KK's February Check-In

Good Evening!

What a schedule I'm on -- but I'm so close to being done -- I figure 2 more weeks -- maybe just a little more -- but the light at the end of the tunnel is becoming lighter and lighter each day. Am really beginning to enjoy this now -- but goodness what a schedule.

So hope that my DH will be able to come and drive home with me -- also did I tell you that my god-daughter has moved here and so I'll be leaving my stuff with her -- plus, when I come back, I'll be able to stay with her...and I'll get to know my god-grandchildren a little better, too.

Today was Body Sculpting for me today with heavy weights (well, heavy for me -- probably not heavy for the rest of you). But with heavy weights -- it's quite challenging -- and the time is perfect.

Tomorrow, I plan cardio from SJP -- just the first part of it. And then the rest of the week (Thurs & Fri) will be filled with 1/2 of Bootcamp (Intensity series).

These STS workouts sound incredible. So tell me -- with the incredible amount of workouts -- was the packaging really big, also? I wonder where Cathe will go from here -- I sure wish she'd do another CTX and Intensity sort of workouts -- or intensity workouts for those of us who have on 30 minutes a day to workout.

Jeanette & Janie, I so love reading your posts. I admire both of you and what you're doing on STS. Did I tell you that my editor gave me another couple of months on my deadline? Thank goodness.

Anyway, am once again hurrying to bed -- have a super day tomorrow, everyone. And hi Rhea!
Good evening!

Today was supposed to be a rest day, but did Christy Taylor Dance Fit instead. Skipped only one of the sections (the one on the floor)

Jeanette - I have a Bernina, totally cool machine. The place where I go for some quilting type lessons (I took a long arm class, now I really want a long arm....lol) is the Going Batty Shop. It is on North Virginia.....down by the south end of town. All way by the other Winco.....I'm not sure of the off ramp right now.

Well, better run, got some reading to do.
Good Evening,

Jeanette, Tomorrow will be disk 8, Triceps and back. It gets harder and harder, but then again, I'm stronger and able to just do. Sometimes it's so difficult I wonder if I'm going to get through this. I may miss one or even two reps, but I think I'm doing really well. I don't notice in my body appearance, but I do notice I'm using heavier weights as time passes. Also, I'm not eating correctly all the time. I'm trying though.

Rhea, I'm so glad I have Dance Fit. It's a good workout. What are you reading, business or pleasure?

KK, After you are done with the course, would you be going back to Florida for more classes any time soon? Your workouts sound great to me. I'm not yet impressed with myself about doing STS. I love the program, they are incredible, but hate that I eat when I shouldn't. Have to work hard on that. I'm afraid to weigh myself, so I won't. I'll wait until I'm finished the first round of STS. Just before I start it again.


Janie - I was supposed to be reading for business, but alas, did not get it done. Oh well.

today I did push circuit #2. I was a little tired and sore trying to type at work afterwards.

Well, I'm starved, so off to the kitchen for me. Plus I've been typing all afternoon, so I'm not too into being on the computer right now.

Have a great rest of the evening everyone!
Hi all,
Yesterday was a rest day for me. Today was watching the bike race on the couch in the morning, but then did a bike spin with the Garage Boys tonite. Tomorrow should be STS Disk 3 if my back is okay. I tweaked it just a little yesterday morning, just bent and picked up my laptop from the floor and oops.

Rhea, I think I'll go to Reno on Saturday to the Batty place and check out the Bernina's. I talked to a lady there and she advised me on some models. Also got some advice from Cindy Gatie, who also has 2 Berninas.

Janie, my eating is not good either, but I've actually felt a bit leaner the last few days. Probably before the water retention hits LOL. I hear STS gets harder, now I'm scared!!! I haven't weighed at all, would rather just go by how my clothes fit and how I look in the mirror.

Karen, so glad you got the extension on the deadline. Will you be having to start writing when you are finished with the class? I'm confused. You are great to keep up the workouts, modifying to fit your schedule. That's the important thing anyway, to be consistent.

Must go now,
Good Evening,

Jeanette, STS does seem to get harder. I did disk 8 today, and I think I didn't eat enough protein or something, because I felt really tired all day after that workout. It's a very demanding series, AND I LOVE IT!;) Eating tonight was no better. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day. I hope so.

Rhea, Between Push Circut 2 and work, try and have a good evening.:rolleyes:

KK, Tired tonight aren't you. Have a good night sleep and see ya tomorrow.

Today was STS #3B, Legs, which felt pretty good. Nice to know I don't have to increase the weights, Cathe will do that by next workout, I'm sure. That's the beauty of STS! We'll see if I'm as enthusiastic when I do the next Leg workout. I hear it's a doozy!

Janie, I remember feeling weaker in the 3rd week when I did P90X. That one was tough!!! Hang in there! How's Joey liking STS?

Hi to everyone,
Good evening!

Jeanette - you will like the Bernina. I love mine. I almost wish I bought the one that did embroidery, but geez, I hardly have time to sew let alone do embroidery. Oh and don't you love that lean feeling? I've been getting it lately too with the CLX series. My belt notch went back done two notches and I have lost that much weight.

Karen - you go girl. I hope you get done soon so you can be back home.

Janie - probably do need some more protein during the weight lifting process. One of the things that Chalean mentions is to add more protein during our push month (real heavy weights) And I've been starving at times. I can't believe how hungry I can get lately.

Okay, today no workout for me. I had trial to do and I'm exhausted now, but I WON!! I love it when I finally get to win. Don't get that very often.

Well, off to relax. I think I'll treat myself to a glass of wine and some dark chocolate. Yummy.

Have a great rest of the evening.
Good Evening!

Sorry I couldn't get to the forum last night -- it was a late night for me -- well, late nowadays. So let's see -- yesterday was a cardio -- first part of SJP -- the more I do those workouts, the more I like them. And today was the first part of Bootcamp -- Intensity series -- tomorrow will be the rest of the Intensity series.

Jeanette, yes, as soon as I'm done here, I'll have to put myself under deadline for the next book -- plus go into heavy promotion mode for the new book due out in May. Pant, pant. I sure thought I'd be done by now, but not yet. But goodness, I sure do see the light growing brighter and brighter.

Janie, I so admire you and Jeanette doing this series -- it seems that it would get harder and harder, but I'm sure that Cathe will make it gradiently harder and harder. She's good at that.

Rhea, really love that you are so creative with sewing. It's an skill that I truly don't have and so greatly admire. Love that you're keeping up with the workouts, too. I love Dance Fit -- I'll have to wait on doing more of it till I get home, cause it messes up my DVD player here -- don't know exactly why, but the last time I did it, I couldn't get it out of the computer.

Anyway, gotta run -- have a green drink to make and then to bed as fast as possible. Have a super day!:D
Good afternoon,

Did week 3 disk 9, legs. O My! I already have doms and my legs are like rubber. Joey was so good at it. Couldn't hardly believe my eyes.

KK, Another book in May. What is the name of it? You are so very busy!

Rhea, Love it when belt notches have to be tightened. It will happen to me eventually. I have a Vicking. It's last a very long time so far and no problems. Congratulations on winning! YEAH!:eek:

Jeanette, Joey is doing better than I with the STS series. He's amazing!

See you all later, I'm going to soak in the hot tub.;)

Ooh, hot tub soak, that sounds good.

Did Burn Intervals and Ab Burner today. Had awesome energy. I can't wait until this 90 days is over so I can start my STS. I think it will be a great complement to my Chalean.

Have a great rest of the evening! TGIF
Good Evening!

Today was the rest of Bootcamp Intensity series and tomorrow with be cardio only from Boot Camp 4DS. Sunday is normally my day off, but I might do something anyway, since I'm only doing 30 minutes a day -- I don't know maybe just a little cardio -- something easy -- almost like a day off. We'll see.

Janie, I love this soap. It feels different than other soaps -- why is that, do you think? Almost like it has more oil in it -- one can really tell it's very quality soap. I can't thank you enough.

The new book out in May is called Black Eagle. I'll tell you more about it as the time draws near -- it's the one book I wrote last year when I was here. Geez, I've been here so long.

Anyway, have a super weekend. Just thought I'd pop in and say "hi." I wonder if the STS workouts will make Cathe's other workouts yet to come be different. Sure would like for her to do some shorter, intense workouts.

Have a super weekend.
Good evening,

That hot tub was so heavenly.:)

Rhea, I can't wait for you to finish up with Chalean too. I've heard a lot about that workout and many people love it. Lucky you. STS is fantastic also, but of course it is different from anything out there. You are going to love it!

KK, The reason you feel the difference in the soaps is because of it's glycerin. Like I said before, it is it's byproduct that you are experiencing. Also the ingredients are all natural and mostly oils and herbs. So glad you are enjoying them.

Jeanette, How are you doing on the STS series?

Take care,

Good evening!

Just finished up Push Circuit #3. Love the heavy weights. I'm going to be a bit sore since I heavied up on a lot of the exercises. Did not use anything under 12.5 lbs. Even used 25lbs for some of the legs, but noticed that back was a little sore from holding on to those dumbbells.

Well, gotta get in the shower. Have a great rest of the evening.
Good Evening!

Well on Sunday, I like to look ahead at the week ahead and kinda line up my workouts. It's going to be more of the same, I'm afraid -- 30 minute workouts. Today was cardio from SJP -- the hi-lo only.

Mon: 4DS Cardio only for anaerobics
Tues: Probably the scupting workout again -- the time is right
Wed: Some sort of cardio for 30 minutes
Thurs: I think SJP Hi-Lo and weights only -- 30 minutes
Fri: The rest of SJP for 30 minutes
Sat: Blasts only from either IMAX2 or IMAX3
Sun: Off with some sort of easy cardio for 30 minutes

When I have the chance -- the fellow who lives below me is sometimes gone in the evening nowadays when I get home and on those days when he is and I can do it, I'll put in another 20-25 minute workout -- cardio only -- trying to get rid again of those dreaded 2-3 pounds.

Have a super day tomorrow, everyone.:D
Good Mornin,

STS is scheduled today. Disk 10 already. It is the fourth and last week before I start on Meso 2 week 1. It's been almost a month since I started STS. I don't feel anything different yet, but that might be because I didn't eat very well. I'll try harder this month on that. I'm still overweight and I'm still working on it.

Rhea, You are improving everday! I bet by now you can see a big difference in your body makeup. Keep up the good work.

KK, I love how you plan your week of exercises. It looks great!

Jeanette, Hi there, how's it going?

Good evening!

Yesterday ended up being a rest day since I was kinda feeling lazy. So today I did the Burn It and Recharge workouts. I'm a little shakey from holding those yoga poses. Whew.

Hope everyone is doing great. Janie - looks like you are enjoying the new workouts. I can't wait to get to them. But then I still want to workout with Chalean too, so I'm going to have to mix them up somehow.

Time for dinner. Have a great rest of the day everyone!
Today was STS Disk 5A. Enjoyed it, barbell rows were tough for me. Lots of variety. Yesterday was a rest day. Sunday was MIC (most of) and STS stability ball abs. Saturday was Disk 4A from STS.

Rhea, I bought a Bernina Activa 220 on Saturday. I'm enjoying it and have made a few quilt blocks already. Got it at Gone Batty in Reno.

Janie, wow, Disk 10 already? I'm only on 5, but I'm repeating each week for a 6 month rotation. Not noticing any changes yet? I feel my muscles more now and don't feel as puffy, especially in the abs.

Karen, you are the most focused person I know. I bow to you! You always seem to meet your goals! Good job!

Great workouts everyone!
Good Afternoon,

Did the wedding video today. Love that one.

Will start Lent tomorrow and take charge what goes into my mouth and eat less.

Good evening!

Did the Push Circuit #1 today. Went nice and heavy on some of the leg sets and made sure form was good. My arms are nice and toasty.

Looks like everyone is doing great. Jeanette - you'll have fun with the Bernina. I'm hopefully going to get some good use out of mine this weekend.

Well, must get back to work. Have a great weekend everyone!

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