Just previewed the new workouts...

I'm with you! I watched them the other night and thought - Not Ready!

Someone elsewhere wondered about being able to hear Cathe breathing hard during these clips and being completely intimidated by that.

I'm going to go with the "increased production values" line and just pretend that we couldn't hear her before.

Because if she's really out of breath then I hope SNM is shipping home defibrillators with these workouts! :p
And hear I thought I was the only one that noticed Cathe breathing hard.



~Straighten out, fly right~

Cathe Friedrich
>And hear I thought I was the only one that noticed Cathe
>breathing hard.

If you watch some of her other workouts with the 'cues only/music off' option chosen, you can hear her breath pretty heavily on those at times. Makes me feel like not quite such a weenie at times (but she's way better at covering than I am).

Maybe it's just more obvious on these because of microphone placement? Or type of microphone?
re. heavy breathing...
She not only does all of the work outs, she talks cheerfully through the whole thing.
It would be fascinating to see what she can really do. In other words, one of her "advanced" work outs that she can talk all the way through must be a low intermediate for her. In fact, now that I think about it, what if she designed a work out that was so intense, she was unable to talk through it? She could call it, "Death Valley." :<) just kidding, just kidding.
Hi Suzanne! Yes, the microphones are much more sensitive and pick up everything. We could probably have filtered it out but hey, why cover up the fact that I'm working hard....I'm supposed to be }(

Can't wait for you to join me and the crew!
OK Cathe, I'll double knot my laces and cross my fingers that I make it through! :+

Seriously though, the new clips are very exciting and I am sure these workouts will really deliver.

After reading Kathryn's description of DBDOMS (Deep Buttock DOMS)I may need to pick up B&G to help keep me hurtin' while I'm waiting.

Thanks for your reply!
I've just previewed again today...I continue to get more and more excited about all the fun new choreography I see in these...woo hoo! I can't wait to hear that ups truck pullin' up to my house!!!

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