Kick Punch Crunch form question


I have to admit my inability to figure out complicated moves once again and it sure is embarrassing.

While doing KPC, am I suppose to follow Cathe and do exactly opposite of what I see? I can't seem to shake the need to mirror her which seems more natural to me. I've corrected myself several times only to cave and finally just let it be, because it just feels better that way.

I'm figuring that if I'm doing all the moves correctly, does it matter?

Also, is it okay for the dvd to freeze for a few seconds? I noticed it happened in the Cardio Premix. I wanted to find that exact spot and did it again today and it didn't happen, unless I got the wrong premix. Maybe it just fixed itself and was a one-time fluke.
I love kpc! The premixes are great. However, when you do use a premix, the dvd will freeze for a couple of seconds - depending the the premix. It gives me a little breather. :7
For the form, use a mirror if you need it. I do the same side. So when she is jabbing with her left - it is on my right. Therefore, I jab with the right. Same for kicks. When she is doing a front kick on her left, it is the same as my right side.
I hope this helps.
Keep working hard.

Yeehaw...I'm so glad to hear that! I was really getting into it today and thought *geesh* what if I'm doing this completely wrong, but it feels so good doing it my way.
I think it was on Tracey's website that I heard her say "TV right". When Cathe SAYS right she means YOUR RIGHT even though it is in fact her left.

That's why she says she first started wearing a black band on her wrist; to help her remember. I think she teaches in front of a mirror so it's different because the class is looking at her reflection and she has her back to them; in that situation her right is everyone's right.

It's so funny; when we got a bigger TV it was closer to the ground and Cathe was more full size-- I had trouble following her newer workouts because the camera angles made it such that I instinctively followed which foot SHE was on instead of what she SAID. Wacky! :+

But the bottom line is, do what she says and you'll be good. ;-)
The first few times I did KPC, I mirrored Cathe the whole workout. As I got used to the workout, I began using my mirrors at home as sort of a "shadow boxing" prop, and was able to follow just Cathe's voice. In my opinion, no way is right or wrong, just your preference.
That works waaay better in a KB workout than a step workout, where if you're on the wrong foot you can get confused and end up facing away from her. Or, at least, I can... :+
Cathe mirror cues in all her workouts.
When you are following her, your image in the mirror should look like what Cathe is doing (in other words, her moves should look like what you would look like in the mirror).

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