Just coming to Cathe from The Firm



I have been using The Firm exclusively since its Body Sculpting 1 System, which first came out @ 5 years ago.

I have reached a point where I feel I no longer need to lose any more weight, and am at a new fitness level where I am working on refining my body and really going for the super lean, super sculpted, "Hollywood" body. I'm thinking Cathe's workouts might be a better way to get there than the Firm workouts. Anyone agree or disagree?

Also, anyone else out there Firm users? Or Firm users who converted over to Cathe? I have not yet purchased a Cathe DVD because from the looks of the clips, I am frightened! The moves look very complcated and the workouts themselves rather advanced.
Don't be scared. I switched from the firm almost three years ago and haven't looked back. Honestly, I tried to do the firm after Cathe and couldn't stand to do them anymore. Not everyone has that reaction, but I did. My first Cathe was Basic Step/Body Fusion. Not a terribly advanced workout, but a good place to start (at least for me). It helped me get accustomed to true stepping-which the firm doesn't really do much of. Then I got HSTA which really reminded me alot of the firm workout-circuit type that alternates wts and cardio. I was in love and just kept on buying more. If you are wanting to build muscle you might look into the Gym Styles. Remember you can always modify to fit your needs ;) Good luck and hold on to your credit card :+ :+
Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

What I liked best about, and what has worked AMAZINGLY for me with the Firm is the combined aerobics+weight training all in one workout. Do any of the Cathe workouts combine? Or are they strictly cardio workouts or strictly sculpt workouts?
I use the transfirmer series but have never been real religious with it. I enjoy it, but Iam also thinking about switching to cathe.
I'm an "ex" Firmie!! I used The Firm religiously for a good long time. They got me started, their style was nothing to "sneeze" at, but after a while I needed something more. What Cathe has done for me (and my body!!!!) The Firm never could come close to doing. I still haven't parted with my 50-some Firm DVDs and videos... I keep thinking I might use them again someday... But so far I haven't!!
I was a Firmie for about 1.5 years before moving on to Cathe about 2.5-3 years ago. I started using the Firm work outs with the Body Sculpting 2 system and LOVED IT! I acquired several of their work outs over time and hung on to them for about a year after finding Cathe as I would still use them on occasion. There came a point though when I just STOPPED using them. I didn't like them as much and they didn't "do it" for me anymore so I sold off everything I had. Cathe blows the Firm away! The Firm is great for the intermediate crowd but Cathe is definately the go-to gal for the more advanced!:)

I definately suggest starting with Basic Step and Body Fusion. That's where I started and do not regret it one bit! Once you have mastered those work outs you will find the transition to her more difficult choreography MUCH MUCH easier!

Best of luck!:+
I think if you're looking to become more sculpted than lean then you need to work away from your comfort zone, not just in choosing Cathe but in choosing to separate your weights from cardio. I dont think AWT/Circuit type of workouts give you enough resistance training to truly get the results you are looking for. They are great for variety and great endurance cardio workouts but I'd recommend either the Gym Styles, the Pyramids or the Slow & Heavy series for your first purchase in addition to whatever circuit workout of Cathe's to use to supplement these.
"I dont think AWT/Circuit type of workouts give you enough resistance training to truly get the results you are looking for"

Interesting...beacuse that is what The Firm seems to advertize so much...that there wonderful AWT will "burn the fat 3x faster than cardio or weight lifting alone," etc. I did not realize that in order to go into "Hollywood body" mode, you needed to start separating things again. Do others also agree? Also, how does that factor into still being able to burn off that "final" fat to be sure the muscles builded can be seen?
Building muscle is all about lifting heavy wts. Your eating has to also be up to par so to speak. In order to build muscle you have to eat above maintenence calories. Muscles won't grow if you are dieting (usually). If it is burning fat you want to do that's a different story. Generally speaking, you can not burn fat and build muscle at the same time. An exception is someone new to exercise. Which it sounds as though you are not. Personally I don't know too many "Hollywood bodies" that I would want. Most of them to me (IMO) are "skinny fat" They are small but lack muscle and definition. There are a few that do have definition. So I have to agree with Stacy. If your goal is to gain muscle, then I would split your cardio and wts. Plus if you've been doing AWT for a while it's good to shake things up and "shock" your body ;)

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

Welcome to Cathe fitgoddess. I am a former Firmie but it was the older Firms. I never liked any of the newer stuff. Cathe is a lot tougher than most of even the older Firms. She has quite a variety of cardio, weights, kickboxing and most of her circuits (like the Firms) are awesome and great fun....you can't go wrong trying Cathe out...:)
Also, if you have fitv in your area you could get a taste of her w/outs. Fitv is where I "found" Cathe. They play her w/outs but they are edited. Still, it is a way to try out her style.
"the firm" is like the AOL of fitness, it caters to people that want a package deal and don't want to put a lot of thought into what they do have to do. there is NOTHING wrong with this.

its just cardio, weights and circuit training packaged with unnecessary proprietary gadgets like the "transfirmer" and proprietary moves that don't prepare you for the 80000 other GREAT instructors and dvds that are out there for you when you break out of the firm.

its the best thing in the world for beginners, got me into fitness and i still do some of the dvds, but getting away from it will open your world up to 10000 more interesting and difficult and more advanced instructors.
>"the firm" is like the AOL of fitness, it caters to people
>that want a package deal and don't want to put a lot of
>thought into what they do have to do. there is NOTHING wrong
>with this.
>its just cardio, weights and circuit training packaged with
>unnecessary proprietary gadgets like the "transfirmer" and
>proprietary moves that don't prepare you for the 80000 other
>GREAT instructors and dvds that are out there for you when you
>break out of the firm.
>its the best thing in the world for beginners, got me into
>fitness and i still do some of the dvds, but getting away from
>it will open your world up to 10000 more interesting and
>difficult and more advanced instructors.

I couldn't agree more!!

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

In some ways Cathe is like the Firm, she does more reps and higher weight. I came from The Firm too, I was looking for "more". Cathe delivers. Once in a while I'll go back to the Firm when I need a "light" workout. If that's where you want to be, then Cathe will get you there.

I "converted" to Cathe from the Firm in March. I followed the suggestions and started with Basic Step/Body Fusion, and that was when I learned that the choreography that is used in the Body Sculpting Systems wasn't quite the same as Cathe's step workouts, but they gave me a good foundation for learning new routines. I jumped right from Basic Step to Low Max (mainly due to its accessibility at my mall's Discovery Channel Store) and have bought up another seven or eight, including KPC/Legs & Glutes, Step Blast/Step, Jump, & Pump, Low Impact Circuit, and even the Terminator DVD, which is likely the most advanced I've ever tried. I still do some Firm (really like the Transfirmer series), but I, too, sold most of my DVDs because I stopped using them (and so I can afford more Cathe!). I even bought a club step although my Transfirmer was doing the job because I think it works better. I've found that my endurance has increased a great deal in the few months I've been working out with Cathe, and I'm hoping greater strength will follow. I think you can't go wrong here. Welcome!

I seems that converting from the FIRM to Cathe is a natural progression. One of which I embarked on over a year ago and haven't looked back! Actually, I should warn you off of Cathe only because you will most definitely become addicted like the rest of us!!! You will almost need to take a second job to fund the addiction!;-) }( :p :+ :7
I switched from the Firm (and Taebo) about 3 years ago to Cathe. I actually used the older firm tapes and didn't care for the newer firm tapes. Personally, I would never go back. For starters, I see better results with Cathe. Secondly, Cathe's personality is more empowering- she makes you want to do more even if you are tired. She provides a wide array of workouts depending upon your needs. Obviously, changing up your workouts will help shock your body and break you from your comfort zone. I switch rotations every month. I started off with some of Cathe's older videos and the Intensity Series, then I built upon that (I have almost all except for a few that I am saving up for). BTW, what do you mean by "Hollywood" body? Are you referring to Kristen Dunst, Carmen Electra, J. Lo, etc? You should definitely attain results that you are looking for according to your body type. Honestly, there are some celebs out there that could use Cathe- for strength training. We are all different, yet you can improve upon anything you have with proper diet, exercise, etc... How is your eating habits?
>its the best thing in the world for beginners, got me into
>fitness and i still do some of the dvds, but getting away from
>it will open your world up to 10000 more interesting and
>difficult and more advanced instructors.

I totally agree! After being a sporadic exerciser pretty much my whole life, I started slowly with Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds until I got bored. I then really liked the variety of the Firm - I think I had BSS1 and 2, and then the series that came after that. After about a year, it got pretty easy and heck, I couldn't see going higher than 15# dumbbells on my shoulders for those high leg presses. I started buying Cathe and was happy when I found that her high step workouts were similar enough to the Firm in terms of the circuit-style. It made me feel comfortable until I was ready to try new things.

With Cathe, you will push yourself harder than ever before and be so proud that you did! You'll feel like you can take on anything. I learned that there is ALWAYS something tougher out there, but with Cathe on my side, I know that there will be a learning curve, some hard days, and a sense of accomplishment at the end of it all.
Another old firmie here. I got started with the Firm 4-5 years ago and used it for about 2 years. I slowly stopped seeing results and was increasingly bored. About 3 years ago, I saw Cathe on Fit TV and decided to TIVO her. The first workout that came up was IMAX 2. I was literally blown away! I've never done another Firm tape since.:)

For me, the thing that has really leaned me out has been doing weight training (not in circuit form). Even my husband commented the other day that I look leaner. I know it's because I devote 2-3 days to weight training. I still incorporate circuits (probably 1 a week), because like Cathe, I think of them as more of a 'finishing' workout. They do burn lots of calories and I think they're fun, but you can't lift heavy doing a circuit.

It is scary to think of just doing a weight workout. I even had 'mental issues' about it. I felt like I was cheating or something. I would suggest getting a full body workout first (like Muscle Max, Power Hour, or Supersets - or even Jari Love's weight workout - I think it's called Slim and Lean) and adding it in once a week to prepare your body for weight training. After awhile, you may want to go up to 2ce a week (just not on consecutive days). You probably won't be able to lift as heavy as Cathe, but do what you can and write it down!

Once you feel comfortable doing full body, I would suggest branching out with some weight workouts like the Pyramids or Gym Style (my favorite). Try incorporating them in to a week rotation. The Pyramids are 2 workouts so you could do 2 non consecutive weight workouts (upper and lower body) with cardio in between. Or, you could do the Gym Styles. They are 3 workouts (2 upper body - 1 lower). You could also mix and match with Cathe's workouts. I believe her full body workouts have separate upper and lower body premixes (another wonderful feature of Cathe DVDs), so you could start doing that as well.

Another thing I would suggest is to keep track of your progress. I personally think the best way to do this is by measuring yourself. Another non-scale way to keep track is to take pictures of yourself, wearing the same outfit, in front of the same background. Keeping track of your progress is probably one of the best ways to stay motivated IMO. You may just me amazed at what weight lifting can do for your body.:)


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