kick punch and crunch question


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I love your videos.
I just started doing kick punch and crunch. Actually I don't have the entire video, I have the timesaver. I can't figure out if I should wear weighted hand gloves. Are you wearing them in the video?

The upper body punching part of the workout seems too easy for me.

Thank you.
I'm certainly not Cathe, but I can tell you that you should never wear weighted gloves when punching..they can put too much pressure on your joints.
I have to disagree. If your form is good and the weights are light (1-2 pounds) and you don't have joint problems, I think it should be fine. Every kickboxing instructor (DVD's) mentions that using hand weights can up the intensity.
I don't know if Cathe wears weighted looks like it! But I wear a 1lb wrist weight on each wrist and it works really well! It's not too heavy at all but yet it feels much more like a workout than if you didn't have any weight. Give it a try! :)
Cathe and Lorraine and Jai are not wearing weighted hand gear in KPC; only handwraps.

I'm not qualified to answer a question as to whether or not wearing microload gloves or other light handweights is contraindicated for kickboxing. However, I don't believe she uses hand weights in any of her kickboxing workouts.

A-Jock it right: So far, Cathe has never worn weighted gloves in her KB workouts (but she might in the STS cardio series). What look like gloves are had wraps reinforced with black tape (to keep them from unravelling during filming.)

IMO, one shouldn't wear weighted gloves until one has form down, and not exceed a poundage that is safe for that individual, but they certainly can be used safely if one is smart about using them. (One of my blog entries is dedicated to advice on using weighted gloves).
I wear gloves!

Hi -
Before I started Cathe, I was a Turbo Jam fanatic and I always wore my beachbody weighted gloves. They are 1 lb each and it might not seem like a lot but you will definitely feel it.

As long as you have good form and don't lock your elbows I think you will be fine. I can only say that I have never had a problem with them.
Hi Denise! No, I'm not wearing weighted gloves. I actually have on black hand wraps.

As far as whether or not to use weighted gloves, you really need to have great form before you add weighted gloves to a kickboxing/boxing workout. Once your form is perfected and your conditioning is at a high level, you can gradually add on weight. But the weight should be very light to start with (.5 to 1 pound per hand) and increased over time if desired/needed in very light increments (again like a half pound per hand at a time). Also, never get too heavy at all (as to spare the shoulder joint overuse or unnecessary injuries ). I also don't recommend doing consecutive hand weighted workouts as to let the joints/muscles recover).

That being said, I get a little uncomfortable suggesting to add weighted gloves to my current kickbox workouts because they were not filmed to accomodate a weight and therefore the arm movements could be too rapid and or non-joint friendly for additional weight. If you really want to add weights to my kickboxing workouts, be sure you have a lot of non-weighted kickboxing experience under your belt first, then add light weight and punch to a much slower cadence and be very precise with your form. Of course this will make it so that you are out of sync with us, but at least you will be training more safely this way.

Good Luck!

Hi Cathe,
I love your videos.
I just started doing kick punch and crunch. Actually I don't have the entire video, I have the timesaver. I can't figure out if I should wear weighted hand gloves. Are you wearing them in the video?

The upper body punching part of the workout seems too easy for me.

Thank you.

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