Hi Regina:
There is NO follow-along workout. That's what disappointed me. I am also a little miffed that the product description didn't fully explain that the workout is really only fully laid out as a PDF document - so you can print it out, set a timer and do the workout as written, but you can't play the downloaded videos and follow along.
The videos have exercise demonstrations and a kind of "montage sequence" of a woman running through the entire workout (minus warm-up/cooldown), but you only see her do a couple of reps before the video skips to the next exercise. There are 2 little videos included in the download, and one of them has two guys talking about kettlebells generally and the workout specifically, then it goes to the workout montage. The second video has Anthony DiLuglio and a female exerciser doing demos of each move.
In my opinion: if someone has downloaded the workout, they probably just want to
do a workout. I was peeved that they only included a lengthy discussion of the workout and a few little tidbits of workout demos. The exercise demonstration section is mostly talk, too.
However, the PDF lays out the routine for you, so the entire download package does deliver everything you need to do the workout.
I'm OK with doing my workouts without a follow-along video, but I strongly prefer to follow along with a DVD. It's a little less lonely.

I couldn't tell whether the downloads were follow-along or not just from the description - it seems to me, if you're going to take the trouble to film 30 minutes of workout-related stuff, you might as well just film a follow-along, right? Why film a boring conversation about kettlebells? Lame.
But, like I said, the workout itself looks good.