Just tried Kick Max!

dani isn't just awesome. when i do it i feel as though the kick/punch combos don't do to much but follow that with the blast challenge THEN trying to do the leg drills its a killer.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

I love the Kickbox/Bootcamp Challange Premix. You start out with the warm-up, Blast Challenge, then 2, 3, and 4 of the punching drills. After this I either add on the leg drills or not. }(

i just did the kick/punch combos with weights oh my i take it back about those not raising my heart rate.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I looooooove Kick Max. I've tried it with my SO and when we get to the blasts he always gives up haha (ahem..wimp..ahem) We've been doing Kenpo and kickboxing for years and we never find the kicking and punching combos easy. I think if you punch hard at a 100% intensity (those who own Cardio Kicks know what this is) and kick hard and as high as you can, all of a sudden the combos are not so easy anymore. By the way the low impact premix of that DVD is one of my favorites. I do it when I want to take it a little easier and I do the leg drills 2-3 times a week with other workouts.
I love Kick Max too, especially the low impact premix! That's the one I do the most...I just started using 2-lb gloves with this and it's really taken it up a notch!
Dani - did you do KickMax two days in a row!??? I don't think I've ever done a video for 2 consecutive days. :p Well, maybe I'll dig up KickMax tomorrow morning and give it another try. It's been a while only because everytime I want to do a Cathe kickboxing video, KPC wins! I LOVE KPC.

Speaking of KPC, someone once posted a combo they thought up (sorry, can't remember who...) but it was:

warm up (can't remember if I used KPC wu or KM wu)
KPC combo #1
KickMax challenge blasts 1-5
then KPC combo #2,
then KM blasts 6-10
then KPC combo #3

I really liked that one!}(
Hey Guys,

Did I hear someone say Kickmax. I love ;) ;) this workout. As a matter of fact, I did KM this morning, Ouch! tough stuff. Tonight, I'm going to revisit Muscle Endurance, enjoy :9

Teddygirl is in charge (i think)
Laura! Yes, I did KickMax two days in a row.

I did the Blast Premix one day and then the Cardio + Sculpt Premix the next day!

I'm LOVING it!

Thanks so much for the combo. I'm going to try it.

Hey - can anyone tell me what the KickMax/BootCamp premix consists of? I had so much fun with KPC today, I'd like to do a kickbox circuit this coming week and varying the different dvd's is a great way to go.
It consists of the first two segments of Kick Max. Segment one has four kick and punch combos and segment two has 10 drills, some of them kickboxing moves and others high intensity/high impact drills (i.e. jumping jacks, jump rope, plié jumps, power lunges, tuck jumps, etc.) I hope that helps.
No prob! I still think KPC can be a little bit harder than Kick Max just depends on how hard (and high) you kick and throw the punches in the first section of Kick Max and if you do the drills without marching in place to rest or pausing the DVD. If you give it 100% KM is a killer. I'm doing KPC with the leg conditioning segment of KM today. (oh my my my}( )
My all time favorite kick box workout is the warmup, low and high intensity drills from KM, the blasts from KM and the drills from Cardio kicks. I get done with that and I'm feeling working out from head to toe.
I decided to revisit Kick Max. I did not care for this workout initially, since I love kickboxing and it really is not a standard kickboxing workout. Well, I did the full workout on Saturday with an open mind and I am revamping my assessment.

The blasts really challenge your cardio psyche. And this is an understatement. Although, I would have loved another kickboxking drill than just the four, it was alright.

The shocker is the Leg Conditioning Drills. These drills are harder than GS Legs, to me. I still feel it, 2 days later. I have now decided to incorporate this workout at least once a week in my rotation, for the leg drills alone.

Yes, this workout is a tough one but if you can hang, worth it. And for the 10 intesity blasts, you can modify those plyos, I did...;-)
For me it's not the plyo's - it's those horrible explosive lunges when you've already gone through 8 drills. I did it my combo today - KPC drills, KM blasts, and CK drills - and I have to say I was so thrilled when the KM blasts were over! LOL But they are calories burners.

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