KK's January 2007 check in

Hi all!

No workouts for me yet. I perservered and got all the curtains done for DH's room. Since his b-day party is next Saturday, this was the last weekend I had to try and finish. Now, I have to finish getting ready for trial. Eeek. I am going to try and get some shorter workouts done in the evenings.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morniing!:)

Can hardly believe I'm posting in the morning...:eek:

Am in bed -- checking in in bed...darn... So no workout for me today. The brown recluse spider -- got a bite once in the early 90's and didn't know how to handle it (even though I'd gone to the doctor -- two of them) and had much tissue damage -- still have quite a scar from it on my arm. Also have a slight scar on my leg from a recluse bite -- but that one had occurred in Florida, where perhaps the bites occur more frequently, and so I think the doctors there know better how to handle (the one on my arm occurred in Vermont, where these bites are not so common, and so I don't think they knew as well how to handle -- was actually told that it was impossible for me to have been bitten...) Anyway, the bite that happened in Florida didn't leave as much of a scar, and little, if any, tissue damage.

But after the bite I got on my arm where I got so sick, (this is the one in Vermont), I decided to experiment on myself with natural remedies (since I tend to get bit by those criters somewhat often) and came up with a remedy that works well and usually has the bite gone within 24 hours with no tissue damage and no scar. However, have never been bit by a black widow before and so the I have some of the symptoms of the bite occuring with me today -- adominal and back pains, etc. Last night I had a fever and some sweating. Goodness. Have decided to just spend the day in bed and let the body deal with it...

Jeanette -- that ride sounds incredible -- 60 miles... Whew! Hope the yoga was great today.

Rhea -- curtains -- wow, that's right. You are quite a seamstress, aren't you? Your DH is lucky. I can hardly sew on a button...

Becky -- hope your weekend was terrific and that the week ahead is great.

Figure I'll start my rotation tomorrow. In the meantime, have a simply wonderful day!:7
Good afternoon ladies

This weekend was great. Had so much fun that I now have a UTI. *wink*
Waiting to see if my doc will call in a antibiotics script. I use the student health services right now because it is so convenient, but now I am wishing I had a "real" doctor. Actually, I am wishing it is 2.5 years ahead and I can call in my own script!

Anyway, I did BootCamp today. Fun stuff. I have to rearrange this week somewhat so that I don't have to lug my step to Pensacola over the weekend. I am on the last week of the January rotation and I am just going to put Cardio Fusion on Wednesday and the Core Max/Stretch Max combo on Saturday. (Otherwise, pretty much the same rotation Karen listed...except I will do the GS series)

Must get back to studying. Hope everyone has a great night.

Morning ladies,
Today was Core Synergistics. This is the 2nd time I've done this workout as it only falls during my Recovery Week. Love this workout and I can't believe how much stronger I am in my core now. Great functional fitness type workout, but has a few pushups interspersed in it. Worked DH on Chest, Triceps and Abs last night. He said we could go for a walk right after he gets home from work and take the dogs out too. HOpe he's still up to it.

Becky, sorry about the UTI, never had one before and from what I hear, they aren't fun.

Rhea, you are so good to get your sewing done. Now you won't have to worry about it and can concentrate on DH's party.

Karen, boy, that bite sounds nasty. I know you will monitor it closely so in case you need to go to the hospital, you will. Black widow bites are to be taken seriously for sure (you know that, of course). Hope you recover soon.

Got to go,

Good morning!

Just a quick check to see how everyone's doing. Probably won't be around much until next week. Tomorrow trial starts at 10:00 a.m. and then goes through Thurs. Friday I have a doc appointment at the crack of dawn in Reno. So it is up early for me.

Yesterday I finally managed to squeeze in a workout. Did the TJ kickin Core. I can't wait until I get back to my routine.

Karen - hope you are better today. Becky you too...I hate UTIs.. Yuck.

Jeanette - you are sure tempting me with those P90X. I might have to add that to my wish list for the spring sometime.

Talk to you later.

Have great workouts and days everyone!
Good morning!:)

Well, I'm better today. Yea! Got up and did IMAX2 -- but made it as low impact as possible and only did 8 rotations...a total of about 45 minutes -- but that was enough after being in bed all day yesterday...

Becky -- I've had the UTI -- more often than I would like -- a friend once told me this remedy and so I'll pass it along -- although you probably already know about it. It's simple. Cranberry juice. Usually does the trick...and pretty quickly, too.

That's great on the rotation -- you know, sometimes you can do the step without the step -- I know that sounds insane, but when I'm on tour, I do the step routines without the step -- I just jump a little higher...:eek:

Jeanette -- I know what Rhea is saying. I think I might put these on my wish list, as well. The results are really incredible. Hope your DH is up for that walk, as well.

Rhea -- hope that trial goes great. And hope you're able to burn off that stress now and again, too. Great on getting that workout in yesterday. :)

Well, I'm off to work for the day -- actually I've done quite a bit already -- but I plan to finish the course I'm doing in the next few days, as well.

Have a wonderful day, everyone and some serious, butt-kicking workouts. :7
Good evening ladies

Today I did GS C&T.

I was able to get the antibiotics yesterday. I am feeling much better today (thanks to the OTC pain med Urostat). Karen, I do know about Cranberry Juice, but the amount I would have to take to get over this one would have been pretty high (and the acidity would have given me mouth ulcers). Just can't win, eh? Anyway, I am feeling better now though. Thank you all for your concern.

I hope you keep getting better Karen.

Must study. Hope everyone has a great night.

Hi all,
Did KenpoX this morning and have a Spinerval garage session tonite, which will be a tough one for sure. Will also work DH on shoulders and abs tonite.

Becky, glad you are feeling better. C&T is a good one. Wonder if I'll be able to do all the pushups on my toes when I get done with P90X.

Rhea, check in when you can. Be careful driving to Reno on Friday. Should be warmer today here. Yeah!

Karen, good job on Imax2. Looking forward to doing that one again. It's probably one of my favorites. Sounds like you are over the spider bite.

Good morning!:)

Quick post before I have to rush to make it to my class.

Did Pyramid UP -- up only, plus a stretch this morning. When I first got up, I had to really talk myself into doing anything.:+ So instead of cardio, I did a stretch. However, after doing the Pyramid, I realized I could have done the cardio -- oh, well.

Becky -- glad to hear that you're feeling better. Like I said, I tend to be prone to getting those, too, and they're not exactly pleasant.:eek:

Jeanette -- your schedule sounds intense, actually. Push-ups on your toes. If you can do those after, I think these things will definitely go on my wish list. Wow...

Rhea -- check in when you can. Hope the trial goes your way.

Have a super day, everyone and really great workouts!:7
Good morning all!

Well, the saga continues. I did have trial set today. However, it is now put off for a while. If y'all remember, my office only has three attorneys. My boss, me, and a new person who just started in the criminal defense realm. Tomorrow is our normal preliminary hearing day (felony cases only) My boss's blood pressure has been up and down. I can't remember if I told you about last Thursday, it was 191/125. Monday it was high, but okay. Yesterday it was just fine. This morning it was 181 over something (he didn't say what the bottom number was) The ER nurse said get your butt in here, those are stroke numbers. He was covering my juvenile calendar and then went over to the jail to see some of the people for tomorrow. I decided to take control. I called over the D.A. that was handling today's trial, he agreed to continue the matter. I called Dave at the jail and told him what was going on....he actually sounded relieved and admitted that he was feeling a little woosy (MEN ) Sent him home (and supposedly to the ER) Judge agreed with the continuance ( I am the only one that can handle the calendar tomorrow and we cannot continue everything like we did last week. Easier to cancel one trial than to move 20 cases) So no trial for me. I'm pooped though. All that adreneline running through me, plus I had a bit of caffiene this morning which I'm not used to.

So, wonder what workout I'll be doing tonight? I'm tending toward BM2. A good long workout......
Good afternoon ladies.

Jeanette, I am sure you'll be able to do those drop sets of push-ups on your toes after P90x! I sure can't though. :)

Karen, even though you thought after the fact that you could have handled cardio, I am sure your body appreciates the rest from it. :)

Rhea, sounds like your life is crazy busy right now. Make sure you relax or your BP will be through the roof too! Lawyers and doctors do have shorter life expectancies you know. I think you and I are taking care of ourselves though, so I am sure we'll be fine.

Today I did Cardio Fusion (everything except the Drills from Drill Max). That made it about 50 minutes total. The schedule for today said any premix from CF, but none of the premixes sounded good since they all had DM drills in them and I just did DM at the end of last week. I followed it up with abs from Leaner Legs. It was supposed to be abs from LIC, but I left that one in Pensacola.

I have been having food cravings lately. I try to be really good during the week and allow myself to splurge when I am w/ DH on the weekends. I just can't take it anymore! The stress is getting to me and I can't keep denying myself. (Also, but splurging a little daily hopefully I can curb the massive weekend splurging :) ). I bought some Edy's no sugar added low fat ice cream and a box of vanilla yogurt cheerios. (also so some mac and cheese). I am not going to eat it all at once, but knowing it is here makes me feel good. I guess in all reality, it isn't that bad. The cheerios are only 120 cal/serving (3/4 cup) and the ice cream is only 110 calories/serving.

I guess I am confessing my "sins". I know that if I told any of my in-person friends about "sinning" then they would think I am being, as my friend calls it, "the skinny bitch". Not that she calls me that, but she calls anyone who is thin and complaining about their bodies or what they eat that. It is nice to be able to tell these goofy things to people who feel the same way.

Hope you all have a great day.

Good morning,
Today was XStretch for me. Felt good as my hams are pretty tight from the Spinerval workout last night. Worked DH on Shoulders and Abs too. He really felt it. I like to have him do planks and side planks besides plain crunches. He's been pretty strong all his life, but only in traditional movements. He's getting some variety and touching some new places. Today after work we will go for a walk with the dogs.

Becky, your little splurge doesn't even register on the scale that my pancake breakfast splurge was on. I thoroughly enjoyed the pancakes and trimmings yesterday. Didn't eat much the rest of the day and still had plenty of energy for my Spinerval workout!

Rhea, sounds a bit chaotic at work for you. Please try to get some de-stressing in (yoga, stretching, something) to help with this. Hope the high blood pressure gets under control for your boss. Sounds very dangerous.

Karen, hope the class went well for you. Maybe you need to do a workout that you look forward to? I'll be looking to throw in a Turbo Jam sometime (of course after P90X).

Hope everyone's day goes well today,

Good morning!

Yesterday I threw in Cardio Fusion. Ended up having to skip the last two sections. Just plain ran out of energy. Not sure what will be on the books for today. I have sorority tonight, so I probably will throw in the Turbo Jam Total Body Blast and then a rest day tomorrow.(in Reno for docs appointment)

Have a great day. I'm off to court.
Hi ladies.

Today I did GS Back, Shoulders, and Biceps followed by the Step only premix of SJP. I have never done that premix before and it was really fun as an add-on.

So glad tomorrow is Friday and I get to see DH. We are really splurging tomorrow night. We are making what I entitle "homemade Steak & Shake". We are making cheeseburgers (on whole wheat buns of course:) ), oven cooked french fries, and here's the kicker: cookies and cream milk shakes! I am going to love every moment of my endulgence. :)

Hope everyone has a great night. I for one will be studying bacteria and viruses that cause diarrhea. How appetizing!

Good Evening!:)

Have had an unusal last couple of days. As I sometimes do, I overdid it when I was ill. Have never had a black widow bite and I take brown recluse bites in stride and so when on Tues. I felt fine, I thought I was fine. But was a little dizzy Tues. eve and Wed. morning -- and then Wed. eve, I was so exhausted, I could hardly do anything. Then this morning at 4AM I was up with worry cause I still felt so very, very tired -- couldn't go back to sleep. The long and short of it is that there was no workout for me today and am not sure of tomorrow, as I now want to make sure I'm really well before getting back into my every day affairs. In truth, I'm still a little tired -- so I'll probably take it easy tomorrow -- actually, I plan to catch up on my sleep.

Finished my course, though.:)

Rhea -- the stress level does look to be high. I sure hope you'll be able to keep to your workouts. Like Becky said, I think they are a lifesaver. Hope your boss gets better, too. Also hope your soroity -- can't spell it -- meeting was fun, as well. Cardio Fusion is a little tough, I think. Of course, here I am looking at it, while I'm feeling very tired.

Jeanette -- good idea about doing workouts I like once I'm up to doing workouts again -- hopefully on Saturday. Still admire what you are doing with your hubby. I want to do this with my hubby, too. I have mentioned it. It's a start.:)

Becky -- thanks you for telling us your woes. That's what we're here for. I have similar problems with some of my friends. To one friend, I said that she simply didn't understand what it takes for me to remain thin (especially at my age) -- if I didn't watch what I eat, I would gain weight, no questions asked. In truth, I'm pretty much on a constant diet, I told her -- every day of my life. (Her eyes got big as I told her this.)

Of course we all go off our diets. I hope you don't mind me saying nutritional info now and again -- if you do mind, just tell me and I'll stop. This info comes from Adele Davis -- food cravings are often a result of lack of vitamin C and supplying ample quantities of vitamin C can do much to relieve one of these cravings. (These are my words, not hers.)

Sounds like you have a simply wonderful weekend planned. We make all our own ice cream here -- to avoid all the chemical additives (most of them unlisted) in ice cream. And we have these moments of bliss -- kinda reminds me of what you're describing for the weekend.

Anyway, hope everyone has a terrific Friday. I'm back to my writing schedule now. And will remain on it until this book is finished. 10 pages a day. :)

Have some super workouts!
Good morning everyone,

Today was Core Synergistics for me. Did not have so much energy today as a few days ago when I did it, but I still focused on engaging my core. Great functional fitness workout. This one works you all over for sure. Will work out DH tonite on Back, biceps and abs. Our walk yesterday afternoon didn't happen but oh well.

Karen, sounds like you really needed to recover from that spider bite. They are serious, serious and a toll on the body for sure, as you are finding out. I hope you really take it easy until you are completely ready and rarin' to go again, even if it takes a few more days. Good luck on the writing today.

Rhea, be careful going to Reno, but hope you have some fun over there too (besides the dr. visit).

Becky, your Steaks and Shakes sounds fabulous!!! Bet you and DH will just enjoy it so much. I like SJP a lot too, probably one of the most fun workouts for me. Like the music real well in it.

Got to go, hope everyone has a great day and weekend.

Good Evening!:)

Yes, Jeanette, I'm finding out that this was more taxing on the body than I had at first thought. Like I said, I seem to take brown recluse bites in stride -- but this one really has me down.

Slept most of the day through -- although I did take a walk today -- we'll see how things go tomorrow.

Have a wonderful weekend, hope that you get your full energy back and have some great workouts.:7
Good afternoon ladies. This post will be quick since I want to spend as much time w/ DH as possible.

Yesterday I did Butts and Gutts Leg Blast premix...crazy!!!

Today I did a 30 minute run. May run tomorrow or may do some stretching. We'll see.

Well, hope everyone has a great weekend.

Good Afternoon!:)

Well, it's late afternoon. Goodness, but this bite has really had an adverse effect on me. After finishing my course on Thursday, I came home and slept -- got up, then slept. Slept almost all day Friday and almost all day yesterday. Last evening was the first time I really sort of got up and did things -- and today I've been cleaning and such and am feeling almost back to normal. Whew! No workouts as I've just been trying to recover -- hard to describe or even believe the incredible sleepiness and tiredness.

So I'll probably go at it at a gradient this week -- no workouts over 1 hour -- and hopefully those that are about 45 min. to 55 min. Haven't seen what Cathe's new rotation is yet, so I'm just going to make one up.

Becky -- so cool that you got your workouts in no matter what. Am sure your weekend with your DH was great!

Jeanette -- Bet you got alot done. Talked to my DH and my BIL about them getting in some cardio. They both really need it -- they both work physically demanding jobs -- but it's construction (raingutters) and so it's not cardio. But I think we've reached an agreement on them getting in cardio 3 days a week. (And suggested it would be nice if mine and my hubby's bike were fixed.) Whew!

Rhea -- hope you had a good and relaxing weekend -- and that the week ahead won't be too taxing.

Well, here's the plan for next week:

Mon: IMAX2 (might just do 5 intervals)

Tues: Supersets

Wed: 20-30 min. cardio & stretch

Thurs: Push/Pull

Fri: Drill Max drills only premix (8 intervals) or 1/2 of IMAX3 -- may not be up for even half of IMAX 3 :eek:

Sat: KPC premix

Sun: Off

Not too stressful -- and I'll watch it just to make sure -- really loved Cathe's rotation last month, however.

Just ordered over $100.00 worth of research books for this next book -- luckily I had about $40.00 in gifts from Christmas.

Well, have a terrific day everyone and super workouts!:7
Good morning!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine are too short now that I only get 2 days off on the weekend, instead of 3, but I'm getting more sleep so that's a good thing.

Saturday's workout was Bryan Kest's Power Yoga - Intensive Body Sculpting. This, to me, is the toughest one I own, but it really focuses more on "cooking" the legs. Makes me shake every time. Love it. Sunday was a bike ride with our group. Did 43 miles. Have a bike ride down in the valley next Sunday. It will be a 60 miler with a couple girl friends. Weather is supposed to be in the 60's to 70's. Guess I'll be able to finally ride in shorts. These legs haven't seen any sun for a while - SCARY!!!

Becky, bet you had a fabulous time with DH! Now don't go getting another UTI!! How was Shakes & Steaks?

Karen, take it easy until you're back to full steam. How does the area where you got the bite look? Did you get the bikes fixed yet? That will be fun if you and your DH and BIL can ride. Riding to me is fun and not like a cardio workout at all.

Rhea, how was the dr. visit?

Got to go now,


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