KK's January 2007 check in

Good afternoon!

Today's workout was Chest-Shoulders-Triceps. Love this one, however, I was still feeling some soreness from doing KenpoX on Saturday with DH. Guess I was punching pretty hard? Anyways, worked thru it and ended up increasing my weights or reps in almost everything. Even did about 15 real shallow one armed pushups on my toes. Wasn't as bad as I was dreading. Then went to one armed pushups on my knees. It's cold today, but sunny. DH is out running around with a buddy so hopefully when he returns we can go for a walk with the dogs. I will work him on the Bowflex/free weights tonite.

Hope everyone is having a great day. I have to go back to work tomorrow. Need to balance my checkbook and pay some bills today.

Good Afternoon!:)

I might be checking in in the afternoon for the next few weeks. Am taking a class at my church, which will put me home somewhat late -- so I'm going to try to check in before I head out the door...

Jeanette -- Oh, I saw Night at the Museum. Wasn't it fun? Sort of reminded me of an old Marx movie -- like Night at the Opera or such things.

Hasn't it been cold? It's sunny here today, as well, but very cold.

And I love Sherlock Holmes -- are you getting the old ones with Basil Rathbone? Love those. And great on increasing your weight, even though you were sore. Well done, Jeanette. But I must say that I find your rotations inspirational.

Rhea -- hope you had a good weekend

Becky -- hope your weekend with your DH was great -- know you're busy.

Well, I, too, balanced my checkbook today and ended up needing to put in some more money -- only to find the banks closed -- I forgot. I love Martin Luther-King, and all he stood for, however. So in honor of him, I'll just post one of my favorites of his quotes:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

A great man.

For me it was IMAX2 today -- am looking forward to this week on the rotation for some reason. Sure am using the Pyramids alot on this rotation (Due to not having all the DVD's needed.) Oh, and the neck and back are almost healed -- amazing to me how long it is taking to fully heal.

Have a terrific day and wonderful workouts!:7
It was PlyoX for me this morning. Great workout that gets my heart rate up there, but with lots of focus on using your core to take out the impact. Makes me feel athletic too. Did AbX last night and coached DH, working Chest and Abs.

Was hoping to get a walk in yesterday, but didn't due to it being too cold and DH didn't really want to go anywhere. Instead, I paid bills, balanced the checkbook and went grocery shopping with DH. Nice, quiet day. Back to work today.

Karen, so glad the neck and back are almost tiptop. The Sherlock Holmes movie was not one of the old ones and I was disappointed in it. It was The Sign of Four. We have The Hound of the Baskervilles coming and hopefully I ordered one with Basil Rathbone. DH likes the older ones so I'll keep that in mind when ordering.

Rhea, back to work today, huh? Story here: My mom was on a jury (up at High Desert) last week. They took a break for lunch. She ate in her car. Guess the sun was shining right on her. She got a little sleepy and fell asleep in her car. She woke up and was 30 minutes late getting back to the jury. They were all waiting for her. Bet they thought she'd ditched them. She was very, very embarrassed. I just laughed and told her that it's not like the jurors never have to wait for the judge or lawyers.

Becky, hope the weekend was good with DH. Bet you are back at the studying again.

Good workouts everyone,

Good Evening!:)

It was KPC -- the full thing -- for me today -- right on the rotation. Don't often do the full thing as it's almost 70 minutes -- my husband even commended on how long it was. But oh, well...

Great workout and tomorrow is Pyramid Lower Body with a stretch.

Jeanette -- geez, those workouts are really peaking my interest. So cool that you are coaching your DH, as well. Go Jeanette.

Laughed at the story of your mother... You're right you know. Yes, I love those old Sherlock Holmes, too. Basil Rathbone -- he fit that part so well -- also love Abbot and Costello and the Marx Brothers -- and many, many others. Something about those old ones that I like.

Got the new cover flat for the book coming out in June -- it's really a great cover. Great cover... Hope this new editor that I have will continue in the same line with great covers.

Didn't write today -- am going to try to get this class done in one week and then concentrate on writing -- take one thing at a time.

Rhea -- it's back to work today -- hope it was a great one.

Becky -- hope the studying isn't overwhelming you.

Have some terrific worktouts tomorrow and a super day.:7
Good morning ladies. I had a great time w/ DH over the long weekend. Then yesterday, I forgot to post.

Here are the workouts I have done lately but not posted on.

Saturday:30 min interval run
Monday: IMAX 2
Tuesday: KPC
Today: PUB

Wow. I haven't posted in a while!
It is wonderful that the work week is 1/2 over. DH is coming out here to Tallahassee this weekend. I will miss my dog though. My friend is having a bridal shower and she would hate me if I didn't go, so DH is coming here.

Must get back to studying. Hope everyone has a great day.

P90X Back & Biceps today. Wow! What an arm and forearm pump. This will be the last time for a couple of weeks I think before it comes up in the rotation again. I've made great strength gains with this one. I hit pause a few times on this one to give me time to recover. Great workout and lots of variety. It moves along.

Becky, glad the weekend was good for you. Sweet of your DH to come to your place this coming weekend. Your dog will be waiting for you, and really, really wagging his tail.

Karen, what class are you taking? Love the way you take on challenges and work to meet them. You inspire me AND you get your workouts in too. Way to go on doing all of KPC!

Must go,

Hi everyone!

I'm not going to be able to post much in the next few weeks. Darn work is going to interfere.

Well, now for my yesterday saga. I didn't workout. Well, I didn't workout for a very good reason though. While talking to a client in the afternoon, I actually had chest pains. Sort of like a little person inside hammered on my chest (in the middle) twice. Had to stop talking cause it made me lose my breath. Lasted only about 2-3 seconds, but I still went to the doctor. Not heart attack, but still had to do ekg, blood test and today a chest x-ray to definately rule out. I guess you can have a nerve fire that will hurt like that. I guess it usually comes from the mid-back nerves and actually fires right in the chest. If that chest pain last longer like a minute, then it is usually the heart. When it last only for a second or two it is a nerve firing off. Weird huh? This getting older really sucks. My nerves were a bit shot yesterday, I didn't think doing the cardio planned was a very good idea since I don't have all the confirmations yet. So I just relaxed. The stress did start up my heartburn though. (can't win for losing, huh?) Okay, back to my low stress job....hahahahaha

Have great workouts today. I'll probably do something, just not sure what since I'm totally off the schedule now. I might have to make up my own for the next two/three weeks and then tackle Cathe's January when I have more time to concentrate on me.
Oh my gosh, Rhea!!!

I am so glad that it wasn't a heart attack! A nerve firing? Have never heard of that. Was it out of the blue? So glad you got to a doctor and ruled out a heart thing. Take it easy for a while, okay? Bet your client didn't know what to think. Take care.

Good Evening!:)

Oh dear, there are some major things happening here.

Rhea -- I am so glad that it wasn't a heart attack. So very glad -- interesting how the nerves in the spine can affect so much. At least it's a good thing that you work in such a "low stress" job...:eek: At least you're doing something that will help, which I think exercise is -- understand that you may not be able to post for a while -- but keep us in the loop, okay.

You are definitely a friend. Most definitely, and we'll all look for your posts.

Jeanette -- Am taking a class at my church on assists and what one can do in emergency measures to aid people who have been in or had accidents or are victims of some natural disaster. It will take me at least all this week and possibly some of next. Great on all your workouts. Am so inspired by you Jeanette. Oh, and thanks for the compliment -- makes me feel great.

Becky -- That's great the your DH is coming there this week -- I know what you mean about your dog, however. I worry about my cats if I'm gone from them too long. See that you're really keeping to the rotation. That's great, Becky. I'm keeping with it, too, even though I change it around a bit.

Noticed today that doing the Pyramids has allowed me to go a little higher in weights -- so that's good.

Tomorrow is PUB for me, plus cardio -- I'll probably do a premix as time will be short.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow and some great workouts.:7
Good morning,
Instead of YogaX this morning (haven't really done this one much) subbed with Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness - Magically Hips section of 53 minutes. Love this workout and it makes my hips feel very stretched out. Did AbX last night with DH and also worked him on Shoulders and triceps. He is doing well. I keep the workouts short and put on his 50's music and a fan to make it more pleasant.

Rhea, again, so glad it wasn't anything real serious, but I would have definitely been very alarmed. I remember when I had gall bladder attacks, I thought it could have been a heart attack, it hurt so much. Thought I was going to die in the house. Take it easy, hope you never have another nerve firing like that again.

Karen, way to stay on target with the rotation! I love the Pyramids, will be anxious to see if I can improve on weights after doing P90X. I have enjoyed going at my own speed to lift, helps me to lift heavier if I'm not worried about keeping in time with someone else. The class sounds great. Feeling more prepared is a wonderful thing. Kudos for you for doing it.

Becky, know you are working out and getting your studying done.

Hi ladies.

I am posting late tonight. Didn't end up finishing my workouts until late.

Today I went to the student gym and did 20 min on the bike and 20 min on the treadmill. Then later on tonight I did PUB.

So excited DH is coming in tomorrow. Can't wait to see him. Must get back to learning about microbes that cause diarrhea. Yummy.

Good Evening!:)

Hmmm...Becky, the sound of those microbes is very appetizing, indeed...x(

I love the way you post your thoughts about your DH -- I would be excited to see my DH, too, but it's still inspiring to catch a glimpse of "young and excitingly in love."

Glad that you are keeping up with the rotation. I kinda forget what's on the agenda for tomorrow -- gonna have to go look. Oh, yes, I see Drill Max is tomorrow. But since I just did PUB today, I think I'll do Step Blast and then Drill Max tomorrow. I'll have more time tomorrow to do Drill Max, and I'd like to do the thing the whole way through.

I'm assuming you all have your new videos -- wasn't it exciting to get them in the mail?

Jeanette -- I so admire the way you are gradiently leading your husband to be more fit. The care you show is so admirable. And your workouts look great, too. The course I'm taking is really interesting and should prove to be helpful -- our church often goes out to the disaster areas to offer relief...so perhaps sometime I might be able to go -- like I really have the time to do this. x( But it would be a good thing to do.

Miss you already, Rhea.

Okay, well have a terrific day tomorrow everyone and some super workouts.:7
Good morning ladies,
Running a little late this morning. Did P90X Legs & Back today. Good workout still for me. I'm increasing every time on my lat pulldowns. Maybe someday I'll get brave and try a pullup. Need to go to a park or clothesline somewhere and hang from a bar. Will do AbX tonite with DH. I'll be coaching him on probably biceps and back tonite. Hoping he will do KenpoX with me tomorrow morning before a trip to Reno.

Karen, I like helping DH. He so much has the mentality that he has a physical job at work and that it works him pretty good, but of course, it's not sustained cardio or heavy weights because he sure huffs and puffs at our workouts. I'm trying to keep it short, effective and fun for him so he won't discontinue. He's sure been feeling Ab Ripper X. It's a goodie for sure.

Becky, have a wonderful, wonderful time with your DH this weekend. Think you have a shower also.

Hi Rhea,

Well shoot, I was posting and then got interrupted and my post disappeared!

Hmm, wonder what I was saying?

Haven't workout yet this week, been too lazy. Everything is fine from doc, so no excuse for not working out. Just a bit overwhelmed with everything to be done in the next week. Yesterday was a disaster. My boss ended up not being able to come to work because he woke up very dizzy, nauseous and couldn't walk straight. His wife made him go to the ER. Turns out that his BP was 195/125 and he had a slight inner ear infection on top of everything. So he is out of the office until Monday. I had to take over his court calendar. This was my first full day that I was supposed to not have court (I wasn't even dressed for court!) and I was supposed to be able to prep for my trial next week. Nah, no stress at my job. At least I'm a bit better today. I've been able to finish up some stuff and get the trial prep started.

I should be able to do some sort of small workout tonight, hopefully. Well, I'd better get back to work. I won't be able to post much next week because of trial and regular court. Have a great weekend.
Hello ladies.

Rhea, so glad your boss' wife made him go to the ER. BPs that high can cause so many problems. If the lower number were to get any higher, he would be considered to have "malignant hypertension" and sometimes people just end up have occluded arteries from hypertrophied smooth muscle and die! So glad he got taken care of!!!

Jeanette,hope you enjoy Reno.

Karen, hope you enjoy Drill Max. That is the one I did today too. I realized during it that this was only the 2nd time I have done the entire workout. Usually do the drills on Cardio Fusion or the leg and drill premix (which I actually think is harder...my HR stays up higher longer). It was a good workout though. My shoulders are pooped.

I am looking forward to DH getting here. He should be here in around 3 hours. Better go so I can shower and do some laundry (and maybe a bit of studying) before he arrives.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Good Evening!:)

Great to hear from you all! It was Step Blast for me today -- only the 2nd time doing that workout -- for some reason I have been thinking that it was 70 minutes long...:+ Good workout, though.

Becky -- yes, tomorrow is Drill Max -- am looking forward to doing the whole thing. I haven't yet done the entire workout -- although I do parts of it pretty often -- so I'm really looking forward to it.

Have a great time with your DH. Yea!

Rhea -- am so glad to hear from you. Good grief, work does sound quite stressful. Hope the exercising will help to take off some of the stress -- maybe some long walks -- or maybe even trimming the hedges...:eek: Something to help relieve the pressure.

I'm gonna be having a bit of pressure soon, too. 3 1/2 months to deadline and counting.

Jeanette -- I can't even imagine doing pull ups -- although like you, I might go to the park and try it a time or two -- but I don't think I'm as strong as you are at present -- still I think I might try it -- just to see...

Still think it's great that you're coaching your hubby. You have really made a good point -- my hubby does physical work all day and so I tend to think that he's in shape, but it's not cardio -- I think maybe I'll talk to him about the two of us taking walks at night or something. Oh, and enjoy Reno. Sounds like a fun trip.

Well, am looking forward to the weekend to get some of the things done that I've pushed to the side cause I've been taking this class throughout the week. Have a super weekend, everyone and some really terrific workouts.:7
Just a quick post before I go and join my hubby for he evening...

Did all of Drill Max today for the first time -- terrific workout. Wow! But boy, is it long... Great workout, though.
Good Evening!:)

Hope you all had a terrific weekend. Today was spent with housework for me -- plua, I think I got a black widow spider bite -- for some reason spiders tend to bite me -- have had several brown recluse bites this lifetime, but this one is difficult -- red and black and nasty looking and painful...

Luckily I've been bit so often by brown recluses that I have a pretty good natural handling for them. But still...

Anyway, need to post next week's rotation: I'm going to have to modify as I don't have the Gym Styles.

Mon....Boot Camp -- instead of Boot Camp, I may just do my tried and true IMAX2 -- we'll see how I feel in the morning with this bite...

Tues...Gym Style Chest and Triceps -- I'll substitute Pyramid Up here -- up only, I think -- I'm really getting to like the Pyramids -- but because of them, I'm going heavier. Plus, I'll add at least a 20 minute cardio.

Wed....Core Max segment 3 and stretch max segment 3 -- don't have coare Max -- but will substitute some core segment from some other workout

Thurs...Will substitute Pyramid Up again -- but this time, I'll do Pyramid down only plus another cardio

Fri......Gym Style Legs -- will do Pyramid Lower Body

Sat....Cardio Fusion (any mix of your choice) plus abs from LIC -- this is fine

Sun...this is my day off -- will try to do a walk, though.

Well, that's it. Have a wonderful day, everyone and some terrific wowrkouts.

Hi all,
Today was a bike ride, 40 miles in cold temps. Will be soooo glad when it is warmer. I have a 60 miler down in the valley on Super Bowl Sunday. Hope I am ready for it. It's not an organized ride, but one that we try to do each year.

This next week is my recovery week and tomorrow will be a yoga session. Looking forward to it. Went to Reno yesterday and had a nice time with DS and his girlfriend Cass. I bought some blinds at Home Depot for our bedroom. They will ship in a couple weeks. Also got a new bike helmet with a gift certificate. It's pretty spiffy and fast looking (probably dorky to most everybody else!)

Karen, looks like a good rotation next week. I like the Pyramids too! Black widow and brown recluse bites, oh my! I've seen pictures on TV of the brown recluse bites and they are nasty, nasty, with much tissue damage that goes on and on! Does that happen to you? I've heard that we don't have BR's up here in northeastern California. Hope that is true. They are bad spiders.

Hope everyone else had a nice weekend. Next week should be warming up some!

It is a yoga day today so I chose Shiva Rea's Yoga Shakti. Very relaxing. Would have liked to have done some more, but ran out of time,
Hope everyone has a good day today. Will help DH with his workout tonite.


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