KK's December Check In

Just a quick one here...

Karen, KenpoX is kickboxing. I really like it because I feel less prone to hurting myself in these so you might find it interesting too. The combos are not complicated and pretty low impact. Different than Cathe and less frantic (by far) than the Tae Bo that I own. Not as intense as KPC, but I ordered some weighted gloves that I think will get my HR up a little higher.

Today was Chest and Back and will do AbX tonite after work. That one is only 16 minutes and I can do it easily in my computer room. Good workout this morning, though I didn't sleep well last night. Should be better tonite. Am increasing strength on all of these workouts. I can do quite a few pushups now and you do a ton of them in Chest & Back.

Got to go, hi to everyone.

Good morning all!

Looks like the internet is back in business and I can post for now. Have a lot to do in these two weeks of no official court. Hopefully I won't procrastinate too much. But when I get to "down" time, I'm usually pooped and don't push too hard on the work. Well, at least that is my excuse and I'm stickin' to it.

Karen - Haven't heard of Bob Beck at all. Sure hope you get to catch up with everything. Doing better with the stomach/heartburn stuff. Had a little problem with the medication being doubled at first, but now my body has adjusted. I also just try not to worry since that only adds stress.

Jeanette - glad to see that your cold is finally gone. Also looks like you are enjoying the P90X program. I'm having way too much fun with the new Turbo Jams. I actually have to tell myself to do another type of workout so I won't get bored with the new ones. Well, plus I need a little bit of weight workout somewhere!

Becky - sure hope you are doing great and resting. I used to love the time between semesters at law school. They went way too fast though.

Well, I kept up with workouts last week. Took Thursday, Friday and Saturday off though because of time constraints. Managed to squeeze in Kickin' Core yesterday. Butts and Gutts in on the schedule today. With no court, I can do the longer workouts. Company is not coming until Friday, so I think I will try to workout every day until then. Don't know if I'll be able to sneak in a workout while people are here. (I'm sure going to try though.)

Have a great day!
Good Afternoon!:)

It was Drill Max premix for me today -- the 46 minute premix -- like the anaerobics in this -- plus, it's just not too long.

Jeanette -- that KenpoX sounds great, actually. I tend to injure my left hip when I kickbox, if I don't watch it, so it sounds really, really good -- a good way to check my form.

Rhea -- that's great that you were able to work out last week, and that you're enjoying the Turbo Jams so much. I gave my daughter some Cathe DVD's and the Turbo James for X-mas, as well. Also wrote out a little rotation for her -- with the help of people on these forums -- can't wait to hear back from her on how those are going.

Have fun on your workouts!

I just got off the last of the packages that had to go out today for people out of town. Now I can concentrate on things more locally -- as well as more kitchen work. Pulled a muscle in my neck yesterday doing so much kitchen work.x(

Becky -- bet you're really enjoying your time off.

Well, I'm going to relax right now, eat some late lunch and then get down to answering all my backlogged correspondence...always feel so bad that I let this get so behind -- I think I have some letters that are two months unanswered.:eek:

Have a terrfic rest of the day!:7
Good morning!

Wow, I can't believe I'm the first to post today.

Okay, I am soooore today. Butts and Gutts gets me everytime and I lighten up, don't use the ankle weights, etc. So, for the next month or so, I think it has to be in my rotation at least once a week. It gets me good and deep in the gluts and hamstrings. I should have jumped in the hot tub last night, but I was too busy watching a movie.

So, something cardio is on the menu for today. I think I will try to keep myself from my new ones and do an older one, like Cardio Party #3. I haven't done that one for a while.

Well, hope you all are having great days. Talk to you soon.

Hi ladies.

I have been so bad about checking in. I am having such a good time on my break that I just forget!

Saturday I took a rest day...I needed the time as I spent all morning prepping for my party. It was a great success.
Sunday I went running on the treadmill for 45 minutes.
Monday I did Butts and Guts
Tuesday (today) I did Low Impact Circuit premix #3 (upper body circuit).
Tomorrow I will do some sort of cardio intense workout...either IMAX 3 or Drill Max or Cardio Fusion...not sure yet.

Anyway, back to spending time with DH. Hope everyone is having a great week.

Posting late tonite. Been rushed, had to shop tonite and do some touch up painting in the living room.

Today's workout was PlyoX and it kicked my butt. I'm feeling more of the effect of low carbs as I'm doing the Phase 1 eating plan. Good thing it's not cycling season or that wouldn't work at all. I love my carbs!

Rhea and Becky, glad to hear from you. Butts & Guts is a killer, isn't it? I do like that workout. Becky, sounds like you are doing well with your workouts.

Hi Karen, know you will post later.

Good Evening!:)

Yes, the last one to post -- gee it's almost 11:30 -- really late...

It was Legs & Glutes for me today -- it was supposed to be a circuit workout -- but I did something to my neck/shoulder area on Sunday, when I was in the kitchen all day -- and it's so sore -- even still, that I decided that weights would not be the way to go. As it is, it is still sore and so I will probably do a cardio & stretch tomorrow and cardio and upper body on Thursday

Was thinking to do LIC, like you, Becky, with upper body on Thursday-- but my LIC freezes up, so I think I might go with Pyramid up and some cardio of some kind on Thursday -- hope this neck thing has cleared up by then.

Rhea -- Butts & Glutes is really a hard one -- threw my hip out doing it -- so I'm building up to it gradually. Sounds like you're having fun with the workouts, though -- way to go.

Becky -- sure understand about having so much fun that you forget to post. We're always glad to hear from you. Looks like you're keeping the intensity up.

Jeanette -- You make touch up painting sound like a chore like washing the dishes or something. I can't imagine me doing "touch up painting" -- just cause it needs to be done. I'm impressed. I'd probably bug my hubby until he finally did it to shut me up. Maybe I should take a page from your book on this.

That's right -- when you're really biking you do need those carbs -- this is the perfect time, then, for this diet, isn't it?

Well, tomorrow I hope to finally finish my shopping. I sure hope so, as I need to concentrate on what in the world I'm cooking for Christmas dinner...

Oh, I did get caught up with my correspondence -- yea!

Have a wonderful day tomorrow and terrific workouts!:7
Karen, sorry your neck is still sore. Good idea to give your upper body a rest from weights. Nice that you got your correspondence completed. No, touch up painting is a chore. Also, the paint that I ran to Walmart to get didn't match up to the paint on the wall perfectly. Looks wrong, but oh well. Guess I'll be painting the entire kitchen, living room, family room, hall after the holidays. It needs it anyway. Have clean up to do tonite.

Today's workout was Shoulders & Arms and will do AbX tonite. Great workout this morning and increased my weights on almost everything. Think I'm almost ready to do 15#ers for lying tricep extensions. I'm amazed at myself.

Got to run,

Good morning!

My goodness Jeanette - 15# on the triceps?! Yikes, I'm a wuss compared to you! I really should concentrate on the weights more, but I get a little bored easily with them and I don't always feel "worked out" without my cardio.

Karen - hope the neck is better today. All that sitting and doing correspondence probably didn't help it much. Now that you are done, it should all loosen up.

Becky - glad to see you are having fun on your break. The breaks always go so fast.

Well, yesterday's workout was Cardio Party#3. I was thinking that it would be a great one to workout the lactic acid. It was for th emost part, but the lactic acid came roaring back when I was all done. I've even been getting a workout laughing at myself when I try to sit or stand. Groaning has become a great part of my volcabulary. Today I think I will do the Total Body Blast and tomorrow I will endeavor to do either Drill Max or the Cardio Fusion. Just not sure which one yet.

Have great workouts and great days!
Good Evening!:)

It's a little earlier this evening, but not much. It was cardio from BodyMax2 today and a stretch. Neck still bothering me, so I think I'll skip the upper body work planned for tomorrow, as well. Deep sigh...

Will see how I feel in the morning.

Jeanette -- you are so ambitious when it comes to your house and doing the work that needs to be done. I'm afraid I just sort of ignore those things that need getting done around the house. And 15#ers on triceps extensions. Wow! I'm afraid I'm a wuss in comparison, as well.

Rhea -- Great that you enjoyed the Cardio Party #3 -- looks like you've got some tough workouts coming up, as well. Enjoy!

I might go and see the chiro tomorrow about this neck and upper back -- it is really bothering me -- and I have so much kitchen work left to do...

Becky -- keep enjoying your time off.

Have a great day tomorrow, everyone, and terrific workouts!:7
Good morning,
It was YogaX for me, or well most of it. Had 10 minutes to go, but I just had to get going with my morning routine stuff. Good workout though. I feel good now.

Rhea, sounds like you are enjoying your workouts. You are ambitious on your workouts! Hope the lactic goes away soon.

Karen, hope the chiro can help your neck. I know that's just not any fun. What do you think you did to cause it? Take it easy for sure.

Hi to Becky.

Good morning!:)

Am logging on early today as I don't expect to workout today. Now (in addition to the neck thing) I have an ear infecion, and so don't think it's wise to workout when the body is trying to rid itself of the infection. Darn...x(

Jeanette -- you sound busy -- I expect to be as the day goes on, as well.

I think I had pulled a muscle in my neck doing kitchen work -- my posture and the way I am constantly looking down when doing kitchen work ia what I think did it -- that and on Sunday, I was in the kitchen doing work there for about 6 hours straight. Unfortunately there's not much to do about it, as I have to do the kitchen work at Christmas time and so it's constantly getting re-injured. Am not doing any kitchen work today, but am going to give the body a chance to heal, as I run around doing last minute shopping today.

Now am hoping to blow the ear infection in record time -- am taking colorstrum (mother's milk) every few hours to boost the immune system -- so we'll see -- don't want to be sick over the holidays - just too much to do.

Rhea -- your workouts sounds wonderful -- am a little envious right now as I would love to be working out -- enjoy!

Becky -- figure you're having a terrific time with your DH. Hope the workouts are going well.

Have a great day -- wish I could do my regular exercise -- even though it's only a day -- I already miss it.:eek:

Happy holidays, everyone!:7
Good morning!

My goodness Karen - an ear infection on top of everything, geeze? Hope that gets better very fast. I bet the chiro helps with the neck and the shoulder. Isn't it funny how soemtimes simple little moves, not the necessarily workout ones, makes you kink up? I've had that happen too. Always very frustrating.

Jeanette - did I actually see a bit of snow this morning? Wonder if it will last long. Probably not, this little storm is only supposed to be here today, gone tomorrow. My poor pond is frozen solid. Even the waterfall is iced over, the water goes underneath the ice. I was laughing at my female dog yesterday. I was afraid she was going to get her tongue stuck on the pond. She was licking the edge and the trying to use her bottom teeth to chew a hole. I have no idea why she really wanted pond water, their water was just fine. She must really like the taste.;)

Becky - hope you are doing great!

Well, hopefully today I'll have enough time to even workout. Between work and company coming tomorrow, I have soooo much to do. I've been working on things a bit at a time, but other things keep interrupting. However, I think I will keep in mind that the work needs to get in there, no matter what, even if it is only a 30 minute one.

Well, off to trial prep....yuck. Have a great day everyone!
Wow, I'm first to check in today?

I managed to sneak in Kicking Core. Today, I'm planning on sneaking off mid-morning and maybe doing BM2. The whole enchilada. We'll see. It is the last workout I'll probably get in for the week since my house will be full of company for the next three days. I've never been able to say....be back in an hour after my workout.

Have any of you heard of Tom Vunuto? Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle? I'm really tempted to get it, but it is an e-book and I don't do well reading on line. He talks about how we eat wrong and actually probably don't eat enough when we are working out. Anyhoo....

I'd better get back to work and accomplish at least one thing before I leave today!

Have a great day and if I don't get back here before Monday....have a wonder Holiday!
Good Evening!:)

As usual I'm checking in late in the evening today.

Rhea, I've heard of Tom Vunuto -- I get his newsletter -- didn't get his book as I have the same problem as you do -- don't like reading books over the net. Would much rather have that hard copy in my hands. But I love his newsletter and read it from one end to the other when I receive it.

Sounds like you really have kept to your schedule, Rhea -- that's so well done. Yep -- have that ear infection -- I did some cardio this morning anyway, and a stretch -- probably shouldn't have, but oh, well...

Again, am hoping this ear infection is of short duration -- in the meantime, still have the neck/shoulder thing going and the hip is also a little out. Geez!

Anyway, have a super day -- enjoy your company and the holidays, everyone! And have a Happy Holiday!:7
Good evening,
Late posting here. I've been running a bit late, but shouldn't have that problem for a week as I'm on vacation now :7

Today's workout was Legs & Back and then I did AbX tonite. I have KenpoX tomorrow, rest day (bike ride hopefully) on Sunday and on to the recovery week (for Phase 1).

Karen, sorry your neck, shoulder and hip are still bothering you. Did you get to make an appointment with the chiro yet? And the ear infection, where did that come from? Poor thing, I hope everything is over by Christmas. Bet the cardio felt good to just move a bit and the stretch, those are heavenly.

Rhea, enjoy all of your company. I'm a little bummed because my sister from Atascadero is sick and couldn't make it up for Christmas. She's also got an infected tooth she's fighting so it wouldn't be a good trip anyway. Hopefully for Easter they'll be able to come up. How was your BM2? Sounds funny, doesn't it? Was icy on the road this morning on the way to work. I shoved it in 4WD, when in doubt I do that. I'd hate to wreck because I hadn't used it. That's what it's there for. I've heard nothing but good things about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. An ebook, which is the drawback.

Got to run,


Good Afternoon!:)

Thought I'd post early (for me). It was KPC for me today -- shortened version -- then to the chiro, who certainly has helped me considerably, I think. The ear is now draining (doesn't sound good, does it?) and the neck and shoulders -- well, I simply injured them with all the heavy kitchen work I was doing -- so they'll just have to get better. Hip is better -- was at least able to do the workout.

Yes, and at Christmas time, no less -- when one is busy beyond mind...

Jeanette -- your workout sounds exciting. Sorry to hear about your sister -- when I was reading it, I was thinking that I, too, am going through something similar. Have a wonderful Christmas, anyway.

Rhea -- know you're having fun with your family

Becky -- bet you and hubby are having a grand ole time.

Merry Christmas, everyone!:7
Hi everyone,
Today was KenpoX with my new weighted gloves. It was really fun and more intense. Loved it. Tomorrow is a group bike ride and then stretch afterwards. Next week is my 1st recovery week of P90X.

Karen, glad your chiro could help you out some. Heavy kitchen work, hmmmm... The heaviest thing I might do is wash a cast iron skillet. Hope you aren't like butchering a half a beef or something, just kidding!

Hi to everyone.

Jeanette :) :)
Wow, this was on Page 2!

Sunday was a group bike ride. LOL, the group was just 2 of us, but we did 28 miles. Loved it. I also did Xstretch on Sunday night. Christmas Day was no workout except having fun and eating too much sweets. Today was Core Synergistics. Good workout. First time I'd done it and it worked my core good. I have lots of room to improve in this workout.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Look forward to hearing from all of you.


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