Good Evening,
Have been doing great on eating. Here is what I did today with my STS disc 16-Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Meso 2, 2nd week.
Incline Bench Press Barbell 27#'s 12 reps Twice
Incline Bench Press Barbell 40#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with 27#'s
Incline Fly (rotate Pinky) 2 dumbells 16#s in ea. hand 12 reps then 10 then 8 then TF with 10#'s in ea. hand
Flat Bench Press (barbell) 40#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with 25#'s
Standing Barbell Front Press 27#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with two dumbells 8#'s in ea. hand
Standing Lateral Raise two dumbells in ea. hand 9#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps the TF with 6#'s in ea. hand
Seated Rear Delts with dumbells in ea. hand 13#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with 8#'s in ea. hand
Flat Bench Tricep Extensions with two dumbells in ea. hand 9#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with 6#'s in ea. hand
Sid Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball with 1 dumbell 9#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF 6#'s
Kickbacks One Arm 1 dumbell 9#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF 6#'s
KK, I've never heard of Tooth Soap. Never heard that you can brush your teeth with soap. I haven't read through it all yet, but I find it very interesting, so I'll go back later to finish reading about it. Heavy weight with Total Body Sculpting is advanced as you know. Good Job!
Jeanette, and Rhea, talk with you later too.