KK's August Check In


Good Evening!:)

Thought I'd go ahead and start the new check in. Interesting that we all three got a late start today -- even though I was up early, I didn't get started until late.

It was the cardio and blasts from CTX Step & Intervals today and then a stretch with Cathe -- #3 -- with the band, as well as a run with the dogs. Tomorrow is supposed to be a circuit workout -- I forget which one -- so I'll probably go back to the old check in and see what I had planned.

Jeanette -- Sounds like a really good workout and then a bike ride tonight, as well. Did you and Rhea meet each other at the golf course?

That's great about finishing the grouting -- I have some house things I need to do, as well, as soon as I'm on the other side of all this work. Bet the highlights are pretty.

Rhea -- I can understand the heat getting to you -- sorry you've been feeling tired -- what sort of change are you having in diet? Is it a good one?

Janie -- hope all is going well with you today, as well!

Becky -- hope the medical world gives you a break to come and say "hi" soon.

Oh, just thought I'd mention that I went ahead and preordered Cathe's new workouts. The way things go, I figure I'll be buying them anyway, so I might as well buy them when they are at a discount. They sound great, though, don't they?

Well, have a really super day and some terrific workouts, everyone!:7
Good morning,
Yep, I completely forgot that yesterday was time for a new monthly checkin. Today was KPC, Cardio Conditioning premix and then stability ball abs from KPC. Tonite will be a golf game after work. Will be going in to work late this morning. We are having a new garage door installed this morning. DH wants to go camping this weekend so I will drop by the USFS and pick up a forest map or two. Bike was good yesterday afternoon, rode with 2 girlfriends. We stopped at my house 1/2 way thru and looked at the new tile job. They liked it and thought it made a big difference in updating the look of the living room.

Karen, of course you would buy the new workouts from Cathe, so getting the preorder discount is just smart. How's it going with the new pups?
Hope the revisions are coming along okay.

Rhea, hope to see you tonite. I have another friend golfing tonite, she's actually my neighbor and I rode bikes with her yesterday - Ceci Cesmat. Do you know her? What kind of eating program are you doing?

Hi Janie, hope your day was good.

Good morning!

No workout for me again yesterday, but that's okay. Had my hair done. I have had to cut out all sugars, breads, alcohol, etc. because I was having a problem with my digestive system. I would bloat up like a loaf of bread in the afternoon. I have had a slight problem with yeast before and figured that I had another bout of overgrowth because I was eating way too much sugar and alcohol and flour. I've been doing some research and reading my book "The Yeast Connection and Women's Health" that my naturopath doctor told me to read. I'm trying to fix it without having to go to the doc to get the pills to detox the bowels again. (the pills don't bother me, but that doctor is not covered by my insurance). I found out that a lot of my "dough belly" in the past few days is probably from massive die off and the metabolic processess that go on....yuck. I am much better now and can't wait until it is all over. I've just had too many rounds of antibiotics and sugar through my life.

Anyhoo...hopefully not too much info for you, but you asked!

Jeanette - I met Ceci quite a while ago, I don't know if she'll remember me. I'll see if I can get to the golf course early. We tee off at 5:30. I haven't hit the ball for almost a week, so a bucket would probably be good for me.

Karen - it was very smart to pre-order. I don't even mind the wait. It is a little bit like Christmas when they come. My concern right now is getting up to speed for them. I haven't even gotten up to speed for my Master Series that I bought a month ago. I really have to get going on that. One thing to do today is write out that 90 day rotation so that I do get up to speed.

Well, better go tackle that "to do" list. Have a great day everyone!
My rotation calls for a circuit workout today (maybe C&W) and a 30 min. cardio, perhaps the wedding step up by Cathe. We'll see. I'll be so busy today. Baking homemade sourdough bread, cooking rice and oatmeal for meals during the weekend. Watering the garden, (huge garden) and while I'm into dough today, we will have a homemade pizza with lots of organic home grown vegies on it for dinner.:p Sounds good doesn't it? LOL

Karen, sounds like you had a great wo plus a run with the dogs. How far did you run?

Jeanette Great workout. I love KPC. Have fun with your golf game, and a great time camping this weekend. Seems you guys are very skilled to do your own tiling. I bet it looks fabulous. My DH did tile work in our kitchen, so I know what is involved. It's a lot of work!

Hi to Rea and Becky, hope I'm not missing anyone.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


Good Evening!:)

Today was Bootcamp for me -- with a run with the pups in the middle of it -- this morning we just ran around the block (a long block) -- and then in the evening we go for about an hour walk/run. Was a good workout. Love Bootcamp.

The revisions are going all right -- am about 2/3's through them now.

Jeanette -- KPC is one of my favorites and the cardio conditioning is my favorite premix -- even love the abs from KPC, as well. Golf sounds great -- hope you had fun, Jeanette. And camping this weekend I bet will really be great -- great chance to get away. Bet the tiling is beautiful, Jeanette. It so reminds me of all the things I need to do here with our home.

Rhea -- Thanks so much for telling us, Rhea. Oh, yes, The Yeast Connection. I have the book, The Yeast Connection -- not the one for women -- just the Yeast Connection -- spent 6 months of my life on the diet you're on. But the truth is, I disliked that diet so much, that I determined that I would cut sugar out of my life, as well as coffee, etc. Just so I'd not have to go back on diet. Interestingly enough, my daughter is on that diet, as well, right now -- she is doing it because her significant other needs to do the diet and so she's doing it with him. One thing that the diet did, however, was that I really lost weight on it -- I think more because I couldn't find anything I really wanted to eat, more than anything.:+

You'll get back up to speed soon, Rhea. Sounds like a great diet though -- I know it sure does work.

A 90 day rotation sound intense -- I can't seem to do more than 1 week at a time.:+

Janie -- I bet your house smells yummy! Homemade pizza with organic veggies from the garden -- wow! Makes my mouth water.

Hope to see you back here soon, Becky!

I probably won't hear from some of you until Monday -- so let me just say now to have a terrific weekend and some super workouts, as well.:7
Good morning,
Woke up late this morning, think the power went off at some time so alarm didn't go off correctly. Still got in Legs and Glutes, standing and floor work. Golf was fun last night, however, 9 holes took us around 3 hours! I had a few good strokes but otherwise much improvement needed.

Great to see you Rhea!!! Did you play the back nine? We saw very few people out on the front nine. I kept thinking that more people would catch us and play thru.

Anyway, we got home late and may or may not leave to go camping tonite. Oh yeah, got a beautiful new garage door installed yesterday. I ended up taking the entire day off from work as the installer arrived late and I needed to stay there with him. Felt good to be at home.

Karen, sounds like a good workout for you and then running with your DH sounds good too. Bet the dogs just absolutely love getting out. What are their personalities?

Janie, all of your cooking and gardening sounds like something I want to do when I retire. Hope you enjoyed C&W yesterday.

May be gone for the weekend due to camping. Will check in when I can.

Good morning!

I woke up late too.....very late. It was one of those....OMG it's ten to seven! Of course, that doesn't mean that the brain wakes up fast. I'm still struggling.

Not sure what the plan is for today, still trying to catch up with being late. It was great golfing last night, I did pretty well. My drives felt very good, had a little problem chipping and putting. I want to get some practice in this weekend, but then again, there are so many other things I want to do. I need to retire, dang it.

Hey it was great seeing you Jeanette!! Did you have fun? That's the important part.

Janie - I have got the cooking and gardening planned for this weekend too. Just not sure how much I'm really going to get in, partly because of the heat and partly because I want to sew or cross-stitch or both! (well and the darn chores that keep cropping up.)

Karen - your pups sound very energetic. I probably should be running our german shorthair so he'll calm down a bit, just haven't made the time. Has been one of my goals that I haven't even touched.

Well, have a great weekend everyone!
Today is cardio for me. I'll be on the treadmill for about 30 min. jogging and walking or walking and jogging. Ate one piece of pizza to many. Gained a pound. Darn! It was sooooo good.

Tonight I'll do 30 min. of kinda sorta fast walking outside. It should help with that extra pound I gained. Will be doing yoga as well.

I'll be catching up with my book this weekend.

You all seem like you will have great weekends. Enjoy yourselves, talk with you Monday.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


Good Evening!:)

Even though I know most of you don't check in over the weekend, thought I'd post anyway. Today was a sprint 8 outside -- with a run with the dogs in the middle of it...about an hour or a little over all total. Then tonight we took the dogs out for a long walk again...or I should say a long run...

Jeanette -- interesting that both you and Rhea went golfing last night -- really sounds like fun -- and you both were up late, as well. Love Legs & Glutes -- one the best lower body, I think. And a new garage door. Love all the work you're doing on your house.

The dogs -- one of them (they are both really pups -- though big) -- is a cross between German Shepard and something -- we're not sure what. He's Yoda -- he looks like Yoda. He's happy go lucky and goes along with most anything -- but he likes to jump and we're trying to teach him to sit. If it weren't for the other dog stopping and starting so much, Yoda were be perfectly happy to just run right along with me.

The other dog is a cross between a collie and we're not sure what else. He's even larger than Yoda and we call him Prancing Wolf, or just Wolf for short. He's quite smart. Looks both ways before crossing the street -- he's kind of the leader of the two -- but both of them really love each other and play quite a lot. He also loves to bathe, so we keep a little pool out back that always full of water.

Like I said, they pretty much adopted us -- and we just couldn't leave them behind.

Rhea -- didn't know you had a german short hair -- am really getting attached to the dogs. Sorry you were late getting up this morning -- the golfing sounds so relaxing and really fun. Cool that you and Jeanette were able to see each other last night. Hope you get some of that cross-stitching done over the weekend.

Janie -- I have some cooking to do this weekend, as well. Need to make some chicken broth (bone broth) -- cause my hubby's still a little under the weather. Do you weigh yourself everyday? I know I do. I don't know how else to really keep my weight under control -- so yes, I weigh myself daily.

Anyway, am planning on LIC tomorrow unless I'm short on time, and then I'll figure out something else.

Have a super weekend, everyone.:7
Good Evening!:)

Time to figure out the rotation for next week -- last week's rotation went pretty well. So here we go:

Mon: IMAX3
Tues: Muscle Max
Wed: CTX rotation with a Cathe Stretch
Thurs: HSC -- probably a premix as the whole thing is very long
Fri: Sprint 8 outside
Sat: Bootcamp
Sun: Off

Did LIC the full thing on Sat. -- today was my day off, though walking the dogs is a workout -- spent alota time in the kitchen today -- making chicken broth and doing other things.

Hope everyone had a terrific weekend -- did a post on Fri eve just in case anyone checked in -- but anyways, here's a wish for you all to have a super Monday. :7
Good morning,
Today was floor work from PLB and then the PUB up only premix. Good workout. I'm hoping to get a bike ride in after work this evening, hill climb to be exact.

We had a wonderful time camping and exploring on the Rhino. DH also got to do some gold panning too. We covered some new territory and had a blast! Need to do some housecleaning tonite too.

Rhea, it was so good to see you last Thursday night! Yes, I did have fun, but I'd have more fun if it didn't take 3 hours to golf 9 holes. Yikes!!! I bought some of those wiffle balls to hit and practiced last night. I also changed my grip and it's more comfortable. I think I will go hit a bucket of balls some night this week. Did you get some sewing and cross stitching in this weekend?

Janie, pizza always makes a person swell up with water from the salt I think. It'll be gone soon. Did you get to work on your book?

Karen, you are getting some great exercise time in with the dogs. They sound wonderful, love the name Yoda. Hope you had a great weekend and your week of exercise looks great.

Must run,

Good morning!

Well, I stuck to my rotation, well, sort of. Friday was P90 sculpt, Saturday was cardio day, supposed to do Cardio Slim down and then cathe's basic step, but I was in the mood to do something different, so I did 1-4 of Christi's Solid Gold Step. I actually ended up repeating some of sections since I got interrupted, forgot to turn back on the hr monitor and then couldn't figure out what the heck I was doing. That one has some different choreography and if you miss a step, you are s.o.l. Once you get those feet going (forget about the hands for now), it flows pretty well. Some of the hard stuff is remember the modifying moves, she likes turns and my knees don't on my carpet.

Then yesterday I participated in the Relay for Life and was walking for over an hour (fast pace). My hips hurt today, must be from the walking.

Today is weights,(P90 1/2 sculpt) but I might add on a quicky type of cardio, like the Core Cardio Express which is weight/tone too. I'll see how ambisious (sp....I can't spell that word today!) I am this evening.

Am feeling a bit better every day. Had a bit of white flour in a hamburger bun yesterday and could definately feel it....bleech. Hope everyone has a great day. (oh, got some sewing in, not as much since my sister and family came for visit on Sunday which was not planned, but fun to play with niece.)
Karen, looks like a great rotation for the week.

Jeanette, sounds like you had quite a workout, wow.

Rhea G, I have The Yeast Connection somewhere, I'll have to give it a read. Take care of yourself.

Today is my day off. Tomorrow will be very busy working on the book and gardening.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


Good Evening!:)

Today was IMAX3 for me -- 8 intervals -- skipped intervals #6 & 7 and I did it on a 4" step -- there are so many jumps up on the step on IMAX3 that I really prefer to do it on the 4". Good workout -- intervals 9 & 10 are my fav -- especially 10.

Dogs are doing great -- we are trying to teach them to sit -- otherwise they get so enthusiastic when they see us -- that they're all over us.;)

Almost done with my revisions -- then I have to go over the whole thing one more time and then turn it in. Yea!

Jeanette -- Love PUB & PLB -- those are amongst my favorite workouts, as well. Love the Intnesity series, period. Sounds like a really great and relaxing weekend. So your hubby was panning gold, huh? Did I ever tell you that my hubby used to be a miner -- gold miner? Interesting stuff.

Rhea -- Your workouts sound great -- so well done that you are sticking to them, as well, despite the diet woes. When I had candida and was on that diet and I'd go off of it -- boy, would I feel it, too -- almost immediately. Like I said, 6 months of my life I spent on that diet. Did lose weight on it, though. Am so glad that you got some sewing in, as well. Is it down time for you? Been thinking about what my down time is -- unfortunately for me, it seems like shopping is down time for me.:+

Janie -- I so love your graphics. Hope you get a bunch of gardening and work on the book done tomorrow. What are you growning?

Well, it's time to head off to bed for me. Have a really super day tomorrow and some terrific workouts!:7
Good morning,
Today was 60 minutes (including stretch) of SJP step & hi-lo and Step Blast step (1st combo). Last night was a hill climb. Tonite will be helping DH work on sheetrock finishing around the hearth, and finishing the bike newsletter.

Karen, good job on Imax3. I find myself taking the jump out of some of the high impact stuff too. I like my knees and want them to last.

Janie, hope you get lots of gardening and writing in today. Do you sit down and write first and then do the gardening or mix it up, a little here and there? Enjoy that rest day. Sunday was mine and it felt good to do nothing except camping stuff.

Rhea, nice of you to participate in Relay for Life. Heard it was very successful. I love Christi Taylor's stuff (as you know). Miss doing her workouts, but am sticking with this Cathe rotation. Glad you are feeling better. Do you think you are allergic to wheat or yeast?

Must go, should be a beautiful day!

Good afternoon!

Yesterday went home and did P90 sculpt 1/2 and Core Cardio Express. Then today at lunch, I ran home and did CT's Totally Hot Cardio.

Karen - I've been having to take out some of the high impact, my shins and feet have been very tight, plus the left knee is so picky. I'm with Jeanette, want the knees to last.

Jeanette - not allergic, just with all the antibiotics I've had over the years, my supply of the good yeast must be minimal. I just overfed the bad yeast with my diet, so they overran my system. I'll probably have to be real good for about six months. In a couple of weeks, I'll start slowly adding natural sugar stuff to my diet, like fruit and milk. Now I'm stuck with only veggies and protein. No wine, no chocolate in the evenings. No lattes, no Starbucks....sniff.

I should get back to work. Have a great day everyone!
Good Evening!:)

Got started late with my exercise today -- but did do MuscleMax -- the 56 minute premix -- boy, those abs were hard. Don't remember them being that hard in the past.

I think I'm with both of you to protect the knees on the high impact -- tomorrow am planning a mix of CTX with a stretch.

Jeanette -- SJP is one of those workouts that I'm starting to like more and more -- like the music and the moves. How did the hill climb go, by the way -- and did you enjoy helping your DH tonight?

Rhea -- Since I don't have the P90's I don't know exactly what you did, but your workouts sound great! I feel for you on this diet -- I remember when I did it that I would definitely feel it when I went off of it -- are you taking any acidopholis (can't spell it) to help restore your good bacteria? Just a thought.

Well, I have 10 more pages on these revisions -- you'd think I would have finished this today, but these have been tough and I got to a certain point and just needed a break. They've really been tough -- hopefully the second time through will be better. Sure will be glad to get them done.

Hope you had fun with writing today, Janie!

Well, must get going. Have a really super day tomorrow and great workouts!:7
Good morning,
Today called for Boot Camp everything but Core premix and then the abs from ME. Good workout. Been so long since I've done Boot Camp, but it wasn't difficult. Will do a Cardio Coach workout on the bike after work. DH did a little work around the hearth last night, but some friends came over so he didn't get much done.

Rhea, you've been really consistent with your workouts lately. Good for you! I feel better with it being cooler. No wine or chocolate? Mama Mia! I located a couple sets of women's clubs to borrow. Hope that helps. I'm going to go hit some balls on Friday after work. Been practicing with wiffle balls at home, which helps, but the drivers that I currently have are tooooo long.

Karen, hope you can get those revisions done today. It will be a relief, won't it, when they are done? MM abs get in there good, I remember that! ME abs were good ones too today.

Janie, hope you got lots of writing in today. What is your focus workout wise?

I didn't get a lot of writing in. My daughter from OK came home to surprise me. It was a great visit!

I have lots of things to catch up on; My workout will be 30 min. of cardio and a full body workout, cleaning and straightening up the house.

Karen, since I've been on this forum, you have improved in your fitness level haven't you? If not you are doing great!

Jeanette, your workouts sound intense. I bet they are. Plus a hill climb, how do you do it.?. Did you get the Sheetrock and the newsletter finished? Have fun with your golfing.

Have to focus today and include writing tonight.

Take care Rhea, hope you are feeling better.


The idea is to die young as late as possible


Good morning!

Yesterday was a quick run home...hmm, did I already tell you this? Shoot, I can't remember and don't want to go back and look. If I did, sorry for the repeating. Did Totally Hot Cardio. Today is weights, so P90 sculpt 1/2 and something else for a bit of cardio and abs. Will depend on my energy level. Today I'm a bit tired. I was wondering why and then remembered.....golf yesterday at 5:30, so a later light dinner, then was a little to keyed up after watching Barry Bonds hit number 756. It was totally cool! I guess the guy that caught the ball had just flown in from New York that day, just bought a ticket to the ball game and was flying to Australia with his friends today. What a great way to start your vacation. Wow. The congratulations from Hank Aaron was very classy and awesome. Now maybe the Giants will play some good ball!

Karen - haven't added the acidopholus (sp?), but I have taken some priobiotics. I take it slowly as it has a tendency to get a bit of a reaction too.

Jeanette - have fun with hitting balls on Friday. If you still have the men's clubs, my DH says, just choke up on the grip. I actually hit a men's driver and a men's 5 recovery wood. I really would like to try and hit a women's driver to see if there is any different. But the guy at the golf store siad that I would probably do beter with a senior men's club (more flexible shaft which is more forgiving and cuts out the slice)

Janie= don't work too hard today.

Have a great day everyone!

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