I think it's more kickbutt than K,P,C. I love K,P,C but I don't find it that intense -- mabye because I do a lot of the older Tae Bos. I DO find Kickmax intense, it had me dripping. I love the blend of combos, blasts, and drills -- the combos are fun, and you can really work on form and tightening your core. The blasts have you breathing hard, the drills leave your legs shaking. There ARE some really high impact moves in it -- a long series of jump-tucks and a bunch of airborne jumping jacks. There does seem to be greater focus on the legs than arms (which appeals to me), but you can add weighted gloves to the first two parts to make it more intense in the arms. I think weighted gloves in the warm up would be a really good addition, in fact. Okay, that's my two-cents.