Just started STS today; wow


OK. So I know a lot of you are already on mesocycle 3 but today was my first day and I can see now why so many people are raving about it. I've actually had it for a while now but was in a huge funk about exercising (and unfortunatly gained about 13 lbs.) and didn't feel like starting when Cathe did.
I was nervous about starting but viewed the dvds and thought, "Ok, I can do this." Well, I bumped up some of the weight to match Cathe because I thought my 1RM were a bit too low. This is a challenging w/o. I was maxed out for almost every exercise. I think I'll stick to my 1RM #'s from this point on. Don't let me get started on those push-ups. I did most on my knees! How embarrassing!
KC, I know exactly how you're feeling. Kudos to you though - becasue I havent started yet :p you are one step ahead of me!
Yeah! What Catherine said....:) Have fun with this series! DH and I are LOVIN' it. We are into Meso 3 week 2 and look forward to the workouts just as we did in Meso 1. We must like pain! LOL

I started today too! I am in LOVE. STS is exactly what I have been looking for. I am soooo glad I went through the 1RM's, I seemed to have been spot on for most of my weights...but made notes to tweak others. Wow you are a brave woman starting out with Cathe's load!!!

Now I am "getting" the forum conversations about micro-loading, I am looking at my work out card to make the necessary adjustments for back and triceps. I feel like I am at school - doing homework - engaging the brain!

I was pretty pumped up after disc one, so I did disc three. I am hoping I won't regret that in the morning!

The push up that wiped me out was the core push up boot camp style - super glad my teen ds's weren't home to walk in on that! Oh my, I would never live it down. I ended up doing a 'fire-hyrdant' ballet style kneeling push up combo, paused the dvd and went longer on that.

Glad to know someone else is starting the cycle.
A few of us are still in Meso #1, so we'll suffer with you guys. :)

I do the push ups on an angle, pushing off my step with 4 risers instead of doing them straight from the floor. I'd never make it otherwise.

Wait until you hit Disc #4! :eek:
I'm glad that I did my 1RM too. I think the weight was pretty accurate. I can't wait to do disc 2. I've been thinking about it all day! I can already tell that Cathe out-did herself w/ this one.
Don't let me get started on those push-ups. I did most on my knees! How embarrassing!

it is NOT embarassing to do pushups on your knees! especially drop sets lol.. what is to be embarrased about? i guarantee the average person you meet on the street can't do any form of pushups, let alone cathe's sets. if you are challenging your pecs, shoulders, and triceps, then who cares if you do 'em on your knees!

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