Just have to ask

Nancy, you never posted anything ugly. It must have gotten worse after we posted our comments. Sometimes people can be so critical of others. :-(

I didn't see the thread get ugly, but I was the first person to state that I didn't think that complaining about customer service and sound issues was Cathe bashing. Pinky, you replied to me on that and I didn't think what you wrote was offensive at all. In fact, I agreed with some of your points.

I do find that people here accuse VFers of things that are done at this forum, and vice versa. I enjoy both forums.

I hope that this thread doesn't get deleted - I'll be at my son's baseball game for a few hours and don't want to miss anything!

I hope this post made sense!

RE: the thing is

>That there are people here that are allowed to continue to
>belittle others yet others that post one thing saying that
>Cathe is not a goddess & the be all & end all of the fitness
>industry & that member is no longer allowed to post here.
>If you don't worship Cathe, you get banned.

Troll alert! How "classy" to become a member of the forums just to make this one post.

I agree with Shelley. let's not continue this...

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