Kick Max premix breakdown...


I saw the thread stating the length & title of premixes for HC series, and most seem self-explanatory, but does anyone know the actual breakdowns for KM?



Keep smiling & sweating!
Does this help?

Kick Max premix breakdown:

Low Impact Kick Max 58min:
Warm up
Kick Punch Combo 1
Kick Punch Combo 2
Kick Punch Combo 3
Kick Punch Combo 4
Leg Conditioning Drills

Low Impact Timesaver 48min:
Warm up
Kick Punch Combo 3
Kick Punch Combo 4
Leg Conditioning Drills

Kickbox Bootcamp Challenge 50min:
Warm up
Blast Challenge
Kick Punch Combo 2
Kick Punch Combo 3
Kick Punch Combo 4

Cardio Leg Sculpt 52min:
Warm up
Blast Challenge
Leg Conditioning Drills

Yes, thank you!

Sorry to be a pain, but what is the "blast challenge"? Is it similar to KPC's intensity drills? and about how long is it?

Thanks again.


Keep smiling & sweating!
The Blast Challenge is like IMAX blasts strung together - TOUGH! It's fifteen minutes long and contains 10 drills:

Jacks/Airborn jacks
Lunge/Jump sidekicks
Zig Zag jumps
Shuffle/fast jabs
Airborn/tuck jumps
Plie jacks
Sequential kicks
Hammer lunge/front kicks
Power lunges
Tuck jumps

Diane, thank you so much for posting the premix breakdown for Kick Max! I've been trying to find the premix breakdowns for all of the HCs like this and haven't found anything. The breakdowns in the Blast series were so helpful. Do you know where I might find the breakdowns or should I ask if they will be posted? Tracy :)
I asked Cathe a couple of weeks ago on this thread:

Sometimes I stumble upon a premix breakdown on the VF or YaYa sites. I posted the Kick Max and Core Max breakdowns on VF's Combinations, Rotations, & Modifications Forum, and another VFer posted the breakdown for the GS Legs workout.

I would think things have settled down for Cathe and maybe if you asked, SNM would post their own page(s) for the breakdowns. I hate to ask again and sound like a pest. :eek:

Thanks again Diane! I'm glad Cathe is planning to do them again. I will try to be patient and maybe post a question if I don't see anything by the end of the month. I'll post earlier if you want though! :D Tracy

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