KK, March Check-In

Good afternoon!

Today I tried the Lean Intervals workout. It was fun and lots of work. I've started to have a nagging knee "thing". I think my tendons are just so tight that they are pulling on the knee, so it is "wobbly." So I have to start wearing the brace on my knee again for a while.

Hope everyone is doing great this evening! Talk to you later.
Good Evening!

Today was cardio only from 4DS Bootcamp. And then I added on another short cardio (about 25 min) at dinner.

I'll just take it one thing at a time right now -- as I have to have the shorter workouts. Yeah, I keep dodging these curves being thrown me lately. I did get my car washed today and got all that pollen off of it -- hope these trees get it out of their system soon.;)

Janie, looks like you're really going to town on these new workouts. Go, Janie. Just keep working on your eating -- it'll happen. Avoid soy if you can at all, though, especially nowadays when almost all soy is genetically modified -- which means that their every cell has been bombarded with dna from insects or animals or even pesticides. They don't really know what this does to the human body yet -- it's all a bit of an experiment -- so I just rule to not be part of the experiment -- and it's getting harder and harder to do when even beet sugar is being genetically modified now.

Rhea, don't know if this will help, but a chiro told me recently that knee problems can often be resolved with strengthening the adrenals. It helped me. Just thought I'd throw it out there for you.

Have a super day everyone!:D
Good Evening,

We had company tonight so I will start STS tomorrow. Darn, O well. I ate badly tonight again. This makes three days now. Shoot! What is wrong with me?

KK, Glad you got the pollen off your car. Now to get them off the trees! LOL:eek: I'll be careful on the soy. Thanks KK.

We had over 1.5 inches of snow today. And it is still here. That never happens to us in March it usually metls away by now. I have new plants and wanting to plant them into the ground. 75 aspargus plants, 25 strawberries, 1 raspberry bushes and seeds. Just waiting for the ground to cooperate.

Rhea, I didn't know you had to wear a brace every now and then. Hope your knee will feel better soon. Talk with you soon too.

Good Afternoon,

Did Disk 13 of the STS series. Chest, Shoulders & triceps. I certainly feel my shoulders and triceps fatigued, not so much my chest though. Next time I'll use the Smith Machine for chest presses and go heavier. Can barely lift the 45 pounds up without almost compromising my shoulders. So, Smith Machine next time for those exercises and perhaps an extra 5 or so pounds.

Had Shredded Wheat this morning, and a protein shake after the exercises. Will have spaghetti for dinner with lots of vegies.

Talk again soon, I want to go into the hot tub and soak my weary muscles.

Good afternoon,
Did my STS #7 workout today. I felt pretty strong for some reason, though there were tons of pushups. I enjoyed it. Tonite will be sewing at Mom's. We will be basting the quilt top to the batting and backing, then I can do some machine quilting.

A couple girlfriends and myself went down to Redding, CA to golf on Saturday. It was a very nice, challenging course, and the weather was beautiful. I enjoyed it very much. Did a bike ride on Sunday with a couple other riders, then finished my quilt top, putting the borders on.

Janie, good job on Disk #13 today!!! Bet you are really increasing your strength. Are you seeing more definition? Are your plants all in a greenhouse? I'm hoping to have a garden some day when I retire.

Karen, hope you are feeling better and the pollen blows away. Not fun for those with allergies. To see my albums, click on my name "Netta", and then click on "Go to MyCatheSpace". You will see my albums there.

Rhea, hope you can post pictures so we can see. Bet the golfing was good in Monterey. We just had to go somewhere without snow to play last weekend. It was a little pricey, but we had a nice time. Bet you are seeing some nice results with CLX.

It will be a cardio and abs for me tomorrow.
Good evening!

Today was Lean #2. More, I'm not so coordinated moves! But this program sure does make you use the core to balance. I mean, planks with rows, eek. I tried to use 12.5 lbs on the rows, which was normally okay for the row part, but holding up the entire body and that extra 12.5 lbs with your one arm is tough. I'm going to have to lower the weight so I can have better form next time. I felt like I was more in a pike position than a plank. Anyhoo....great workout for the shoulders.

Tomorrow is Wednesday! Half way through the week and then my short type vacation begins. I'm going to the Bay Area. Going to take my golf clubs with me. No work is going with me this time either. :eek: But I can't take my sewing, so I'll have to take my cross-stitch. Gotta have something to do while DH is at work.

Well, better try and get some more of that duvet cover done. At least this time, I'm winning the battle not the fabric! King size stuff is so hard since there is sooooo much fabric to handle.

Have a great rest of the evening!:D
Good Evening,

Jeanette, The quilt is almost done! Wow, you and your mother are fast. Please post pictures when finished. I just love the STS series. It's the best exercises I've ever done in my life. Fantastic stuff. When some of my fat is gone, I'll be able to see the results, but right now I do feel stronger, using heavier weight and have more energy. It's working, I know that, but don't see it physically yet. I think I can even feel muscle under my skin.

Rhea, I need more core work. I'm trying really hard to do the Ab circuits provided for STS, but, they are over my head (to advanced for me and I can't find any modifications per se). Just can't seem to do them. I think I'll do abs from another workout, at least I can do them even if they are extremely hard, and they have (or I know) the modifications.

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Good Evening!

I was so busy yesterday I didn't have time to post -- so sorry. Things are pretty much the same.

Try to do 1/2 hour a day -- the pollen is still really getting to me -- but luckily I have my apartment pretty well free of it -- and here I sit with two air filters around my neck. Yes, may the trees get over it fast!

Jeanette, I sure did go and look at your projects -- I love the colors and I love the look of them. Your workouts look really good -- wow! look at how heavy you're going.

Janie, am still loving the soap -- am really really impressed with how heavy you're going. Hope that eating gets better and better. I know how hard it is -- I struggle with it all the time.

Rhea, so you're on a little vacation right now -- bet you'll get a lot done -- on projects as well as working out.

Well, gotta run and get to bed as quickly as I can. Have a super day everyone!:D
Good evening!

My last post until next Monday, unless I can manage one from the Blackberry.

Did Burn it and Recharge today and then had a massage. My knee is pretty swollen, but massage therapist said to soak some brown bag strips in apple cider vinegar, wrap my knee with them and then cover with saran wrap and sleep with it like that. Should take the swelling out. She said she has been using that rememdy since she was a little girl. So I'm going to try it tonight.

Going to do the last of the Lean week one tomorrow before I go. Then while I'm gone, I'll probably just do some yoga or some type of cardio. I'll take a couple of dvds with me just in case. I might be ready for a couple of rest days though.

Well, I had better get going. Want to get some more of that duvet cover done tonight. It is taking forever since it is so darn big.

Karen - I hope those allergies get better soon.
Good Afternoon,

Disk Disk 14 legs in the STS series. Wow! and Ouch! My legs are jello today. While I was in the hot tub, a hummingbird told me he was hungry. Got out and put out the hummingbird feeders.

Rhea, A message after a workout has got to be just pure heaven. Same kinda of thing with my hot tub. Kinda Sorta, at least to soak the sore muscles is wonderful. See ya when you get back.

KK, Eating is getting better. Just sometimes it is so darned hard! Glad you like the soap. How much longer will you be in Florida?

Jeanette, How ya doing girl?

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Good Eveing!

Please forgive my being brief. I'm doing Boot Camp -- Intensity series -- 1/2 and 1/2 only today I only had time for 3 of the intervals. Goodness!

Have fun, Rhea -- will miss you and your delightful posts while you're gone, but have a super vacation.

Janie, go girl! You'll get that weight off, I know.

Hi Jeanette!

Gotta run to get to bed. Have a super day!:D
Hi everyone,
Yesterday's workout was a bike ride in the afternoon and med ball abs from STS Ab Circuits. Today's workout was STS #8, Back and Triceps. I enjoyed the drop sets. I'm reading that Meso #2 is really hard. Gotta keep that shock thing going. Tomorrow is a furlough day for me and I'm heading to a neighboring little town to golf with a friend. Weather is supposed to be nice and I'm looking forward to it very much.

Rhea, hope you have a good time on your trip. Sounds like your past injuries aren't bothering you anymore! That's awesome!

Janie, way to go on feeling muscle. My arms have gotten so much more curve and cut to them. I think my thighs are smaller (hoping). What a great system! That Meso 2 is supposed to be tough. Glad I'm hearing ahead of time so I can get my mind around it. I'm still on Disk 8 and will repeat it next week too. That stability ball workout is tough with the one legged pikes. In my dreams could I do one of those! I just modified with 2 legged or the knee type.

Karen, you make me tired with all that you do! Are you doing any writing now too?

Should be a cardio tomorrow. I also rode my bike this afternoon, weather was pleasant but a little chilly on the bike in the afternoon.

Must go,
Good Morning,

Today is cardio and hopefully plant some asparagus. It's still freezing though so don't know if the soil will thaw out today.

My clothes are feeling a little lose. Yeah! I'm still afraid to weight myself. I do know something is happening with all the exercises I've been doing, it's about time.

Jeanette, How was your golf day? I'm betting it was a lot of fun. STS Meso #2 is difficult. Whoa.

KK, Your workouts are fine. Don't worry too much since it won't be long before you get home and have more of a routine. At least you are doing something and I'm proud of you for that.

Here's my Satuday workout:

Did Disk 15 - Back and biceps:

Lat pulldowns with band
T-Pull with band 12
Y's with band 12
Pull Ups Overhand (modified) 12
Chinups Med. Grip (modified) 12
Chinups (modified) 12
One Arm Row 22#'s 12 reps, then 10 then 8 then To Failure (TF)
Barbell Row 20#'s 12 reps, then 10 then 8 then TF
Deadlifts (barbell) 40#'s 12 reps, then 10 then TF
Barbell Curl 27 #'s 12 reps then 10 then 8 the TF
Seated Alternating Curl 14 #'s each hand, 12 reps then 10 then 8
Preacher Curl on Stability Ball 8 #'s in each hand, 12 reps then 10 then TF

Take care everyone,

Good Afternoon,

Did Mega Step Blast for 30 min. and burned 208 calories.

Woke up to 4 inches of snow this morning. Unusual for our neck of the woods. It is raining and snowing right now, so I suspect it will be melting soon. I sure hope so, have lots of plants to plant.

Good Evening!

It's so nice to read all your posts about the new workouts. Am glad that you are really seeing results with it.

Yesterday was a day off for me and this morning was the anaerobics only from 4DS Boot Camp.

My plan this week is a mix of weight work and anaerobics and some cardio mixed in there -- and evening workouts whenever I can -- just to get the weight down a bit.

Janie, your workouts look incredible. Can hardly believe it's snowing there, but I gotta tell you, when I lived in Vermont, I remember snow in May occasionally. And I also remember sunny warm days also in May. At least it probably kept you in a homey mood, huh?

Jeanette, that's so cool that you are seeing more definition. I know that the leg work keeps my hips almost an inch slimmer -- when I start not doing the exercises, those hips spread out really fast.

I'm a little high in weight, also, I must admit -- still trying to lose those 2-3 pounds that seem to hany in there.

Have a super day tomorrow.:D
Hi KK, I don't know about Vermont weather, but here in the Pacific NW, it's snowing.LOL Tonight though it's quite, no storm and no rain. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

Your workouts sound great as always. As you tell me, you'll lose the weight, just give it some time.

Good Evening!

Today was Total Body Sculpting -- and I did it with heavy weight. Janie, I have a question for you. Have you ever seen the site www.toothsoap.com? Is this something that you make?

As soon as I saw it, I really think this is a good thing -- and I thought of you, of course.

Anyway, am hurrying to get to bed so this will be short.

Hi Jeanette & Rhea! Have a super day!:D
Good Evening,

Have been doing great on eating. Here is what I did today with my STS disc 16-Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Meso 2, 2nd week.

Incline Bench Press Barbell 27#'s 12 reps Twice

Incline Bench Press Barbell 40#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with 27#'s

Incline Fly (rotate Pinky) 2 dumbells 16#s in ea. hand 12 reps then 10 then 8 then TF with 10#'s in ea. hand

Flat Bench Press (barbell) 40#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with 25#'s

Standing Barbell Front Press 27#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with two dumbells 8#'s in ea. hand

Standing Lateral Raise two dumbells in ea. hand 9#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps the TF with 6#'s in ea. hand

Seated Rear Delts with dumbells in ea. hand 13#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with 8#'s in ea. hand

Flat Bench Tricep Extensions with two dumbells in ea. hand 9#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF with 6#'s in ea. hand

Sid Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball with 1 dumbell 9#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF 6#'s

Kickbacks One Arm 1 dumbell 9#'s 12 reps then 10 reps then 8 reps then TF 6#'s

KK, I've never heard of Tooth Soap. Never heard that you can brush your teeth with soap. I haven't read through it all yet, but I find it very interesting, so I'll go back later to finish reading about it. Heavy weight with Total Body Sculpting is advanced as you know. Good Job!

Jeanette, and Rhea, talk with you later too.

Good afternoon!

Well, got right back in the saddle with a bang. Did the Lean #1, which is biceps, triceps and some leg work. Wears out those muscles, phew. Then for some reason, I got it in my head that I needed to do a cardio, so I popped in Fat Blaster and did some turbo jam for 1/2 house. Now I am going to sleep well tonight, that is for sure. But it felt good.

Hope everyone is doing great. Off to clean the living room floor and then maybe get some sewing done. (since it is there staring me in the face in the LR!)

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