Kickmax <sigh>


New Member
Hey everyone,

This is my first post and I just recieved my first Cathe DVD Kickmax.

I bought it to help me achieve better cardio endurance for my martial arts tests and seminars,which can be very long and exhausting.

After reading comments(which workouts would you not buy again) I am wondering if this workout will actually help. Most of the posts seem to imply that this workout isn't that intense. Now I have only previewed about half of it,and it looks good. I am concerned about the high impact,but I can modify that.

I was also wondering why it says to do it 2x a week? Can I do it more often?

Anyway,I am looking for any input!


I happen to love Kickmax. I think some people may not be crazy about it, because most find Kick, Punch & Crunch much more intense. I think the kickboxing segments in Kickmax aren't really cardio intense, but the blasts, and I believe there are 10 of them, always get me. Even if you modify, I believe you will get a great workout, and I think it will help you build endurance. I happen to feel you get what you put into a workout. The harder you push, the greater your results will be.

I'm not sure why the recommendation is to do it 2x a week, but I don't see why you couldn't do it more time if you wanted to. I would probably do it every other day. Maybe the recommendation comes from most people having a few a Cathe's videos to work with, but if this is your first Cathe video, I don't see why you couldn't do it a few times a week.

By the way, as far as the reviews, it's good to read them, but don't necessarily take them at face value. Everyone is different, and at different levels. What one person finds easy, may actually be quite challenging to another. I've read reviews where people have hated a workout, that I happen to love, so it's all a matter of personal preference. I hope you enjoy Kickmax. Let us know what you think of it once you try it.

I also love Kickmax (shoot- I love all of Cathes KB!)
I think the smart way to use kickboxing tapes is like anything else... Avoid doing on consecutive days. With KB in particular... If you are really using proper form and a lot of power behind punches and kicks then you could actually be overtraining shoulders & legs...especially if you use KB gloves.
I think in previews where Cathe suggests # of times per week it is based on using that exact same workout as part of a weekly rotaion. Cathe always encourages/guides us to do various forms of cardio (cross training) in order to avoid injuries from over use and also keep the body guessing for maximum finess benefits.
Hope that helps a bit
I'm also in the "I love Kick Max" camp, though I think we're a minority. If you want more cardio challenge, try doing the blasts first (after the warmup), then the combos. Your HR will stay higher during the combos that way. It's my favorite way of doing this workout :) HTH!

Thanks everyone!

I also believe that "you get out of it,what you put in."

Carol,doing the blasts first,sounds like the way to go!

I think this WO will help me (can't hurt) My martial arts tests are 2-2.5 hours long...non stop fun!:p I found that cross-training still didn't prepare me....I need to do the actual testing moves!

Thanks again!!!:)
If you do the Bootcamp Challenge premix on Kickmax, you do the warm-up, then the blast section, then the combos. It omits the leg conditioning drills, but you could easily add those on.
Thanks for the idea to do the blast section before the combos. I tried it yesterday and it definitely increased my total-calories-burned count. Plus it's nice to do that section when I still have lots of energy!

Although the kicking and punching combos in Kickmax are not that intense, the blast, as others have mentioned make up for it. The DVD is worth it alone for the leg conditioning exercises at the end, and they have really helped me to kick higher.

I still like KPC a little better, but I think that Kickmax is really worth it. I was disappointed in Janis Saffel, and the Powerstrike workouts are okay.

Sometimes I do the cardio conditioning portion of KPC, and then I take on the blast and leg exercises from Kickmax, which makes it a killer workout.

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