<--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy unknown...


<--ella again, sorry!
<--was thinking about bessie, but decided upon ella
<--am up! x( x( x(
<--woke up around 0120 and trid to fall back asleep, but couldn't
<--thinks it's worse to just lie there not sleeping
<--thought maybe a little computer fun would help
<--nope, still not tired
<--have to be up in less than two hours, anyway
<--hip was hurting a bit yesterday after run th day before
<--called friend (the orthopedic surgeon) and he said to run on it this morning, see if there is pain, then come in to his office
<--today is his surgery day but he is going to come in and see me anyway (awww...)
<--he said he wants to do a rule-out before he gives a true dx
<--also said <--might need a shot of cortisone and <--is askeered!:eek:
<--heard it was a BIG needle! ;(
<--hopes NONE of you loverlies are up right now but sleeping soundly all tucked in your neds and warm
<--will "see" youse all later
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--okay this is ridiculus as <--should be on the TM by now!
<--knows <--needs to get on it soon or could possibly pass out while on it!
<--took a sick day as <--am not sure when my friend will be able to see me and how long it will take
<--does not want a shot!
<--does not think the nurse should be smiling with a needle in her hand!!!
<--is starting to think tantrum girl should be on my siggy!
<--runs in excitedly and says, "my HRM is coming today, my HRM is coming today!!!"
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<---waves good morning to Ms Fitzlorie
<---hopes she has a painless run and the doc says all is Okey Dokey
<---had the same restless night as Lorie
<---had hot flashes, night sweats, chills, restless legs, achey knee, yowling cat and crying baby
<---needs a coffee refill and to see what went on around her last night
<---will see youse'all later
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--- waves good morning to robin and lorie
<--- cannot believe how early lorie was up this morning x(
<--- hopes the coffee helps wake robin up
<--- is planning on doing some cardio today - probably Christi again
<--- is relieved to see it's not raining here today for a change, as there's more flooding around again
<--- will bbl
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--waves good morning
<--is sorry to hear about Lorie and Robins sleep woes :(
<--wonders if Lorie's surgeon friend is single }(
<--is glad Ronne is dry for today
<--says school is out here due to snow
<--wishes <--could have a snow day
<--off to fix some breakfast :9

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--thinks Ms. Lorie needs to take a big ol' snooze
<--passes her a nice cup of camomile to zonk her out
<--also wonders if the surgeon friend is single
<--thinks Lorie is due for the Hawttie treatment
<--thinks Robin needs some really good ear plugs...and perhaps air conditioning :eek:
<--wonders if Ronne will see the sun today
<--would like to join Catherine in a snow day
<--planned to work out this a.m. but just couldn't do it for some reason
<--will need to work out the rest of this week, 4 40 min cardio sessions with abs and one more heavy weight gig....
<--SO's ouchy surgery is tomorrow and then he is off to house sit for ten days which doesn't make <-- too happy :(
<--knows he could use the cash and he thinks he is doing <-- a favor by creating less stress
<--rolls eyes and says "boys"
<--is happy to report mom is making progress and will likely bust free of the home and niece is out of ICU
<--is off to have some tea and figure out how to deal with rude, disrespectful "colleague"
<--is thinking a toilet dunk might help }(
<---waves good morning to all
<---is sorry Lorie and Robin have been suffering from restless nights
<---is joining in the wondering if the surgeon friend is single
<---is glad Beavs mom and niece are doing better
<---sends speedy recovery vibes to SO
<---wants some of Catherine's snow
<---waves to Ronne
<---got all ready to work today in case <---got a sub call, but none came
<---DH has been on <---case about going back to teaching full time next year
<---doesn't think is ready yet as DH isn't home at night to help with homework, mom taxi etc..
<---really nervous about adding own school work on top of all of that

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
<---waves good morning to all
<---is sorry Lorie and Robin have been suffering from restless nights
<---is joining in the wondering if the surgeon friend is single
<---is glad Beavs mom and niece are doing better
<---sends speedy recovery vibes to SO
<---wants some of Catherine's snow
<---waves to Ronne
<---got all ready to work today in case <---got a sub call, but none came
<---DH has been on <---case about going back to teaching full time next year
<---doesn't think is ready yet as DH isn't home at night to help with homework, mom taxi etc..
<---really nervous about adding own school work on top of all of that

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<---waves goodmorning to yus ladies!
<---cannot believe how early Lorie was up
<---wonders if she even went to bed last night?
<---is sore and tired this morning from moving furniture around last night
<---got in the mood to change some things around :)
<---still has some more work to do tonight
<---has a new member in her furry family
<---says a guy at work brought in a baby guinea pig that he was trying to get rid of and guess who ended up with her?
<---adds she is snow white with a little black circle around each eye - she is SOOOOOO cute and purs like a kitten when stroked
<---says that DH is telling her she has to find the piggy a home, but she thinks she is going to have to find him one instead! :)
<---hopes Lorie's shot goes ok
<---says that if the person is good, it shouldn't hurt much at all
<---is sorry that Robin had a restless night :(
<---is glad that Ronne's rain let up
<---thinks it's too bad that Catherine didn't get a snow day :(
<---is SOOOO happy to hear about Beav's mom and her niece
<---hopes her SO comes through his ouchie surgery with flying colors :)
<---thinks toilet dunks are the only way to deal with rude coworkers
<---waves hi to Beth!!
<---Waves good Tuesday morning to all the chickies today
<---Is bummed for Lorie and her hip troubles
<---Wishes she could advise on cortisone but has never had it
<---Sorry to hear Robin's night was horrid...sends her hugs
<---Hopes Ronne is okay with all the flooding around her
<---Thinks Catherine needs to TAKE a snow day :)
<---Hopes Beavs has a good day even though she has some definite stressors right now
<---Thinks a group hug is in order....AHHH that feels better, huh?
<---Agrees Beth sounds quite busy these days...sends her lovies too
<---Thinks Liann is a cool furry mommy!
<---Is getting ready to bring a boyfriend for Athena home in a few months
<---Hopes he will be as easy to train as Athena has been. :)
<---Needs to start some tea, BBL
<--waves good morning
<--had some snow yesterday
<--says it didn't stick but sure was pretty
<--is sorry Lorie is up so early
<--is also sorry about Lorie's hip pain coming back
<--thinks she should get the Pain free book...:)
<--thinks it is nice to hear Robin's DD is eating better and running
<--hopes Greyor gets all the therapy he needs
<--hopes Ronne enjoys her Christi workout
<--has no Christi
<--says to Catherine "thanks" <--would love to have a holiday today!
<--says <--does have a short work day today..:)
<--hopes Catherine can finagle a snow day
<--joins Beav's in the "boys" eye rolling
<--has decided..ALL men are boys
<--hopes Beav's SO's surgery goes well
<--tells Beav's group roundhouse kicks always help with those unruly colleagues
<--does not thinks Beth's DH should get on her case..:(
<--wonders how Liann's guinea pig will get along with snakes and lizards?
<--says wow, Athena get s BF?...cool...:)
<--needs more java
<--will bbl
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<--Grumpily comes into thread
<--Says we got an ice/sleet storm last night, but it warmed up this morning and NO SNOW DAY... :(
<--Is greedy. Wants another day with both kiddos.
<--Is also bummed because according to a new study <--will have to give up coffee soon (caffeine apparently causes more miscarriages than previously thought, so just in case, <--is going to have to say goodbye to <--'s morning cup of joe. SO sad... ;( )
<--Loves Miss Ella and thanks Lorie for the lyric!
<--Hopes her doc visit goes well
<--LOL at Liann and her guinea pig
<--Hopes she doesn't get him near the snakes...
<--Wonders what she named him?
<--Is sorry Robin didn't sleep well
<--Waves to Ronne, Catherine, Beth and Beavs
<--Hopes Beavs' SO is better soon
<--Also is glad Beavs' Mom and niece are doing well
<--Is sitting here listening to the RAIN outside and thinking, WHY COULDN"T THIS HAVE HAPPENED THIS WEEKEND WHEN IT WAS IN THE TEENS??? x(
<--Says the high step <--ordered is in
<--'s DH will pick it up on his way home from work for <--
<--is SO excited
<--Hopes you all have a good morning!
<--Is off in search of something hot and wet and decaffeinated to drink. Bleh.
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<---Waves to Steph and wishes her a grand day!
<---Doesn't know what to think about the "new study"
<---Thinks this is a good discussion with the OB/GYN
<---Thinks many of these studies generalize based on a small group of women
<---Also thinks everything in moderation should be the motto!:)
<---Remembers when everyone around her who was preggers drank coffee and nothing bad happened to them...
<---Says who knows?! :)
<--wishes Lorie good luck with her hip
<--hopes Robin is sufficiently caffeinated
<--hopes Ronne stays dry
<--hopes Catherine has a yummy breakfast
<--wishes Beavs SO good luck on his hernia repair
<--sends Beavs many hugs and mugs of delicious tea to help her through
<--understands Beths dilemma about working
<--can only work part-time due to complex needs of DD & DS
<--is a drag being poor
<--says "squeep, squeep" to Liann (guinea pig for Good Morning!)
<--did not know that GP's purr!
<--tells Stephanie <--caught tail end of story about that caffeine study on the radio this am
<--warrants more investigation
<--NOT ready to give up caffeine
<--morning Melissa!
<--morning Carole!
<--off to do a little work and possibly peruse
<--looking forward to date night as haven't seen SO since last Wed.
<--also using food diary for first time
<--Zoiks! Thought <--ate reasonably well
<--has much diet fine tuning to do.
<---Waves to Carole
<---Hopes she has a good day as well!
<---Adds a "morning" to Suzanne, thinks Suzanne is cute! :)
RE: <--Just go your way and laugh and play, there's joy...

<---pops back in and waves hi to Steph, Carole, Suzanne and Melissa!!!
<---has not thought of a name for the little girl yet - ideas?
<---is struggling with the fact that guinea pigs do not like to live alone - they are social/herd animals
<---knows DH will not let her get a little buddy for the baby though :( - he's still threatening to get rid of her while <--- is at work (left a "Do not touch the pig or else" sign on her cage)
<---says that she has all of the snakes and lizards housed in a special room in the basement - 2 levels below the bedroom where the piggy is now living
<---adds that the snakes are never actually in any part of the house other than the finished basement area - you would never know we had them if we didn't show them to you
<---just had her house appraised and the appraiser thought our set-up was really COOL - he even had her show him some of the snakes
<---says they are set up very professionally and aren't scary looking - we do not have old decrepit tanks laying around with a bunch of vines and stuff and some evil looking snake peering out from behind a rock. Our snakes have water bowls that say "The DOG" and clean enclosures. ;)

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