Good Afternoon Everyone!
This morning I did Lisa Nunziella's Dance to Enhance Strength section for a warmup. Just bodyweight exercises - planks (side and forearm), pushups, tricep dips with 1 leg up, forward lunges and balances and warrior 3 and some other dancy, yoga type stuff.
I did 6 cycles of swings this morning:
I'm repeating week 2 but kind of gearing up for week 3:
30 Swings - 25#
Figure 8 to a hold - 25#
25 Swings - 25#
Mountain Climbers
25 Swings - 25#
25 Swings - 25#
Lateral Skaters
25 Swings - 25#
1 min. plank
25 Swings - 80 russian twists with no weight but feet off the floor
Yesterday I went to my first Bikram yoga class. That was intense. 105 degrees in the room. When I first went in the room, I couldn't believe how hot it was but I eventually got used to it. The good part was there was no sun salutations or warrior poses (except for warrior 3). There was also no core work, inversions or arm balances. It was basically a lot of balancing poses and stretches. I was definitely able to go deeper into the poses because of the heat. Each pose is done twice - the first series is held longer than the second - I think 60 secs. for the first and 30 secs. for the second. The class was 90 mins. Definitely something I would do again although I do like power yoga better. I miss all my inversions, core work and arm balances.
My quads are a little sore today but not too bad. I forgot to mention I lost 2 pounds from the class. Lots of sweating going on !
I also did pullups over the weekend. Hopefully I'll be ready for them in ROP.
Andilynn - So glad to hear you liked Santa Monica! I knew you would.
Deanie - Great workout as usual! So what kind of results are you seeing from all your hard work?
Waves to Jane, Gayle, Farmer, Vilma and all who follow!
Have a great day!