Just curious - Gym vs. Home

>I only workout at home. I have been thinking about checking
>out a new gym that just opened up near my house, but I just
>haven't gotten there. Anyway, it's taken me a bit, but I have
>acquired all the necessary Cathe equipment that I feel I need
>as well as a new elliptical trainer, so I think that I am set
>for a few more years of Living Room workouts!

Where did you buy your elliptical trainer? I've been looking into them and there are so many different options!
Well, I've been a home exerciser for the last 8 years & *just* joined the YMCA a couple weeks ago. I'm doing a triathalon in June, so it was mainly to be able to use the pool, treadmill, elliptical, & take some classes there. I used to have a treadmill but I wore it out ;-) .

I love being able to work out at home since I'm a stay at home mom. I can fit in a workout early, in the afternoon while my dd naps, etc and never have to worry about going anywhere. But now that I have the gym option, I've been going while my youngest is at preschool or can take her to the free daycare. I have to say that I don't enjoy having to get dressed in decent workout clothes & pack a bag to go somewhere though!!

I do all of my weights at home though, I just prefer Cathe to the machines!! :)
I work out at home. I belonged to a gym but quit when I was pregnant. I have gone to gyms when on vacation, but I hated the experience and couldn't wait to get back home so I could exercise with Cathe. My problem with one gym was that there were a couple of really smelly people in there that I couldn't stand being near. I could understand not showering before a workout, but they could have at least put on some deodorant! My other problem with gyms is that I need someone there to push me and motivate me. Weight lifting machines just don't do it for me. I find them incredibly boring, and there's no instructor there to count out my reps and push me to knock out a few extra!

As far as cost being a factor, I think it would be cheaper to join a gym. There are a few near me that offer $10/month membership. I spend far more than $120/year on videos and equipment, but the convience and peace of mind of having it at my disposal is priceless!
>I work out mainly at home. I also go to a fitness boot camp
>3 days a week. We work outside most of the time or in a
>facility that has no heat or air conditioning. I don't
>consider this a gym as there is no membership fee, you just
>pay for a 4-week session. We use no gym equipment either just
>hand weights, kettlebells, tires whatever they dream up. Last
>night we ran an obstacle course with fire hoses, tires,
>sledge hammers and logs. I'm not a gym person and never will

Jane this sounds awesome how did you find out about it? What state are you in? I would love soemthing like this for another change one month.


"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
Okay...I'll admit I've got TWO gym memberships. One for the boxing club and the other at the indoor rock climbing gym. I have one private lesson a week with the boxing trainer and I meet up with friends at the climbing gym..it's a very social scene. I use the gym at work ocassionally when I need the elliptical machine or stairmaster (so does that count??). At home, I have tons of dumbbells, a pull-up bar, several medicine balls, stretch bands, an adjustable bench, a heavy bag, etc. and I use this stuff a lot.

The world is my gym!! Atlanta is great in that I can be outside doing stuff all year round. I do a lot of backpacking, hiking and mountain biking up in the mountains. I play in an Ultimate frisbee league here in town and I like inline skating.

I'm single, have a good job, my own house and I don't watch TV or shop so I have lots of time to keep fit. I like having this much independence and control over my life and any guy I date has to keep up with me :)
I have access to thr local Y for my child to go to summer camp and swimming. I do use the fitness center at times..like once or twice a month. I enjoy my dvds, once you've worked out to cathe, the classes at the gym seem much easier
I do both and I love them both. I go to the Y and use the fitness center for the cardio machines and strength machines. I just started taking classes there also and they are awesome! I didn't think that they would be as challenging as my workouts at home, but the instructors are great. I took a kickboxing class last week and my glutes were so sore for days and I rarely get DOMS.

I do love the convenience of working out at home, but there are things that I really love about going to the Y also.

I definitely think you can stay fit just using your workouts at home, though.

Mostly at home. 4-5 days and 1-2 days at the gym. All of my weight work at home. I go to the Y for ellipticals, simply to avoid too much impact on my knee, and also to swim since that is really my cardio of choice, and we don't have a pool at home ;-) And then there is the ocassional spinning class with friends:)
i joined the gym in florida. when i moved back to ny, i continued to work out at a sister gym. i hated having to get there an hour ahead to reserve a step. the class was not nearly as good as cathe's, and was shorter. besides that, i had to bring changes of clothing, coats, etc.

i love working out at home on my schedule, no matter the weather. my only outside activities are walking/running at the park and taekwondo. for that, i belong to a school. what a blast being a woman,senior belt amongst the guys. i would like to see them doing this at my age!

I only workout at home and have for years. I have tons of equipment and fitness toys so I don't need a gym anyway. I love the flexibility of doing what I want when I want!

I haven't belonged to a gym in 20 years!
I do both. I have a very nicely equipped home gym. I like to go to the "gym" gym for variety and scenery. I also like to use the cables and other weight machines that I do not have at home. I have a treadmill and spin bike at home but I go to the gym to use the ellipticals for something different. I have a very well rounded routine full of variety. It keeps me very fit, my body guessing and most importantly I do not get bored!:)
I know how you feel, Liane. My gym is literally around the corner, but when I get home from work at night, I don't have the energy to get myself over there. I only use it on weekends, holidays and vacations.

I tried the Gym thing in the early 80's. It seemed like such a pick up joint in the weight room and being newly married that did not appeal to me at all. I did enjoy the aerobic classes and that might be the only reason I would go to a gym these days. I have worked out at home since about 1981. I have the room and have a weight machine with weight bench for leg ext and curls, many free weights, 2 steps, a Nordic Track and a new Elliptical trainer. Besides ALL the DVD's and VHS workouts...:)
I tried various gyms out, but found too boring or not challenging enough. Once I found Cathe I love to workout at home. I can do it on MY schedule and not some gyms.
Home. I used to go to a gym, but I really didn't see any results.

I think either works as long as it's something you enjoy enough to do consistently. I just seem to click with Cathe. Her personality and workout style just keeps me motivated and challenged.


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