Kick, Punch,Crunch...AND...Kick Max?


Hey guys

I posted here ages ago when I first found Cathe and was doing KPC. Well, I've now expanded my Cathe collection and I have KPC, Drill Max, Slow & Heavy, and Gym Styles.

I used to be a gym rat and heavy weight lifter but that has all changed and I now have a slim, toned (still muscular) athletic physique thanks to Cathe!

Anyhoo, I have a question regarding Kick Max. Is it worth getting if I already have KPC? I read somewhere that it is more this true?

Kick Max is definitely worth getting IMO. The interval blasts in KM are definitely more intense than KPC but as for the rest, I'd say it's about the same, although some people find KPC more intense. For me, my heartrate went up much faster doing Kick Max. Also, the leg conditioning drills at the end of Kick Max are great. I've actually started skipping the warmup on KPC and gone straight to the intermediate intensity drills.

Congratulations on your new physique!

If for no other reason than the leg conditioning drills, Kick Max is a must have. This really showed me just how far I still have to go as far as my kicks are concerned.

I'm not quite up to the blasts yet, so I sub jumping jacks or simulated jump rope during them, and my heart rate rockets up quite nicely.

I recommend both!!

Also, good to have another male here!!

Hopefully, more guys will see the light when it comes to getting an intense, at home workout. Cathe plays no faves, she kicks butt regardless of gender.

I would say definately get KM. I think this is truly an awesome workout, especially if you can mish-mosh it with K,P,C. Adding in bootcamp cardio only here is an awesome & tough Kickboxing workout:

K,P,C intermediate + high intensity drills
KM blast challenge
BC cardio only {2x}
either: K,P,C kicking and punching combos
KM kicking and punching combos

You definately need it! Since doing a lot of Cathe kickbxing both my upper body (shoulders and arms) and legs/glutes have become well-sculpted. A must have :)

A nice variation to Kristen's mish-mosh above would be to substitute Cardio Kicks's 15-minute power drill segment after Boot Camp cardio only.

Not A-Jock, but I really like Cardio Kicks. It's on the Cardio Kicks/Circuit Max DVD. It's not as intense as KPC or Kick Max but it's a lot of fun and you can focus your eyes on a couple of guys in this one. They come up front and center during the drills section which is very good. Cardio Kicks is a bit of a space hog but you can just go up instead of across if you don't have room.

I own both and I think they are complimentary to each other...they both are intense...yet different!! Kick max is a little added variety to have. I love them both and you would have to pry them both out of my cold dead hands if it came down to giving them up ever!!}( :p
Hey Kris - I like the power drills on Cardio Kicks a lot. The main body of the workout is a tad light for my taste, but the power drills, especially with their slower tempo and the later total focus on upper body, are perfect as a power add-on to another workout (kickbox or no). In fact, I like to do Circuit Max as a barbell squat/plie-squat/lunge-only circuit workout (as opposed to the compound lower/upper body dumbbell circuits) up to the end of the sixth cardio/resistance cycle, THEN flip over to CK's power drills and bang that one out. That, my friend, is a sweatfest. Makes it so easy that they're both on one disc.

A-Jock, I think you and I are a lot alike! I like to make crazy workouts with Cathe. The other day I did this wonderful--tiring & yes, challenging workout. If you own this DVDs you might want to give it a shot:

1. Drill Max timesaver cardio premix
2. Imax 3 blasts only
3. CF drill max drills (again)
4. Imax 2 blasts #10, #9, #7, #5, #4, #5, #7, #9, #10
5. CF BM2 power circuit segment no weights

This was DEFINATELY a sweat fest. I think I will now call this
"Max-to-the-extreme" !! }(

OMG! Today I was a crazy girl. Here is what I did...don't know why, but just did it

Kick Max blast challenge
Imax 3 blasts
Kick Max blast challenge
Imax 3 blasts
BM2 power circuit segment 1-3 (from cardio fusion)
Drill Max squat thrust + stability ball cardio + squat thrust
Kick Max combo #2 and #4

then I did legs! Talk about HARD! }(


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