Kick Max blast challenge


oh my goodness I thought I was going to keel over! I couldn't believe how hard that was....and tacked on to the end of my hi/low HCX workout. If anyone wants to look for their heart under the table, this is one good workout :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I agree. It is pretty hard; I still have to modify some exercises. I can't imagine adding that to any other workout. I do it with Kick Max because I have no choice:) .
I'd better check to see what this is. When I did the standard Kick Max routine, I didn't think it was that hard. Is the blast challenge one of the premixes? Is it longer than the regular routine? You've got me curious.
The blast challenge are the 10 intensity drills following the kicking and punching combinations and if you didn't think it was that hard then hats off to you!:D I used to have to modify quite a bit, then just a little, and now not at all, but it still takes my breath away! Especially the last three drills, tough stuff IMO ;)
I use it now as an add on here and there, or just leave it in a part of KM, but I usually do it first to get it out of the way and keep my heart rate higher during the combos.
>I use it now as an add on here and there, or just leave it in
>a part of KM, but I usually do it first to get it out of the
>way and keep my heart rate higher during the combos.

Mattea, Is that a certain premix (the blasts first)? Or did you just fast forward to the blasts and then go back to the combo's and leg drills? If it is a premix, is the original KM work out all there, but just a different order?

Maybe I should give that a try too, just to get those blasts out of the way. Do you feel warmed up enough to do them first?

I've also added the leg drills on to my leg work out days a few times.


edited to say: Debbie OH MY! You added the blasts onto another cardio work out?! Is HCX a Hardcore Extreme work out. Which one did you do? I have to give that DVD a try still.
Dallas - the blast challenge is the last segment of Hardcore #2 (hi/low) workout. Seems insane to tack that on after all those intervals. I think that's why it was SO HARD! That will up my endurance in a heartbeat, no pun intended ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

OK, now I know why I haven't given HCX a try, I'm too chicken! Maybe one of these days when I'm feeling adventurous or insane (or both)}( .

Take care.
>The blast challenge are the 10 intensity drills following the
>kicking and punching combinations and if you didn't think it
>was that hard then hats off to you!:D I used to have to modify
>quite a bit, then just a little, and now not at all, but it
>still takes my breath away! Especially the last three drills,
>tough stuff IMO ;)
>I use it now as an add on here and there, or just leave it in
>a part of KM, but I usually do it first to get it out of the
>way and keep my heart rate higher during the combos.

That's exactly what I do and it works like a charm.
Mattea -
I think the problem is that the combos aren't very high intensity, and the blast challenge is just to short! I'm a cardio nut and just don't feel worked out unless I've suffered for a good solid hour. I think I'll get KM out again and try using the blast in with other stuff, like you all are suggesting. I like the KPC punching combos, but KM just didn't get it for me. I do, however, use the leg conditiong drills several times a week and work them in with my weight training.
I've found that the key to the KM combos is to kick and punch with as much intensity as you can on each move, every time-it's the only way a cardio nut like you (and me;) ) can really kick it up a notch. Also, I've done it this way.
Warm up from KM
Blast Challenge from KM
Hi/Lo Drills from KPC
Combos from KPC
Combos from KM
And whichever stretch you feel like that day.
Cardio crazy!
I think one of the KM premixes does have the blasts first, but I usually just skip ahead to them and then skip back to the combos, the DVD is chaptered so well that this is quick and easy.
Or, if I'm really feeling strong check out how I combine KM with KPC on my response to Shannon's post further down the page! OUCH!

"edited to say: Debbie OH MY! You added the blasts onto another cardio work out?! Is HCX a Hardcore Extreme work out. Which one did you do? I have to give that DVD a try still."

The first time I did one of the HCX workouts I was SCARED b/c in the chapter listings it lists KM Blast Challenge twice and I thought you had to do the whole thing twice! Luckily it was split in half, otherwise, peel me off the floor!
>Warm up from KM
>Blast Challenge from KM
>Hi/Lo Drills from KPC
>Combos from KPC
>Combos from KM
>And whichever stretch you feel like that day.
>Cardio crazy!


I've done something like this too. The only difference is that I've put the blasts right before the leg drills. I haven't done this in a while. Tomorrow the rotation I'm following calls for KM, maybe I'll give this a try again. This time I'll do the blasts first. I remember it being a sweatfest! }(

That sounds great! And WET! I love Cathe kickboxing and this way I get the best of both KPC and KM, for those days when you just can't decide. LOL!
I've also done Aquajock's mishmosh of:
KPC warm-up through the high intensity drills
KM Blast Challenge
Cardio Kicks Power Drills
This one will leave you dripping as well
Have fun!
Ooo, I would love to give that a try. I still don't have Cardio Kicks. Do you think it's worth getting? I also want to get CTX DVD too. My wish list is steadily growing!

Thanks Mattea.

Mattea - cool! That sounds like fun!I have an odd setup - have to use my laptop computer to play the DVDs. It works pretty well, but switching stuff out is a pain. Fortunately, I have KPC in VHS, so I should be able to switch between computer and TV.

If you're wondering why, it's because I"m cheap. I just bought the darned laptop and rarely use it, did not have a DVD player but really wanted Cathe's new stuff. So that's what I came up with.
I also have mixed VHS/DVD Cathe collection and I sometimes use my laptop as well. When I'm travelling or the power is out it's a lifesaver! I always wondered what it would be like to take Cathe outside on a beautiful day? Would the grass hinder or help with the impact/moves?
Mattea -
Well, the grass has got to be better for impact than what I'm on - tile floor over concrete slab! Ouch. But it's what I have. I have a friend who does step aerobics out on her deck. I think it would be cool to go outside - can you imagine how free you would feel with no walls or furniture to get in the way?

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