Just signed up with MsFit!

I would love to sign up as well. I went to her website and I guess I just don't see where I can do this.

Can someone please point me in the right direction???

take care:)
thanks! I just figured out I was on another website. It was still MsFit...but a different one. I finally clicked on theelitephysique.com hahaha

thanks again!
take care:)
I just posted my 16 week out from comp photos over there. It includes pictures from 8 months ago, front and back, compared to today. 7 of those 8 months have been spent with MsFit's e-consults. The link in my signature line will take you there.
WOW! All I can say is WOW! I have only been on these forums for a couple months so can you fill me in. What made you want to compete and how long ago before this desire did you start working out? You are a true inspiration.


Snazzy, where is your competition at? I'm in WA also and would love to come cheer you on if it's somewhere nearby!

Thanks Terri and Jo!

I started working out back in the early 90's and toyed with the idea of competing in Fitness. Fitness had just come out as a new competition medium. Enter Carol Semple and gymnasts, who took the sport to a whole new level, and left me without a place to compete, LOL..I'm no gymnast!

I quit working out from 1996-2004, other than the occasional bout with interest in feeling good again. Life just got crazy, and I kinda forgot about it. Then in 2004, I opened my own business. I was drinking coffee in the a.m and having a drink or two in the p.m. Something had to change!!!!! I started working out again just to manage stress. I found MsFit through bodybuilding.com, and have been hooked ever since.

I always said I would compete by the time I was 35. Well, I'm 37, but I'm going to do it! LOL

It's in Wenatchee, WA on 9/24/05, the Evergreen State Championships. Still a lot of work left to do before then!!!!

Thanks again for your kind words. I really do appreciate it!!!
Wow wow wow!!! You look great!
Look at them lats!

BTW, signed up for my 6 weeks last PM. I couldn't stop obsessing over it LOL:)
Mari...that is so cool...sorry if I missed it, but what are your goals?...You already are in awesome shape....:)...Carole
Hey Carole!
Thanks for asking.... First of all I signed up for the AAAI personal training course, and it seems that God willing I'll take he test on 6/26. It should be a nice addition to my skin care practice, some of my clients are bugging me for years to "train them". Plus, there is a small but brand new gorgeous gym in town, and the owner said that I can bring people there for a very reasonable fee.
Now, I decided to try to look the best I can in my old age:) and give this program a try. So far I'm still sticking to it! It's hard to cut back on cardio. The weights part is good, it is definitely not less than what I did in the past.
My goal is to try to get that body fat down to about 15 or 14 % Is that a good idea? I don't know. Now is about 18 % or so. I guess I'm bored. I still miss marathon training and schedules to keep. This one is a schedule for me with a goal at the end. I don't time my 800s anymore but weigh my stupid yams. Hey, numbers are numbers, no? And I love numbers....:) :) :) How are you doing? Mari
I don't want to be a downer in this thread and certainly I think Snazzy's results are awesome, but........

Don't you all think this is just more of what we already know? I am really no different than the rest of the American public, I buy into this stuff too. I just think it is funny how we all seem to KNOW ALL THIS, but the problem is not in not knowing what to do but ACTUALLY DOING IT. I don't need Ms. Fit to tell me to eat a baked potato the size of my clenched fist....I already know it. I just don't want to do it! I think Snazzy's results are directly from her desire to acheive her goals. She has the discipline and that is it!!

I don't know, please don't flame me, but personally I think most of us know what to do and yet we constantly spend money to have someone tell us what to do again!! If we could just "get it together" in our heads we would be good to go.

Case in point: My sister has a treadmill. She has lost some of her motivation to exercise, but still chooses, for some reason or another, not to use her treadmill. As of today she is absolutely CONVINCED that if she gets an elliptical she will work out...and therefore lose weight. So, we went shopping and she spend $3,000 on a brand new elliptical. Pretty soon it will likely be a coat hanger. :)
And sadly, I did the same thing with Power 90 and it absolutely bored me to tears. With every purchase I make the closer I get to realizing that it is all in the mind!! If I really want it, it will come. If I don't, it won't. The end.

Kinda funny, isn't it...human nature? :)

I wish you all the best of luck and please, by all means, let us know if you learn something "new". :)
He-he Macska...I knew someone was gonna come back with that. :)

Great. It is even less carbs than I thought. Truly depressing. :)
Janice, I don't think health and fitness is so much about knowledge as it is about tenacity, willpower and finding the right motivation.

I used to work with two PhD nutritionists who ate fast food every day. One of them used to add so much salt to his already disgustingly salty french fries, it made me want to gag. If well-being were about knowledge, no one would smoke. Many people lose weight going to Weight Watchers, not so much because they don't already know the right things to eat, but because it provides the motivation they need. These are just a few examples.

People know they should be doing tons of things differently (and not just with regard to health and fitness), but that doesn't change their behavior. MsFit might be just the motivator some people need!
You are very right, Susan! I mean no malice with my post, just threw it out there...food for thought! Like I said, I wish everyone the best of luck.

Believe me, if everyone gets really buff and cut, I will be the first person in line!!:)
It's being accountable. I Know that I have to send her an e mail soon, so I stick to the plan. It's all in the head, at least for me.
The big challanege comes tonight in a form of a French restaurant -- we'll go out with some friends. Hah. I'll let you know. Mari
Hi Mari....I'm doing well. Just started doing Freestyle training, so something new for me too! I also got some Bowflex adjustable dumbbells that I love. Training for a 50K in Sep..and yesterday was my 1 year Vegetarian/mostly Vegan anniversary! I agree with the getting bored. It is also good for the bod to try something different. I think it is a great incentive for you to try and drop your body fat. Who knows...I wish you luck...:)...I hope you will keep us udpated too. Maybe you ladies should have a check in???

Janice..I would never flame you for your opinion and in some ways I do agree. I do think though some people have a better time acheiving results when it is a service they PAY for. Could be all in our heads, who knows...but you will still learn something new and possibly get thru a plateau. I know Mari and she is very knowledgable in the fitness area. I'd say most of us here are...:D...you know the saying..."You never know until you try"... http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/6.gif[/img]...Carole

Considering you were the one who congratulated Snazzy on her physique, brought it to the attention of all of us and said you were considering doing this yourself, your post surprised me. Maybe you just needed a push over the fence :)

Had a very busy weekend so I didn't sign up until yesterday. I need to send her my stats this morning.

I'm keeping an open mind. I figure as much as I've spent on Cathe stuff, $65 is a pittance x( .
Yeah, you're right Candi! I told you I was no exception!!

But sorry, with nursing school coming up and the financing involved in that..my feet are planted firmly on the ground!!! LOL!!

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