That's great! I'm thrilled for you Alli (who's still waiting to be notified)
F fitmom Guest Aug 24, 2000 #21 That's great! I'm thrilled for you Alli (who's still waiting to be notified)
K kay Guest Aug 24, 2000 #22 Mine are here!!!!! This is really exciting, but scarey at the same time. I previewed Lean Legs & have decided I am too young to die!!!! (But in a good way) Why oh why did I do the Firm's LDWO last night???? Well there's always previewing today workout tomorrow.
Mine are here!!!!! This is really exciting, but scarey at the same time. I previewed Lean Legs & have decided I am too young to die!!!! (But in a good way) Why oh why did I do the Firm's LDWO last night???? Well there's always previewing today workout tomorrow.
E eternalEfit Cathlete Aug 24, 2000 #23 Congrats to all that are getting.... their videos this week!!! I ordered on June 30th, so I'm doubtful they'll ship or pack them until next week, unless a miracle occurs!!! Don't forget to post reviews you guys!!! Myra
Congrats to all that are getting.... their videos this week!!! I ordered on June 30th, so I'm doubtful they'll ship or pack them until next week, unless a miracle occurs!!! Don't forget to post reviews you guys!!! Myra
K kimberlyh Guest Aug 24, 2000 #24 I'm such a weasel I convinced my supervisor that I need to work at home tomorrow. The downside of that is that I'll be there when UPS arrives with my tapes. Oh, darn!
I'm such a weasel I convinced my supervisor that I need to work at home tomorrow. The downside of that is that I'll be there when UPS arrives with my tapes. Oh, darn!
F fitmom Guest Aug 24, 2000 #26 I finally got mine!!!!! My notice that is! I am so thrilled. They are due to arrive on the 28th!!!!!!! I'm doing the happy dance!!!! Alli
I finally got mine!!!!! My notice that is! I am so thrilled. They are due to arrive on the 28th!!!!!!! I'm doing the happy dance!!!! Alli
S susieq Cathlete Aug 24, 2000 #27 This is all so thrilling!! I got my notification yesterday afternoon, but won't get my tapes till the 29th. You guys have to tell me all about them! I did Step Works and part of Step Fit today cuz I know they won't be used for a while now! Susan
This is all so thrilling!! I got my notification yesterday afternoon, but won't get my tapes till the 29th. You guys have to tell me all about them! I did Step Works and part of Step Fit today cuz I know they won't be used for a while now! Susan