<-- waves Good Morning
<-- is glad to see Shelley
<-- wants to go shopping with Robin at the new Target
<-- tells Vilma just got the email message and will give Vilma the requested info when <-- gets back on Sunday
<-- hopes Vilma enjoys her circuit workout
<-- is LOL about Liann's BOD members being tucked away
<-- wonders what is going on with Liann's pool
<-- ^^^^5 for Ronne on her 4DS KB - you go girl
<-- is
about the amount of resumes Amelia is sending out today
<-- keeps fingers and toes crossed
<-- hopes Nancy feels better soon
<-- waves to Evily and TeTe and hopes their workday goes by fast
<-- has to scoot to drop off Jack and Shiloh at Maverick's house and Scooter at another friend
<-- Tuxedo and Pepper are all brushed, packed and ready to go to Lake Tahoe <-- is NOT
<-- wishes everyone a good rest of the week
<-- Ciao