Kelly Coffey-Meyer's new workouts, anyone?


Did anyone else pre-order, and receive, Kelly's latest workouts?
Mine came yesterday, and I previewed.
The Cardio Kick: Step Boxing looks like so much fun: 50 minutes of step kickboxing, done on vertical step, horizontal step, and on the floor. Fast paced (somewhat slower than her first stepboxing workout, but not a lost slower---just right, IMO), and full of energy. I couldn't resist trying a few moves while previewing (which I usually don't do), and started feeling the DOMS from the previous days 4DS KB workout!).

Cardio Sculpt Fitness is a mixed bag, IMO. The step moves look fun and athletic, the leg work interesting, but I'm not keen on the upper body weight work. I can't figure out if Kelly is presenting "innovative, safe and effective" moves, or moves that are just "different, and of questionable safety and effectiveness," though I tend to think the latter, especially for the shoulder and bicep work (there may be some reason why no one else does these moves). I think I'll either be sticking with the cardio-only, or cardio and lower body only premixes, and/or modifying some of the more questionable moves to make this a keeper.

As always, Kelly is full of energy and enthusiasm. Her cuing is sometimes a bit spotty, but the moves are pretty easy to pick up on (while still being interesting).
>Did anyone else pre-order, and receive, Kelly's latest
>Mine came yesterday, and I previewed.
>The Cardio Kick: Step Boxing looks like so much fun: 50
>minutes of step kickboxing, done on vertical step, horizontal
>step, and on the floor. Fast paced (somewhat slower than her
>first stepboxing workout, but not a lost slower---just right,
>IMO), and full of energy. I couldn't resist trying a few moves
>while previewing (which I usually don't do), and started
>feeling the DOMS from the previous days 4DS KB workout!).
>Cardio Sculpt Fitness is a mixed bag, IMO. The step moves look
>fun and athletic, the leg work interesting, but I'm not keen
>on the upper body weight work. I can't figure out if Kelly is
>presenting "innovative, safe and effective" moves, or moves
>that are just "different, and of questionable safety and
>effectiveness," though I tend to think the latter, especially
>for the shoulder and bicep work (there may be some reason why
>no one else does these moves). I think I'll either be
>sticking with the cardio-only, or cardio and lower body only
>premixes, and/or modifying some of the more questionable moves
>to make this a keeper.
>As always, Kelly is full of energy and enthusiasm. Her cuing
>is sometimes a bit spotty, but the moves are pretty easy to
>pick up on (while still being interesting).
I just ordered these today. I was trying to decide between KCM's newest and Tracey's newest and I went with KCM. I ordered from advanced workouts so I can exchange if I don't like.

I received mine yesterday but haven't had a chance to preview them yet--probably do that later today. I don't have a lot of Kelly's stuff but I got these for a little variety. I actually had her first step-boxing workout but ended up selling it; I hope I like this one better--I liked it from the preview clips on Collage, at least.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog:
I missed the pre order on Kelly's site, but I ordered them from Advanced Workouts along with the new Jari Love Ripped and Chiseled, I had Ripped and Chiseled on pre order from Amazon since last year, it is available everywhere but Amazon right now!! I hope my new Kellys and Jari will be here today or tomorrow. With the fires burning here in SoCal, I hope the mail man is still running!!!
Kelly responded on her website to some comments (where they were made, I'm not sure) about the weight work. She said she has trained in a muscle head gym since she was 13 and is familiar with safe lifting techniques - her focus being on tight, toned, flexible muscle. She does recommend going light on the moves you are not familiar with because they work the smaller muscles - which bring out the definition.

I haven't tried either workout yet but plan to do so soon (I have to get through the weights on 4DS first...). I, too, worry about the speed of the exercises but I'll give it a shot. I do have to admit that on Amy's APX the shoulder front/back raise thing with the bands I have modified to light hand weights and I still find it kind of unnerving (makes the shoulder joint itself hurt), so I move slower than Amy and try not to worry about rep counts. On Kelly's NYC I don't care too much for the shoulder raises in it, either, but I lift light and go slow to make it work for me. I'm pretty sure in both cases that my shoulders are my weakest part and are simply reminding me that I need to get those smaller muscles toned up.
>shot. I do have to admit that on Amy's APX the shoulder
>front/back raise thing with the bands I have modified to light
>hand weights and I still find it kind of unnerving

I had some trouble with that shoulder move with the bands. last time I did it I got a sudden pain in my left back of the shoulder and then it hurt for two days or more when I would turn my head to the left side. Weird. It's fine now.

As for Kelly's weight work I'll just have to try it and see how it feels/works.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog:

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