KK's March rotation


Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanie! Hi Rhea!

Well, a new month is upon us. Spring should be in the air, but even here in good ole LA, it's cold -- at least cold for us.

Today is my daughter's anniversary, also.

Natalie, I found IMAX 3 very challenging, too, but I paced myself through it the first time so that I was able to get through it okay. On the harder ones I didn't do them as strenuously as I do IMAX2. It will be something to work up to.

Also I noticed that many of Cathe's workouts are in the new Collage catalogue. Not High Step Challenge, though or IMAX3. I'm getting more and more interested in Hight Step Challenge.

Anyway, life is certainly busy for me right now, and while I'd love to do the Hardcore rotations, I'm afraid my workout schedule this first week in March will have to be the TimeSaver DVD workouts. I think I'll be doing them on the 8" step, however, instead of 6", since the aerobics are shorter in them.x(

Am still so very, very busy, but perhaps this is all very good.:* Keeps me young. However, I notice when under stress that my requirement for water seems to triple -- funny how one seems to need more water when under stress.x(

So here's the rotation for this first week in March:

Monday: TimeSaver #1

Tuesday: TimeSaver #2

Wednesday: TimeSaver #3

Thursday: Off -- do one of Cathe's stretches

Friday: TimeSaver #4

Saturday: TimeSaver #5

Sunday: IMAX 2 or 3

One thing I'm noticing is that my workouts are tending more and more away from other workouts that are not Cathe. I love the results I get from Cathe and am afraid I'm becoming rather spoiled...:+

Well, that's all for now. Have a terrific day.:7
Hi Karen!! I see that you must be on right now since we posted almost at the same time.

I haven't done much of the TimeSavers, but that gives me an idea for tonight. I might not have enough time to do the KickMax workout sceduled (74 mins) so maybe a Timesaver with more cardio, just so a get a workout in. Well, not that a day of rest would hurt, I'm stiff today, so I may just stretch and do some yoga.

Have a great day. Happy Anniversary to your daughter! Talk to you later.

Oh, BTW, I'm spoiled by Cathe too. I tried to do an old Firm tape the other day, one that came out with the purple and blue step, it was too easy for me. I could not get my HR to stay above 100.

you are definately working too hard if you can't come and play. :(

Hope everything is going well and everyone in your family is all healthy! Don't work too hard. Talk to you soon.
Hi Rhea!

Yes, my schedule is incredible right now. I'm doing it to myself. I have this very, very short window of time to get these courses done before I must must must settle down to deadline and so I'm putting in time from 1PM to 10PM daily -- weekends included to just get them done -- been trying to do this for a year or so, but was always too swamped with work to do it -- but I have these few short weeks and so I'm cramming. The good thing is that deadline is beginning to look easy in comparison...;)

Anyway, have been doing the TimeSaver DVD this week as my time is short and am enjoying it. Did TimeSaver #2 today, but may not do #5 tomorrow as it's only legs and my heart rate doesn't get up there on that.

You know, I noticed the same thing with the FIRM. They are too easy for me now...:p

Have a wonderful day and a terrific weekend.

Karen Kay,

What are we going to do with you missy? I think you need a nice long vacation soon! Seriously though, I give you lots of credit for continuing to make time for your workouts.

I agree with both you and Rhea -- FIRMS are a breeze after Cathe. I find myself reaching for them when I want an easier workout or to just mix things up. I just finished FitPrime Fast Cheetah -- it wasn't as taxing as a Cathe workout, but I enjoyed it.

Hope you get lots done this weekend AND get some downtime too.

-- Jeanie
Hi Karen Kay, Jeanie, and Rhea,

I've been doing the Fat Burner rotation but ahve shuffled the workouts around a bit as I don't have as much time during the week. Also, it's been really cold here so I substituted 30 minutes of Low Max for the 30 minutes run. Got those reverse mambos this time so I'm making progress!

Muscle Max today which may be my favorite of the series.

I also agree about the Firm/Fitprime workouts - still fun but not as challenging with the exception of Tough Tape which I think is still a great weight workout.

Have a great weekend,

Hi Natalie,

I think I'm going to get LowMax. I've been hesitant due to the mixed reviews, but I really need more extended cardio workouts.

It's been really cold & windy here too, but today was a heat wave -- 40! Spring just HAS to be around the corner!

Take care,

Hi Jeanie,

I would definately get Lo Max. I did it yesterday which was the second time for me and I felt it was a better work as I was better able to follow the step coreography and I was able to get through everything without too many mistakes.

Going to do IMAX 3 and Coremax #3 today. I wasn't able to do much of the last 3 bursts the first time through so hope to be able to do a little more today.

Hey Natalie -- thanks for the recommendation! I am getting tired of my cardio workouts and feel Low Max would be a good edition to my videos.

IMAX 3? You go girl! I hear it's a killer!

Let me know how it goes!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie! Hi Natalie! And Hi Rhea!

Well, my outrageous schedule continues. I was hoping to be done at the end of February, but I have 3 more courses to do and then I'm done. Then it's a trip to the East coast to visit my daughter and then I settle down to deadline. Deadline is beginning to seem like a breeze in comparison to this schedule -- I'm putting in 8-10 hour days. But I've been wanting to do these courses for about 2 years and I have this tiny window of time -- and won't have another window for about another year...

I agree with Natalie on LowMax. I really think it's a great workout. And I like IMAX3, as well. LowMax is a little long for me right now, due to my schedule, but I'm determined this week to get in hour long workouts -- just try to get to bed a little earlier and up a little earlier.:+ With all the stress, I've put on a few pounds -- so I'm upping my water intake to try to bring this back down.;(

Anyway, I miss your smiling faces when I'm not able to log on and chat.

This week's possible rotation:

Yesterday, I sprinted outside.

Monday: High Step Advanced -- went well

Tuesday: IMAX2

Wednesday: ME -- my favorite

Thursday: Off

Friday: ME or Muscle Max -- if I manage to get to a store and buy the equipment needed

Sat: IMAX or IMAX3

Sunday: Some cardio tape and stretch

Have a great day!:7
Hi Karen Kay,

Well, at least you have that visit with your daughter to look forward to! You are a working machine lady!

I think I'm going to go ahead and order Low Max. I also have the new WHFN 12-pack coming, but I have a feeling they won't be shipped as scheduled. New workout videos really help keep me motivated!

Guess who is sipping on water right now? I'm really trying hard to take your advice Karen Kay. I don't drink nearly enough water (I'm a hard-core black coffee drinker).

Have a great day, and good luck with your hectic schedule!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie,

Gosh it's good to hear from you. Yes, me and my crazy schedule right now. However, I just finished another course. Yea! That's four courses in 3 weeks. Pant...pant...

Two more to go and then I can settle down to writing and deadline and visit my daughter and...and...and...

You'll love LowMax. I know you will. It's really an incredible workout. Yes, water helps me keep my weight down. Especially under stress -- and if you're drinking coffee (coffee acts the opposite of water and dehydrates you) so upping your actual water intake will be good -- just water, though. I can't believe I heard of someone the other day saying they'd upped their water intake by drinking more pepsi or coke...:+ That would really pack on the weight.;)

Anyway, again, I'm on the run -- but the end is in sight. Did Circuit Max today -- had me really sweating -- I love it!

Have a terrific weekend, Jeanie.:7
Hi Karen Kay,

Glad to hear you are having tome to workout. I'm planning Lo Max today which I really love and planning on trying High Step Challenge for the first time tomorrow.

Karen Kay & Natalie,

Just wanted to thank you two for recommending Low Max -- I bought it and am loving it! It's just about as perfect as a workout gets for my middle age body -- tough but fun and easier on the joints!

Natalie, High Step Challenge is a favorite of mine. Let me know how you like it.

Karen Kay, I'm still working on increasing that water and decreasing that coffee and diet soda. I'm getting better.

Talk to you ladies soon!

-- Jeanie
Jeanie and Karen Kay,

Glad you liked Lo Max! My joints appreciate it, too. I really liked High Step Challenge, more than High Step Training which I have used only 2-3 times as it is so tough I just cannot finish it. But either I am in better shape for HS Training is a little less intense but still a great workout. Today, I did the Hardcore Extreme #1 which is parts IMAX #3 and High Step Challenge. It's 68 minutes total and tough but I felt better as I think all the variety took my mind off how intense it was. Plus, my knees got a break during the strength training segments.

Talk to you all later,
Hi Natalie,

Since you are the Cathe expert, can you tell me if Hardcore Extreme would be overkill since I already have Low Max and High Step Challenge?

Thanks and have a great day! Hope Karen Kay can pop in soon.

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie,

I am definately not the Cathe expert but the complete Hardcore series was a really nice present from my husband. I'm going to do the second workout on the Hardcore Extreme on Saturday so I'll let you know what I think after that. If it's as good as #1, I'm going to prefer it over IMAX 3 and Kickmax. It's just great aerobic variety that would be impossible to do very well using the individual workouts on the separate DVD's. I've tried to do that with some of the other Cathe's using a 5 disc player but there is just too much waiting while the discs are loading.

Talk to you Saturday,


P.S. Karen Kay, where are you?
Hi Jeanie and Natalie -- and perhaps Rhea!

Thanks so much for asking about me, Natalie. Well, I've finished my courses for now. Now, I'll be working weekends doing stuff for my church, but Monday through Friday is work as usual -- or perhaps work as UNusual -- since I'm a bit behind...:+

But I'll be able to visit a bit more often now, since now I'll be home and have access to the internet. I'm so glad that I got those courses done -- been trying to do them for the past few years and finially decided to just do it, whatever it took.

Didn't stop working out last week, but did shortened workouts a lot. I'm getting to really like IMAX3's premixes -- doing the warm up -- five of the intervals and then the cool down and stretch. Does LowMax also have a similar premix -- I should check it out.

Jeanie, I'm so glad that you like LowMax -- I really enjoy it very, very much. But now I'm wanting the High Step Challenge -- I like Bootcamp and the other High Step workout, so I bet I'll like this one, too.

Anyway, for this week:

Monday: IMAX2 -- still love this one or if I have time, LowMax

Tuesday: Muscle Endurance -- love, love this one

Wednesday: Some cardio workout and stretch

Thursday: The new strength Hardcore workout -- can't remember the name -- if I have a band to do it

Friday: IMAX3 or LowMax

Saturday: High Step Advanced

Sunday: Off

Have a great day.:7
Hi Karen, Natalie and Jeanie!!

So glad to see you back Karen. I missed "chatting" with you.:-( I can't believe that your deadline is coming up so fast. I know about those classes thought, I finally broke down and took my Spanish classes, I'm lovin' it! I actually may attend a University next year to continue and may even get a Master's Degree in Foreign Languages. I'm just not anticipating the hour drive to get to the college two nights a week.

Well, don't work too hard, I'm not....hahaha....
Hi Rhea,

Gee, it's great to hear from you, too. I missed not getting on and chatting -- I've really come to value the time spent here.

That would be great to get some classes done -- what a great idea -- to learn Spanish -- it's almost a requirement for California living anymore...;)

An hour drive would be a bit much, but it's certainly do-able. I was driving 30 minutes to get to classes and more time if I timed it wrong and had to wait in traffic;(

But I'm really glad that I did it. Actually I have the galley back -- it's back from the copy editor -- different from my actual editor -- and then I'll be able to settle down to deadline -- ran around today -- completing things I'd been putting off.

Anyway, hope to have a productive day tomorrow.

Did IMAX2 today and noticed that since I've been doing a bit of HardCore IMAX3 -- even though the shortened ones -- I found IMAX2 easier than usual. My favorite is tomorrow -- Muscle Endurance.

Have a great one!:7

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