with spring and summer, I tend toward doing the outside projects -- flowers and bushes and such. But I think my house needs a bit of work, too.

We're (me and hubby) are thinking of getting those new fancy air purifers for our home -- the ones that have an ultra violet light. We have six cats -- and we really have to keep the air quality in our home good -- we are both slightly allergic to cats -- so we keep air purifers going all the time, but these new ones look really good.

Anyway, I love horses -- I just don't have that much experience with them except via my friends, and just a little bit of riding. I'm actually allergic to horses that have been in a barn. On Indian reservations and such, where the horses are kept outside, I don't have any allergies to them, which makes me think the allergy may be more of an allergy to hay than to the horse.

Anyway, speaking of Bootcamp -- I did that workout today. I did your suggestion and didn't jump in the air and found I could then keep up with them.:p That's one tough workout.;)

Muscle Endurance is probably my favorite workout, outside of IMAX 2. I'm not sure why. I really do love it, though. I don't have it in DVD -- only video -- and so I don't have the shortened version. I did do the shortened version of Muscle Max this week, but actually found I like the entire workout better. I'm beginning to appreciate the tiring of the muscles, I think.x(

Well, it's off to work for me. That's the benefit about being self-employed -- you get to work all the time... Did I say benefit?:+

Oh, well, I'll be posting my April schedule -- probably later today or tomorrow -- am a little anxious to get down to work -- have this deadline pending and it's starting to eat away at me now.

Have a great one! :7
Hi Karen:
I did outside stuff today, had DH trim branches and such off trees and bushes and I hauled all to the burn pile. Spent the morning doing this and then that darned wind came up around noon. We got it all burned though and I feel a lot better about that. If I was retired, I would spend more time on beautification of our place, or garden or something. Otherwise, I just have time to maintain lawns and water. I hate being tied to the place. If I had my way, we'd go camping a couple times a month.

Air purifiers, hmmm, my husband claims he's allergic to our house cat, he always seems to have that phlegm thing going so maybe he is. Either that or the dust or sagebrush or our dogs. What kind of air purifiers did you get? Maybe that's what we need.

Bootcamp is a tough one, but I'm looking forward to doing it again this next week. Haven't sat down with a rotation yet but will soon. I did Low Max today. Such a great workout. What I find with being more fit, is that I have so much more endurance, such as the yard work we did today. So when I don't see a lot of muscle or weight loss, I KNOW I feel so much better. What a great benefit. Also took my son's girlfriend on a bike ride. She just bought a new Specialized Roubaix Comp road bike. Very nice bike. Black and made of carbon fiber. Tomorrow is a rest day from workouts for me, but I think we will do more cycling, but will be at a more leisurely pace than usual so it's kind of like a rest.

Take care and I look forward to seeing your April rotation. Do you post the whole month's workout or just a week at a time? What are your goals, endurance, strength, flexibility? Right now mine are mostly the endurance and cardio workouts. I do want more leg strength and have ordered GS Legs as that's been talked about highly. Also have Core Max coming too. I find working on the core is making a huge difference on the bike and horse. The other thing I have to remind myself and work on is posture. I'm 46, but don't want to get the rounded shoulders I see so many women and men have. It ages a person terribly.

Well, I've rambled long enough, must get another coat of varnish on the cabinets before turning in tonite. Husband and son are out with a bunch of guys riding 4-wheelers and having a lot of fun around the campfire.

Take care,

Jeanette :D
Hi Jeanette,

Wow! Sounds like you really got alot done today. That's good. I didn't get much housework done or yard work -- I'm watering the flowers right now, even though it's night -- but I got some work work done, which is good.

Oh, this month I've decided to work on cardio endurance -- I've been so much into anaerobics -- anaerobics makes me feel so good and it stimulates that old growth hormone for those of us over 35 -- and strength, that I noticed that my cardio endurance isn't where I would like it to be. I have what I call a free day (not my day off) -- I usually take Sunday off, too -- but a free day that I assign to just do anything my heart desires as far as exercise and usually that's some sort of citcuit workout.

But this month I've decided to work on cardio endurance and so I'm going to be doing cardio endurance workouts on that free-for-all day.

Anyway...I usually just do one week at a time -- cause with me, my schedule changes so much that I my work load will change from week to week. I'm thinking of Maximum Intensity Cardio and Rhythmic Step and the first two sections of Body Max for my venture into cardio endurance. I might need to look at Cathe's other workouts, as well, as I don't have many of her step workouts and I'm still building up to the Kickboxing -- mostly cause I tend to throw out a hip when I do those.x(

That is so cool that you went for a ride with your son's girlfriend -- sounds like you're a great mom.:7 We'll see if my hubby and I go bike riding tomorrow -- we didn't make it into the mall to get the air purifer cause he worked late -- so I think we'll go tomorrow. We're going to get that new air purifer from Sharper Image -- the one that has the new -- oh what's that called -- the blue light -- oh yeah, ultraviolet light in it. That goes a long way to kill off pollen and stuff in the air, as well as purifies the air.

Yeah, my hubby and I are fairly allergic to our cats :-( -- and we have six -- and so we keep air purifers going all the time in the house -- but they're not top of the line or anything -- I think we got them from WalMart of all places...

You might try it and see -- we're getting alot of pollen here -- we have trees all around us and they are coming to life -- and so I think this will help both hubby and me.

Anyway, hubby is now home. I gotta go get my hug and kiss.

Have a great one.:7

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