Just found out!


This has been such a wonderful weekend. My DH and I found out on Saturday night that we're pregnant! It came as a bit of a surprise, but a very happy one. We have been trying to get pregnant, but I thought for sure we missed our "window" for the month.
My period was due on Saturday - and I totally felt all PMS-y and I even felt crampy. My DH said I was being awful moody; I should go take a test. Yeah, right! My period is on its way, I said. But then while I was changing the sheets on our bed, I got a little dizzy. So I took a test, figuring I was just wasting a test stick. But we both saw the 2 lines show up instantly. Oh my goodness!
We are so happy!
I can't get in to see an OB until November 17th. Is that going to be OK? I've been taking prenatal vitamins for months, and I'm eating right and exercising -- I'm taking care of myself. So is it OK that a doc won't see me for nearly a month?
Congrats on your pregnancy! How exciting! My ob/gyn didn't see me until I was 15 weeks pregnant, you'll be fine! It's great that you're taking your prenatal vitamins now. You're a great mom!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Congratulations! Isn't that just the best feeling, seeing those 2 lines show up? I, too, was a bit concerned when my doc said not to come in for three weeks, but they said the tests are pretty accurate and unless I wanted to come in for a blood test to be absolutely certain that I could be pretty confident that I was indeed pregnant. They also said to call if I had any concerns or questions before my three week appointment. Best of luck and again congratulations!
That is so awesome, congratulations! I wasn't supposed to see my doc until my 12 week. I did go in for a confirm at 8 weeks, but that was only to confirm the pregnancy and to make sure they had all of my history.
I don't think it's a rare thing.
Take care!

Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise for you and your dh both. Enjoy the journey, it's sounds like you're already on the right path!

Thanks everyone for all your well-wishes. I've been on cloud nine all week. We even registered for baby stuff at WalMart! :D
Now that I've read that several of you had to wait a bit before seeing an OB/GYN, I'm resting a lot easier.
Funny thing, I just ordered Cathe's Ab Hits on DVD -- I figured I'll use it as much as I can until 2nd trimester when I'll have to modify.
Fun fun fun!;-)
BIG CONGRATULATIONS Pepnchar!! I remember our first baby and how excited I was...I could hardly write the check to pay for the pregnancy test at the doc's office. (for some reason I didn't get one of those home tests, can't remember why).

So...now you can check in on the "workout for pregnant moms thread"!! And don't worry about not seeing the doctor right away. I'm 32 weeks and haven't seen the doctor yet and guess what....I'm still pregnant and doing well!! Hope all goes well!!


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