Kickbox form


Active Member
Hi Cathe & everybody,
I finished the new 4 day split yesterday with Kickbox/Lower Body. I felt great all week with the first three. I've been doing Cathe workouts for some time (2 years maybe) and have worked out for several years prior. I'm high intermediate. Since 4DaySplit Kickbox was the first Kickbox workout I've done, I tried to focus on Cathe, Jai, & Loraine's form as I followed along.
Today my low back is sore. (Not as sore as earlier this year when I hurt it pretty bad and couldn't work out for over a week!)
Can you give me any form pointers for Kickbox moves based on this?
I wonder also if I need to buckle down and start incorporating more core work into my weekly workouts. I know a strong core can help prevent back injuries.

Thanks for any advice,
I'd love to hear what Cathe says about this, too, since my lower back (especially the back side obliques) were really sore for two days after doing this workout for the first time. Is that where you were sore, too, Beth? I wasn't sure if it was from all the twisting/punching oblique work at the end of the cardio section or not . . . .

Correct KB form can make your lats sore, so that's not a bad thing at all.

For form, focus especially on Lorraine and Cathe.

I'd recommend getting a more basic KB workout to practice with before jumping into an advanced workout. If you post the question in the Open Forum, forum members can give you some suggestions.
It was my lower back that was sore.
I guess I don't know for sure it was Kickboxing that caused the soreness, but thought a few form pointers from Cathe couldn't hurt!
well i have to say i just posted a new post about lower back soreness after doing bootcamp!!! i have worked out for 13yrs 10 times a week and after doing kickbox/bootcamp 2 times i have been off work for 2 days!!!! i do kickbox at least 4 times a week and never have pain in my lower back. I was so excited about the new dvd's and now i will not be able to do them. I just can not afford to be off work and not be able to teach my kickbox/step class.:(
The first time I did a kickbox workout, which was Kick Punch and Crunch, I also got very sore in the lower back. It was a good DOMS sore though, not injury sore. But I did find that I had to kick up my core workouts a notch to "get in shape" for kickboxing. It is really true that kicking forces you to work your core quite hard. I have found that supermans and planks have helped me quite a bit.

~ Ann ~
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